2007年7月31日 星期二

'Mashups', haptics, ditty, application suite

'Mashups' Sew Data Together
Mashup technology is making inroads at more companies, providing an inexpensive and simple way to combine existing applications.

A mashup is a website or application that combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience.


Content used in mashups is typically sourced from a third party via a public interface or API, although some in the community believe that only cases where public interfaces are not used count as mashups. Other methods of sourcing content for mashups include Web feeds (e.g. RSS or Atom), web services and Screen scraping.
Many people are experimenting with mashups using Google, eBay, Amazon, AOL, Windows Live, and Yahoos APIs.


a lot of talk about Web 2.0, web mashups, Ajax, etc., which in my mind are all facets of the same phenomenon: that information and presentation are being separated in ways that allow for novel forms of reuse.

Using methods from the relatively new science of haptics -- that is, how the subjective perception of touch connects to objective surface properties of hair and other materials --.they have developed the first detailed microscopic analysis of what happens to individual hair fibers when they get tangled up and won't let go.

Can TamTam Teach the World to Play?
When OLPC's XO laptop starts up, its Linux-based user interface plays a four-note ditty, composed by the band U2, that stands for the letters O, L, P, and C – an indication of how important music is to the little green computer's mission.

application suite

Microsoft takes global view of its online business productivity suite
CNET News - San Francisco,CA,USA
by Dawn Kawamoto Microsoft announced Monday it was expanding its footprint of online services to businesses worldwide, adding to its efforts it began last ...

A group of items. Pronounced "sweet."
See application suite.

A group of programs that are sold as a package to solve common problems. Although there are suites for graphics, mathematics and other applications, the most popular are "office suites." Also known as "productivity suites," they are a set of basic business programs designed with a uniform user interface and common functions such as spell checking. The primary programs are word processing, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, database and e-mail, although each suite has its own mix, and a variety of other programs and utilities may also be included. Some of the programs may be for sale as individual products. See Microsoft OfficeWordPerfect OfficeLotus SmartSuiteStarOfficeOpenOffice.orgGoogle Apps and graphics suite.

noun [C]
a short simple song


(′hap·tiks) (computer science) The study of the use of touch in order to produce computer interfaces that will allow users to interact with digital objects by means of force feedback and tactile feedback.

The science that deals with the sense of touch.

frisk, capacity (POSITION) , stand pat, the faithful

新聞 (WSJ)
Bank of England Might Stand Pat on Rates
The slide in stocks makes it more likely the Bank of England will keep its key rate on hold at its meeting this week.

Three Arabian-style mosques, constructed in Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Lungkang 龍崗, have joined Taipei's two mosques in meeting the needs of Muslim faithful.


hc案 不知是否用 the needs of the (Muslim) faithful比較好

Can He Take a Frisk? 
Barack Obama knows that he is left with one final roll of the dice. So, he sets up a secret meeting with Bill Clinton.

capacity (POSITION)
noun [S] FORMAL
a particular position or job:
In his capacity as secretary of the residents association, he regularly attends meetings of the community policing committee.
She was speaking in her capacity as a novelist, rather than as a television presenter.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

verb [T]
to use your hands to search someone's body when they are wearing clothes for hidden illegal objects or weapons:
We were all frisked at the airport.

the faithful plural noun
the followers of a particular religion:
We heard bells calling the faithful to prayer.


━━ a. 誠実な ((to, in)); 信頼できる; 貞節な; 正確な ((to)).
━━ n. (the ~) ((複数扱い)) 信者たち; 熱心な信奉者[支持者].
faith・ful・ly ad. 忠実に; 正確に.
faith・ful・ness n. 忠実(であること); 貞淑; 正確さ.

stand pat
Refuse to change one's position or opinion, as in We're going to stand pat on this amendment to the bylaws. This expression may be derived from the verb pat in the sense of "strike firmly and accurately." [Late 1800s]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms

2007年7月28日 星期六

Drunken Driving and Drunken-Flying


Driving under the influence of alcohol, drunk driving, drinking and driving (American English), or drink-driving (Australian, Irish, British or New Zealand English),

a drunk driver

Drunken driving sensors ()飲酒運転防止装置

NASA Opens Inquiry Into Drunken-Flying Reports
Officials say they have asked NASA’s safety chief to interview astronauts, flight surgeons and others to determine whether the agency has an alcohol problem.

4月に飲酒運転で交通事故死したカージナルスのジョシュ・ハンコック投手(享年29)の父ディーン・ハンコック氏が24日(日本時間25日)、酒類を提供したレストランや衝突したレッカー車の会社などを相手に訴訟を起こした。レストランは元カージナルス選手で現在 ...

2007年7月27日 星期五

road maps for reform and turnaround

road map

road map

  1. map, especially one for motorists, showing and designating the roads of a region.(駕車旅行者用的)公路圖
  2. A set of guidelines, instructions, or explanations:wrote an ethics code as a road map for the behavior of elected officials.準則;指示;說明
  3. Aplan, e.g.
    1. Road map for peace, to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    2. Technology roadmap, a management forecasting tool

To view our road map for Pb-free and RoHS compliant products, please go to:

RoHS:歐盟危害物質限用指令(Restriction o f Hazardous Substance )

Road Map for Turnaround (Ford)


"With Vision Strategist, we can create multi-dimensional views of roadmaps that set our expectations for the minimum set of information needed to make better decisions."

Road Map for Turnaround (Ford)

The new management plan is a golden opportunity for NHK to draw up a road map of reform and start afresh. Before politicians or government officials start meddling, NHK needs to embark on its own bold reform vision. In the absence of such efforts, the organization will never gain the status of "everyone's NHK."

--The Asahi Shimbun, July 27(IHT/Asahi: July 28,2007)

2007年7月26日 星期四

theories on what makes a great leader

這是MITSloan Management Review 廣告

SloanSelect: Six New and Classic Leadership Articles

Dear hanching,

We've just updated our most popular article collection, the SloanSelect Leadership Collection, with the best new thinking on guiding people and organizations.

As always, MIT SMR content melds the most current theories on what makes a great leader with real-world research into, and practical applications of, those theories.

2007年7月25日 星期三

coffee table and coffee-table book 之翻譯和對應

茶几 與 "茶卓"與 coffee table

「茶几」解釋一種放置茶具的小桌。等於日本的 “tea table 茶卓.”

大陸現在稱的「沙发和茶几的巧妙搭配」之「茶几」,為西方約1868年才有之coffee table ( 居間用の低い小型テーブル.)

The noun cocktail table has one meaning:

Meaning #1: low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served
Synonym: coffee table


coffee-table book 大型の豪華本.
The noun coffee-table book has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a elaborate oversize book suitable for displaying on a coffee table

flinch and flinching

verb [I]
to make a sudden small movement because of pain or fear:
He didn't even flinch when the nurse cleaned the wound.

flinch from sth/doing sth phrasal verb
to avoid doing something that you consider unpleasant or painful:
We must not flinch from difficult decisions.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

  1. 畏懼;退縮[(+from)]

You mustn't flinch from a difficulty.


She didn't flinch once when the doctor was cleaning the wound.


flinching QC)專門用語(應該是 J. M. Juran 先提出)

DHsu to HC,, flinching有無適當的中譯?

文章: Flinching
連結: http://xquality.blogspot.com/2007/07/flinching.html

另外一家供應商,每隔四個小時記錄了某射出成形機的堆乾燥溫度,之後就將其歸檔放進辦公櫃。因為這些讀值都在規格之內( 然太多點正巧落在接近規格上限,表明可能有人因畏懼而採人為操控數據作法 flinching) ,所以並未採取任何措施。我將大約60天的數據以I-MR 圖畫出它們,如下所示。此等數據清楚地表示,在第53數據點附近,溫度向上偏移了。沒人知道關於溫度上的變化。沒人能確認是否更高的溫度會使該零組件更 好。(不過)大家同意溫度更高會導致更高的能源費用。務必將數據作圖。並務必採取行動。"

大陸的蒲倫昌先生主編的"質量管理辭典"將它翻譯為 "檢驗員縮小問題" (......對少量不合規格產品測量結果弄虛作假的傾向" (p.92)

All The News That's Fit To Print



我對這份報紙的(買報)貢獻,絕無僅有(倫敦的The Times倒是有一些)。1997年在網路看到它的第一版(其他要付費)。數年之後它決定免費開放閱讀,我就變節(之前我是LATIMES忠實讀者)。

因為哈哈 去年 我的大名竟然出現在 紐約時報雜誌上 談外交術語

特別參考Wikipedia article "The New York Times". 和新聞簡介這大報:

社銘(motto slogan 參考如下):

"All The News That's Fit To Print"



類似的精神發揚到關係企業 所以它的古典音樂電台WQSR的Slogan為:
""All The Music That's Fits To Play"

漲價通知: The New York Times: "all the news that's fit to print" will cost more starting July 16 (story) 售價 USD 1.00 1.25】週一至週六;USD 3.50 週日【4.0周日版發行168萬份】;USD 3.50/5.00 特別版本


The New York Times was acquired by Adolph Ochs, publisher of The Chattanooga Times, in 1896. In 1897, he coined the paper's celebrated slogan, "All The News That's Fit To Print," widely interpreted as a jab at competing papers in New York City (the New York World and the New York Journal American) that were known for lurid yellow journalism.


2007年7月23日 星期一

mean, Mc·Job


  1. mean 20世紀上半葉(1920)美國的 Slang. 用法還表示Excellent; skillful: She plays a mean game of bridge.

n. Slang.
A job, usually in the retail or service sector, that is low paying, often temporary, and offers minimal or no benefits or opportunity for promotion.
[Mc(Donald's), trademark of a fast-food restaurant chain (from its mass-produced nature) + JOB1.]

2007年7月22日 星期日

graffiti, latticework, fretwork, corned beef

Backjumps Festival Turns Berlin's Streets Into A 3-D Magazine

Graffiti has come a long way since the spray can and the Brooklyn hip hop scene. These days it's morphed into the catch-all genre of "street art", where artists from all over the world stencil, sticker and install sculptures in public spaces. Celebrating this artistic diversity is a Berlin-based exhibition called "Backjumps, The Live Issue". It initially began as an underground graffiti magazine about hip hop and aerosol culture. But then five years ago, its founder and curator Adrian Nabi, decided he wanted to take the concept further by turning Berlin into a 3-dimensional magazine. Backjumps now features all kinds of street art, exhibited in different venues around Germany's capital.

Corned beef is a cut of beef (usually brisket, but sometimes round or silverside) cured or pickled in a seasoned brine. The "corn" in "corned beef" refers to the "corn" or grains of coarse salts used to cure it. The Oxford English Dictionary dates the usage of "corn," meaning "small hard particle, a grain, as of sand or salt," to 888, and the term "corned beef" to 1621.[1] The term "corned beef" can denote different styles of brine-cured beef, depending on the region. Some, like American-style corned beef, are highly seasoned and often considered delicatessen fare. In Britain, corned beef is usually bought at the delicatessen, or may be in chilled packs or can be found in trapezoid cans, imported from South America.

But Mr. Obama proposes to charge ahead, asserting that extensive government support is needed to preserve and create jobs while building the latticework of a 21st century economy.

Meaning #1: framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal
Synonyms: latticefretwork
lattice Show phonetics
noun [C] (ALSO latticework)
a structure made from strips of wood or other material which cross over each other with spaces between

fretwork Show phonetics
noun [U]
decorative open patterns especially cut out of wood or metal or made in embroidery

corned beef Show phonetics
noun [U]
cooked beef which has been preserved in salty water and spices, and which is often sold in tins (= metal containers)


━━ vt. (肉を)塩づけにする.
 corned ━━ a. 塩漬けの.
 corn(ed) beef コンビーフ.

這backjumps 應該是德文或德製英文(Shorter OED沒收)
backjumping 是搜索運算法

Graffiti 是塗鴨(隨意的亂塗亂寫。【在電腦塗鴉板中隨意寫字、畫圖的動作。塗鴉板往往是一個簡單的繪圖程式。】)
from Italian
This word originated in Italy
In ancient Rome, when you had a written message for the public, you scratched it on a wall. What else could you do? You didn't have a fax machine, a photocopier, or the World Wide Web. You couldn't even take out an ad in a newspaper.
The walls of Pompeii, preserved for two thousand years under volcanic ash, are marked with numerous examples of this Roman custom. Here are some translated graffiti:
• Successus was here.
• Gaius Julius Primigenius was here. Why are you late?
• Lovers, like bees, lead a honey-sweet life.
• I don't want to sell my husband.
• Burglar, watch out!
• Someone at whose table I do not dine, Lucius Istacidius, is a barbarian to me.
• The fruit sellers ask you to elect Marcus Holconius Priscus as aedile.
• I am amazed, o wall, that you have not collapsed and fallen, since you must bear the tedious stupidities of so many scrawlers.

2007年7月21日 星期六

Playskool Sippy Cups 的描述:spout, trim, aqua, tip,


下例中,我們會碰到文末的單位、 功能和顏色等等的難題

Recall of Playskool Sippy Cups; Poses Choking Hazard

分類:CPSC Recalls
2007/07/21 09:19

CVS/pharmacy Announces Recall of Playskool Sippy Cups; Poses Choking Hazard To Young Children

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Playskool Toddler “NoSpill” Sippy Cups
Units: About 84,000
Importer: CVS/pharmacy, of Woonsocket, R.I.
Hazard: Young children can chew through the plastic spout of the sippy cup, which can pose a choking hazard.
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received 36 reports of toddlers chewing through the plastic spout of the sippy cup, resulting in one choking incident and three near-choking incidents. No injuries have been reported.

Description: This recall involves the Playskool Toddler “NoSpill” Sippy Cup. The 8-ounce cup is clear plastic with red trim, red and yellow handles, and a yellow tip; blue trim, blue and green handles and a green tip; or purple trim, purple and aqua handles, and an aqua tip. The serial number of the recalled cups is 382814, which appears on the back of the packaging.
要了解標點";" (分號)表示跳到另外一圖
Sold by: CVS stores nationwide from September 2006 through April 2007 for about $5.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should stop their children from using the cup immediately and return it to any CVS store for a refund, or throw the product away and bring a proof of purchase of the product to any CVS store for a refund.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact CVS/pharmacy toll-free at (866) 434-0098 between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, visit CVS/pharmacy’s Web site at www.cvs.com, or e-mail the company at playskoolinfo@cvs.com


讀這篇 我們可以由看圖和說明來學習許多英文單字的實際應用

· 噴口;(茶壺等的)嘴
This teapot's got a broken spout.
spout (OPENING) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a tube-shaped opening which allows liquids to be poured out of a container

noun [C or U] (ALSO trim)
(a piece of) decorative material added around the edge of something:
I want a plain black jumper with no fancy trimmings.
I wore my red jacket with the black trim.

aqua 淺綠色,水綠色 --Yahoo 辭典此翻譯有問題
應是"藍中帶點綠" :
noun [U]
1 UK SPECIALIZED water, when it is used in make-up and beauty products

2 US a greenish-blue colour

tip 頂端;尖端

fluid ounce

fluid ounce
n. (Abbr. fl. oz.)
  1. A unit of volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to 29.57 milliliters (1.804 cubic inches).
  2. A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in liquid and dry measure, equal to 28.41 milliliters (1.734 cubic inches).

2007年7月20日 星期五

The Goldilocks phenomenon

“……匯豐(HSBC)英國經濟學家卡倫•沃德(Karen Ward)表示,可用勞動力的增長“正是(英國央行(Bank of England))行長所要求的”。她將當前的趨勢描述為“金髮勞動力市場”(Goldilocks labour market)——一切都“剛剛好”,年長者和移民數量的增加滿足了對工人需求的增長。……”RECORD NUMBERS WORK PAST PENSION AGE By Andrew Taylor, Employment Correspondent Friday, July 20, 2007 (FT)

【原文 She described current trends as a “Goldilocks labour market” where everything was “just right” with rising demand for workers being met by increasing numbers of older people and migrants.

這GOLDILOCKS 翻譯有問題,應參考:這是標準的文化落差( 原出自著名的童話故事)
The Goldilocks phenomenon, something being just right, not too big or hot or small or cold, a concept used in astronomy and economics.】

The "Goldilocks phenomenon" refers to the necessity that planetary conditions such as size or temperature be "just right" in order to sustain life.

The term derives from the story of Goldilocks, who preferred porridge which was "not too hot, and not too cold".

2007年7月19日 星期四

PowerPoint, power point

PowerPoint 商標 推薦文章 從PowerPoint談起

power point UK noun [C] (US electrical outlet)
a device to which an item of electrical equipment can be connected in order to provide it with electricity

shaver point UK noun [C] (US shaver outlet)
a socket (= electrical opening in a wall), often in a bathroom, which is used to connect an electric razor to a supply of electricity

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

bra (1936) 'Bra wars' (2005/2007) 雙重監督

( bra (1936)
noun [C] (FORMAL brassiere (1909))
a piece of women's underwear that supports the breasts )

'Bra wars' overshadows EU-China summit

EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson is attempting to end a dispute over Chinese textiles stranded in European ports.
Pressure is on to end the row before UK Prime Minister Tony Blair chairs an EU-China summit. Fergal Parkinson reports.




























下文的 The Chinese Diaspora 數十年前唐君毅翻譯成"中華兒女 花果飄零" (記憶猶新 不見得可靠)

noun [U] FORMAL
the spreading of people from one original country to other countries

the Diaspora group noun [U]
the Jews living in different parts of the world outside Israel, or the various places outside Israel in which they live

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)



這次大都會博物館(Metropolitan Museum of Art)特展主題「腳踏東西文化的華裔作家林語堂」(Bridging East and West:The Chinese Diaspora and Lin Yutang),展期自今年9月15日至2008年2月10日。展出期間除書畫展示和介紹,也舉辦配合特展主題的相關活動,並將林語堂生平及所展出文物編印成冊,供參觀者購買收藏。

hop 酒花

hop 酒花(啤酒用)
━━ n. ホップ; (pl.) その実 ((ビールに苦味をつける)); 〔俗〕 麻薬, アヘン.
━━ v. (-pp-) ホップの実をつむ; ホップで風味をつける; 〔俗〕 麻薬を飲ませる; (エンジン出力を)強化する.
hop・head 〔俗〕 麻薬患者.
hopped-up ━━ a. 〔米俗〕 (麻薬で)酔いしれた; (エンジンが)パワーアップされた.
hop・per2 ━━ n. ホップを摘む人[機械].
hop picker =hopper2.
hop pole (つるをからませるための)ホップの支柱.

德中经济 | 2007.07.18
中国人民喝啤酒 酒花价格全球抖
Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 去年人均啤酒消费量德国为116升,中国为25升



据该报告统计,去年全球啤酒生产量比上年增长6%,达1700亿升,增长量为100亿升,其中近一半(45亿升)是在中国实现的。该公司总经理巴特 (Stephan Barth)在新闻发布会上表示,就啤酒消费而言,中国还大有发展潜力。他说:“2006年,中国人均啤酒消费量是25升。与此相比,德国是116升。”



据该报告统计,德国仅有3家啤酒集团跻身全球40强行列,它们分别是拉德贝尔格(Radeberger,第23名;2005年位居第20名)、碧特博格 (Bitburger,又称比特堡,第33名;2005年位居第30名)、澳汀格(Oettinger,第34名;2005年位居第33名)。


除消费增长外,目前酒花价格的上涨也和德国作为世界上最大酒花生产国近10年来酒花种植面积减少20%多的情况不无关系。巴特解释说,多年来啤酒酿制行业渐渐放弃了过去的预购方式采购酒花,而更多地采取短期采购方式,拉低了酒花价格,迫使许多酒花农放弃种植,情愿申请政府的退耕还草奖金。目前,德国的酒花种植面积保持在17170公顷的水平。巴特说:“啤酒酿制业现在显然意识到了时代发展潮流,已经和德国主要种植区的酒花农签订了预购合同,将2007年和 2008年的酒花收成采购一空。”酒花紧缺,必定造成价格上涨,只不过,酒花价格在啤酒价格中仅占大约1%的份量。


约翰· 巴特父子有限公司录属国际巴特-哈斯酒花集团(Barth-Haas Group),是该集团旗下最大的子公司。这家集团加工、销售世界上三分之一的酒花,其产品从传统酒花颗粒到酒花制品,还有其它适于制啤的各种专业香油和香精等,范围广泛。中国的新疆绿宝酒花有限公司也录属该集团旗下。

purported copies of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Scholastic filed suit after purported copies of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" turned up despite extraordinary security measures.

(purport (CLAIM)
verb [+ to infinitive] FORMAL
to pretend to be or to do something, especially in a way that is not easy to believe:
They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.
The study purports to show an increase in the incidence of the disease.
The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
━━ n. 意味, 主意, 意図 ((of)).
━━ vt. …と称する, 主張する ((to do)); 意味する, 主意とする.
pur・port・ed・ly ━━ ad. 言われるところによれば.)

Mischief Unmanaged
Carefully Plotted Logistics
To Deliver Final Harry Potter
Fail to Dispel Rash of Leaks

━━ n. 【医】(単数形で) 発疹(はっしん), 吹出物; (事件などの)多発.
a rash of sth a large number of unpleasant events of the same type:
There has been a rash of robberies/accidents/complaints in the last two months.)

July 19, 2007; Page B1

Scholastic Corp. needs Hermione's fabled Time Turner device.

The publisher would dearly love to go back and prevent the premature distribution of as many as 1,200 copies of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in the U.S. as well as the apparent leak online of a copy of the book.

Despite extraordinary security measures, purported Potters were turning up all over yesterday. One version allegedly delivered early sold for $250 on eBay. At least one was delivered to a home in Maryland, and the Baltimore Sun posted a brief review of the book online yesterday afternoon, though it didn't explain how it obtained its copy.

[Discuss Harry Potter]
• Scholastic's lawsuit and contracts
• Scholastic's statement
• Potter Notebook: A Curious Muggle's Confession
• Harry Potter Guide: Books, films, sales, reviews

It seemed to be going so well. Over the span of the seven-book series, as the Harry Potter books have exploded in popularity, retailers have grown increasingly sophisticated in getting them into the hands of eager readers not a minute before their release time.

Barnes & Noble Inc., the nation's largest book retailer, for instance, uses an algorithm to help ensure that the more than 500,000 copies it ships out to individual buyers arrive on the appointed day. The retailer received more than 1.3 million pre-orders for the book, but many of those will be picked up at its stores by customers.

Copies of "Deathly Hallows" began arriving at the retailer's two major warehouses several weeks ago. There, they are separated by zip code and shipped out using a complex mathematical formula to compute exactly how long it takes to deliver a book to a specific neighborhood. "We have all this built in to our system," says Marie J. Toulantis, CEO of Barnes&Noble.com. "We know, depending on the shipper and zip code, exactly how long it will take to get the book to a customer's home on time."

But such clockwork accuracy appears to be lacking at some other companies.

The Baltimore Sun reported yesterday that a man in Maryland had received a copy early from online retailer DeepDiscount.com, mailed from the retailer's warehouses in Chicago. Rob Broggi, director of merchandising at DeepDiscount.com, described the event to the Sun as a "freak accident" and said the matter was being investigated. (Baltimore Sun's site)
[Harry Potter featured on the Baltimore Sun site]
Harry Potter featured on the Baltimore Sun site

Scholastic believes that DeepDiscount.com and its supplier, Chas. Levy Co.'s Levy Home Entertainment distribution arm, violated their contractual obligations to ensure that "Deathly Hallows" went on sale no sooner than one minute after midnight on Saturday. In a suit filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Ill., Scholastic alleged that Infinity Resources Inc., doing business as DeepDiscount.com, shipped "Deathly Hallows" as much as a week "before the contractually permitted shipping date." (Text of the suit)

This could explain how some readers are getting early copies. Despite its security efforts, Scholastic lost control during the virtual last leg of the process -- the distance between retailer and consumer.

"This isn't just one copy that got out by accident," says Kyle Good, a spokeswoman for Scholastic, which estimated that the number of copies shipped is around "one one-hundredth of one percent" of the total U.S. copies. Ms. Good added that the number could be considerably less. (Text of Scholastic's statement)

"We're asking for damages but can't yet quantify them," says Lisa Holton, president of Scholastic Trade and Book Fairs.

Neither Levy Home Entertainment nor DeepDiscount.com would comment.

As for the book auctioned on eBay, Kim Ruby, a spokeswoman for eBay Inc., said that "this transaction abided by the policies at eBay," but they were looking into it further. Ms. Ruby added that "there is no way for us to verify," whether the book is real or not.

Many fans are upset. Melissa Anelli, who owns The Leaky Cauldron, a popular Harry Potter Web site (www.the-leaky-cauldron.org), said that her site is being flooded with emails from concerned readers. "I can't believe the intensity of some people's desire to ruin it for other people," she says.
Amazon.com employees pack copies of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'; inset, a close-up of the writing on the book boxes from Scholastic

Book sellers were instructed by Scholastic to keep tight-lipped about the logistics of shipping the highly coveted book. Kim Sutton, the brand-marketing coordinator with Powell's Books, an independent bookstore and online retailer based in Portland, Ore., said that her company can't even disclose where the books are warehoused. "People might know where the books are and access them and leak them," she said.

Scholastic offered Powell's Books two options for shipping the book -- either agree to use FedEx Corp. to distribute the books in time for the Saturday release, or wait and use any carrier they chose to deliver the book after the release date. The latter option would have meant that some of Powell's customers wouldn't be able to get a copy until a week after its release date. Powell's agreed to let FedEx handle the shipping. "FedEx is ultimately responsible for the routing of the books so that they arrive on the exact day," Ms. Sutton said.

Carla Boyd, a spokeswoman for FedEx, wouldn't confirm the company's agreement with Powell's and Scholastic, saying that the company doesn't comment on their business partners' practices. The company's FedEx Freight unit expects to deliver 2.7 million books to bookstores across the country. Ms. Boyd said the company is using a variety of safeguards to ensure that the books aren't stolen or shipped ahead of Saturday's release, including placing the books in unmarked boxes, using cameras to record the books, and having an internal security force that accompanies the books every step of the way.

Those familiar with the direct-mail business weren't shocked that some customers have gotten early copies, but said some would be upset. "This is a big oops," says Denny Hatch, who writes an enewsletter called BusinessCommonSense.com. John Schulte, president of Minneapolis-based National Mail Order Association, a professional organization of people involved in direct marketing, says mistakes happen. "Everything is run by humans, and if somebody typed in the wrong ship date, then you have a problem," he says.

Even the author seems unhappy. In a posting yesterday on her Web site, jkrowling.com, Ms. Rowling wrote: "We are almost there! As launch night looms, let's all, please, ignore the misinformation popping up on the web and in the press on the plot of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'd like to ask everyone who calls themselves a Potter fan to help preserve the secrecy of the plot for all those who are looking forward to reading the book at the same time on publication day. In a very short time you will know EVERYTHING!"

Meanwhile, Scholastic continued to "actively pursue the people involved" in placing what are purported to be photographed pages of the book online. In a sign that any publicity may be good publicity, Ms. Good said that "several said their reservations for their Harry Potter parties are spiking, and they are concerned about having enough books."

Write to Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg at jeffrey.trachtenberg@wsj.com and Joseph De Avila at joseph.deavila@wsj.com

2007年7月18日 星期三

coffee-maker, coffeehouse, coffee bar

coffee-maker, coffeehouse, coffee bar

Atico International USA Recalls Coffeemakers Due to An Electrical Failure (made in China)
查不出coffee-maker或 coffeemaker開始使用的年份,不過倒可以知道美國1956年才大量用coffee bar這字眼,更可以知道英國從17世紀開始、18世紀著名的文人聚會的coffeehouse簡史。


The noun coffeehouse has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold
Synonyms: cafe, coffee shop, coffee bar

enquête or opinion poll

survey 在日本採用法語 enquête

アンケート 【(フランス) enquête 】〔調査・質問の意〕

三省堂提供「デイリー 新語辞典」




enquête f 1. (étude) ~ sur qc survey on sth 2. (sondage d'opinions) survey 3. ADMIN, JUR inquiry; ouvrir une ~ to open an inquiry

(from Dictionnaire Cambridge Klett Compact)

即意見調查 Opinion poll

2007年7月17日 星期二

Order of Brilliant Star 景星勳章

......狄寶賽先生的女兒Indira和Lee-Tai也應邀致詞。Indira指出,美援是一段曾經與自己以及臺灣人的生活有所交會的歷史,面對經過極大的努力所重現的這一切,雖然為其父母因年邁與身體狀況而不克親自前來感到遺憾,卻也因能夠代表其父母出席而深感榮耀。狄寶賽夫婦透過Lee-Tai帶來的致詞中,充滿對過去在臺灣生活的喜愛以及對在臺灣所結交的朋友的懷念。狄寶賽夫婦對於睽違臺灣多年後,臺灣大學圖書館能夠製作一部記錄狄寶賽先生在臺灣九年間的主要工作之歷史紀錄片,有很深的感動和感激。狄寶賽夫婦道出他們當年與能幹又具有奉獻心的工程師、企業家、政府官員共同工作,對於任何成果,從未曾試圖居功,但是 此時獲得肯定與讚賞,也不諱言他們的感激和喜悅之心情。(狄寶賽先生夫婦的致詞由狄寶賽夫人起草,全文及中文翻譯見本文末)


It seems quite miraculous, and at the same time, quite fitting that Taiwan once again is playing a very important part in our lives. The most exciting, rewarding, and happy years of our early married life were the nine years we lived in Taiwan, and now, most unexpectedly, in our old age the most exciting and gratifying events in our lives are thanks to new contacts with people in Taiwan. We are so very grateful to Mr. Lin Pen-Yen for discovering Mr. de Beausset's role in the development of Taiwan, visiting us in Michigan 3 times and writing his book "V. S. de Beausset's Order of the Brilliant Star." We are, also, more grateful than we can say for the National Taiwan University Library's appreciation of Val de Beausset's archives, movie films, photographs, slides and dairies of those exciting nine years. It is as though the Taiwan experience has come full circle—and just in time to give both of us a great deal of joy in our old age.

The documentary film that the library has made of Val's work is wonderful. We are very impressed with the technological skills with which movie films, slides and photos were blended together into a smooth story. The interviews with people today and the pictures of factories Val helped get started as they are today are very interesting. A great deal of work has gone into this documentary. We are very pleased and grateful.

Val's method of working was to stay behind the scenes. He never tried to take credit for any work he did with very capable and dedicated Chinese engineers, businessmen and government officials, but there is no denying, his gratification and deep pleasure, to have this recognition and appreciation of his work.

We thank the National Taiwan University for inviting our two eldest daughters to represent us at the Premier Showing of this documentary. It is truly thrilling for all of us.

We have lived and worked in seven countries and enjoyed them all, but if anyone asks us where we most enjoyed living and working it takes us not a second to answer "Taiwan." We made friends here who remained dear and close friends for life. Now we have made new friends in Taiwan to whom we are extremely grateful. Thank you so much.

I find it hard to put into words what we feel for all the work the National Taiwan University Library has done on this documentary film. We also wish to thank Mr. Lin for being the catalyst that brought this all about.

Many thanks to you all.

Val and Connie de Beausset

很奇妙、也可說再適巧不過地,臺灣再一次成為我們人生中重要的一部分。我們結婚早年,最感到興奮和快樂的日子是在臺灣渡過的9年。而現在,很不期然地,在我們的晚年,我們能夠面對這樣讓我們非常感動與溫馨的場面,這都要感謝我們能夠再度和臺灣的人們有了新的聯繫。我們非常感謝林炳炎先生,他發現狄寶賽先生在臺灣發展過程中所扮演的角色,三度到密西根州造訪我們,寫了"V. S. de Beausset's Order of the Brilliant Star"。我們也十分感謝國立臺灣大學圖書館肯定狄寶賽典藏的有關在臺灣的9年期間的資料、影帶、照片、幻燈片、日記等的重要性。彷彿臺灣經驗就這樣被完整兜攏,而且及時地在我們的晚年給予我們極大的喜悅。







這本書在2004年界就出版《保衛大台灣的美援(1949~1957)》=《V.S. de Beausset’s Order of Brilliant Star》

Order of the Brilliant Star
Order of Brilliant Star 景星勳章.


「雖由西班牙第一美女潘妮洛普.克魯茲(Penelope Cruz)主演,但看過《玩美女人》,您可能還是很難把片名跟電影情節聯想在一起。事實上,《玩美女人》西班牙文片名《Volver》是回歸之意,相信在看完電影後,原片名會給您更多共鳴。」

volver irr I vi 1. (dar la vuelta) to go back; ~ atrás to turn back 2. (regresar) to return; ~ a casa to go home; al ~ a casa me acosté when I got home I went to bed; al ~ compra el pan buy the bread on the way back; al ~ me llamó he/she called me when he/she got back; 還有許多許多

(from Diccionario Cambridge Klett Compact)

2007年7月16日 星期一

Alpha & Omega

alpha and omega
The beginning and the end, the first and the last, as in She had to master the alpha and omega of the new computer program before she could even begin.

比喻最重要部分的 The most important part.

Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and thus refer to the eternal nature of Christ.
Rev. 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." (NIV)

Season: Advent, Ascension Sunday



Alpha and Omega(Gr.):始和終;原始與終結;阿耳法和敖默加:為希臘字母表之首尾兩字母「Α」和「Ω」;教會以此兩字母來代表天主,因祂是一切世物的起始與終結(默一8),聖史若望並用以指稱基督(默廿二13)。

Alpha Mu Omega
These letters are the initials for the Greeks words for "yesterday, today and forever," emphasizing not only Jesus' eternal nature, but His presence with us.
Hebr. 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (NIV)
耶穌基督昨天、今天、直到永遠,常是一 樣。

2007年7月15日 星期日

road warrior, get your work done on the go.

For the ultimate road warrior, the 3G-enabled AT&T 8525 provides the speed, the power, and the productivity tools to get your work done on the go.

road warrior
n. Informal.
A person who travels frequently, especially on business.

on the go
1 very busy:
I've been on the go all day and I'm really tired.

2 UK in the process of being produced:
Did you know that she's got a new book on the go (= being written).

noun [C] UK
a person who argues against and tries to stop activities which damage the environment

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2007年7月14日 星期六

corporate kleptocracy

kleptocracy 為利用種種假公濟私式治理來竊國
klep•toc•ra•cy (klĕp-tŏk'rə-sē)
n., pl. -cies.
A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption.
[Greek kleptein, to steal + –CRACY.]

corporate kleptocracy

由於上市公司也是股東等的公器,所以像C. Black等最高管理者假各種企業購買契約中的”非競爭”等條款而貪污等,就被冠上這種罪名(他又企圖毀證物等妨礙司法審判,罪加一等)。

It is striking, then, that Mr. Black’s conviction in a criminal trial in Chicago yesterday came down to a mere $2.9 million he is accused of siphoning from the company he used to run directly — a far cry from the “corporate kleptocracy” that one former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman accused Mr. Black of running.

他才從直接管理的公司吸金(siphoning from the company)2百90萬美元,這樣証交所就稱為「公司竊盜」,似乎過份點(因為他的薪酬遠高於此)。

rewarding and better diplomatic standing

South Korea sends first shipment of oil

South Korea has sent the first installment of oil-aid to its northern neighbour as part of a six-party agreement aimed at shutting down North Korea's nuclear program. The 6,200-ton shipment of fuel due to arrive on Saturday is the first step in rewarding Pyongyang for closing down its Yongbyon nuclear reactor. In all, South Korea is to provide 50,000 tons of the much-needed commodity. International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors are due to arrive in North Korea this weekend to monitor the reactor shut-down. Talks among the two Koreas, China, Japan, Russia and the United States on ending North Korea's nuclear arms programme in exchange for an additional 950,000 tonnes of oil aid and better diplomatic standing are likely to resume next week.

noun [C]
1 something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc:
There's a reward for whoever finishes first.
The rewards of motherhood outweigh the anguish.

2 an amount of money given to someone who helps the police or who helps to return stolen property to its owner:
The police offered a reward for any information about the robbery.

verb [T]
to give someone a reward:
The company rewarded him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents.
SLIGHTLY FORMAL All his hard work was rewarded (= was made worth it) when he saw his book in print.
FORMAL He rewarded their kindness with hostility and contempt.

giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well:
Is it a rewarding job?
Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity.

standing (REPUTATION)
noun [U]
reputation, rank or position in an area of activity, system or organization:
As a pathologist of considerable standing, his opinion will have a lot of influence.
A financial scandal would shake the Institute's standing in the international academic community.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

GE’s final terms and conditions

General Electric will not go through with a deal to buy two Abbott Laboratories diagnostic units for $8.1 billion in cash, the two companies said Wednesday without specifying reasons, except to say that they had failed to agree on final terms and conditions.

(pl.) 約定; 要求額, 値段;
状況, 事情, 形勢; 条件




2007年7月13日 星期五

godfather, nuclear, nucleae/extended family



. on Page 69:
" ... its own powerful defence systems, its own supposedly independent nuclear weaponry, its own sterling area, and its private strategic, trading ... "
2. on Page 74:
" ... university young could turn their energies to new crusades. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the later fifties owed much to the idealism of the middle-class young"
3. on Page 75:
" ... 50 miles away, April 1958. This marked the beginnings of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament"
4. on Page 79:
" ... reserves in the North Sea, and of North Sea natural gas also. With nuclear power stations and hydro-electric schemes"

nuclear family noun [C] SPECIALIZED
a family consisting of two parents and their children, but not including aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.

extended family group noun [C usually singular]
a family unit which includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children

noun [C]
1 a male godparent

2 the leader of a criminal group, especially a mafia family

3. 教師。老子˙第四十二章:人之所教,我亦教之。強梁者不得其死,吾將以為教父。
One that has a relationship to another person or to something that is the equivalent of being a baptismal sponsor: the godfather of a new generation of nuclear physicists.

chief executive 、CEO、CXO

chief executive noun [C usually singular] 或
chief executive officer noun [C] (ABBREVIATION CEO)
日本:chief executive officer 最高経営責任者 ((略 CEO)).
the person with the most important position in a company:
She's the chief executive of one of the country's largest charities.

the Chief Executive noun [S] US
the president of the United States
Chief Executive 〔米〕 (the ~) 大統領; (the c- e-) 州知事, 行政長官; =chief executive officer.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)等

現在公司長官也流行採用”chief X officer.”方式
X= 任何重要職能,如COO,O為 operations;CFO,F為 Finance;CIO,I為 Information…….

2007年7月12日 星期四


Broken China
Beijing can't clean up the environment, rein in stock speculation, or police its companies. Why the mainland's problems could keep it from becoming the next superpower

這國際事務「超級強權」(superpower)是1944年新字眼。以前多指美國和蘇聯。許多美國人認為中國現在處於"一切向錢看"的私利主導之社會 問題多多......

avid, newswire

Sony and Microsoft outlined plans to boost videogame-console sales by courting avid players.

Sony and Microsoft 都針對發燒友擬定提升其電玩機的銷售計畫大綱。

newswire 竟然沒收入Shorter O.E.D.
猜它可能是NEWS 加 WIRE(口語:(打)電報),有快遞新聞的意思。

A wire service that transmits up-to-the-minute news, usually electronically, to the media and often the public.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition)

例:CNN等公司有所謂PR Newswire 等公關新聞快遞..

extremely eager or interested:
an avid football fan
an avid supporter of the arts
He took an avid interest in the project.

FORMAL She hadn't seen him for six months and was avid for news.

She reads avidly.
We avidly awaited news of him.

noun [U] FORMAL

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


high quality in appearance, design or behaviour:
That car's got real style, which is no surprise considering how much it cost.
When she decides to do something, she always does it in/with great style.

adjective APPROVING
━━ a. 流行(風)の, いきな.
The film's direction is subtle and stylish.

stylishly dressed

stylishness noun [U] APPROVING

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


These Laptops Are Small, but Have Flaws

Personal Technology, by Walter S. Mossberg: New laptops from Toshiba and Dell tackle the design challenge of being both small and powerful. Both machines are stylish and worked fine in the tests, but Walt finds flaws that might give a buyer pause.



災異。禮記˙曾子問:丘止柩就道右,止哭以聽變。漢書˙卷八十一˙張禹傳 :上懼變異數見。
解釋 發生意外的變化。如:事不宜久,否則恐生變異。



━━ n. 変化, 変動; 変化量[程度]; 変化物; 【楽】変奏(曲,部); 【生物】変異; 【天文】変差; 【数】変分.

1 See vary (CHANGE); vary (DIFFERENT).

2 [C] SPECIALIZED one of several short tunes which are based on the same simple tune, but are different from it and from the others:
symphonic variations

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

leader vs cheerleader; PM vs PR


現在這則首相(Prime Minister),而卡梅隆搞的是公關(Public Relations)對比是押頭韻。




public relations noun [U] (ABBREVIATION PR)
the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it:
Environmentalists attacked the company's ad as a public-relations exercise.

prime minister noun [C usually singular] (UK INFORMAL ABBREVIATION PM)
the leader of the government in some countries

noun [C]
(especially in America) a person, usually a woman or girl, who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at a sports event:
She was a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2007年7月11日 星期三

There is a penalty for ignorance. We are paying through the nose.

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
There is a penalty for ignorance. We are paying through the nose.


adjective UK
having a harmful effect; causing disadvantage:
They complained about the penal and counter-productive tax rates.
Employees regarded the childcare charges as penal.

penalty noun [C]
Loss of privacy is one of the penalties (= disadvantages) of success.
She has paid a heavy penalty (= suffered serious disadvantages) for speaking the truth.

pay through the nose INFORMAL
to pay too much money for something:
We paid through the nose to get the car fixed and it still doesn't go properly.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
pay through the nose
Pay an excessive amount for something, as in We paid through the nose for that vacation. The origin of this term has been lost. Possibly it alludes to the Danish nose tax, imposed in Ireland in the 9th century, whereby delinquent taxpayers were punished by having their noses slit. [Second half of 1600s] To pay through the nose就是用高價買一樣東西,往往要比原來的價值高很多。像普通店裡一件襯衣要40美元,在他們這裡就要200美元。 .
There are a couple of competing folk derivations of this phrase, but they are regarded by philologists as somewhat far-fetched.

One derivation holds that it is a reference to the Danish poll tax on the Irish in the ninth century. The story goes that the Danes slit the noses of non-payers. However the phrase did not appear in print until 1672.

Annother possible explanation is placed on Viking raiders. Vikings would require the payment of tribute from cities they did not raid. If the king refused to pay tribute they would slit their noses. Hence, the king paid "through" the nose.

Another explanation relies on the use of rhino as a slang for money. Rhinos is the Greek word for nose, thus a rather loose connection is supposed to be set up between paying and noses. A nosebleed as a metaphor for being "bled dry" of money.

In sixteenth century English, Italian, Greek and Latin, however, there is found an already well established expression "to lead by the nose," which means to force or control someone's actions as a farmer would lead a bull by a ring through its nose. It also has connotations of making a fool of someone. ( 'led by the nose, as asses are' (Othello, Act I, Sc 3). Thus to pay through the nose could have originated as an extension of this to denote payment for something at a premium because of lack of alternative options.

(「美國習慣用語」第十二講- 簡 HC已改正Dutch)
常用的習慣用語: Pay through the nose。

pay through the nose的確切意思是付出比真正的價值高得多的錢,或者說付出的錢實在太多而感到心痛。

例句-3: "My brother Bob borrowed the money to open his restaurant five years ago when the interest rate was so high, so he's been paying through the nose ever since."


例句-4: "Life is funny. When the famous Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh was alive, nobody wanted to buy his pictures. But now rich people will pay through the nose for one, sometimes more than five million dollars."


pouting and pouty

pout的說明 這最具體:

verb [I or T] 噘嘴板臉,不高興
to push the lower lip forward to express annoyance, or to push both lips forward in a sexually attractive way:
Vanessa always pouts if she doesn't get what she wants.
Caroline pouts her lips when she's putting on lipstick

The child sat there pouting. 那孩子坐在那兒,一副不高興的樣子。

noun [C]
She didn't say anything but I could tell from her pout that she wasn't very pleased.
be in the pouts 噘著嘴不高興

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

pouty ━━ a. 不機嫌な, すねた. 翹嘴的;容易生氣的

Pouty Paris makes nice for tourists

2007年7月10日 星期二


The IEA said that supply was falling faster than expected in mature areas, such as the North Sea or Mexico, while projects in new provinces such as Russian Far East, faced long delays. Meanwhile consumption is accelerating on strong economic growth in emerging countries.

譬如說我們熟悉的PROVINCE(省--中國和法國類似 所以各有不同"外省"之意思)
譯文都將AREA和provinces 翻成產油區


n. - 省, 州, 鄉間, 地方, 領域
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 州, 省, 県, 地方, 生息地域, 分野, 範囲
當然 許多人知道對於PROJECT 台灣翻譯成"專案"而中國為"項目"

to improve or to enjoy the world

Quote: "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day." — E.B. White

━━ vt. 改善[良]する; 上達させる; 利用する; (土地・不動産の)価値を高める.
━━ vi. 改良される; 増進する ((in)).
improve on …を改善する.
improve oneself 上達する.
im・prov・a・ble ━━ a. 改善できる.
im・prove・ment  ━━ n. 改善(された点) ((on, over)); 上達; 利用; (土地・不動産の価値を高める)改良工事.
improvement trade 加工賀易.

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら
v. - 改善する, 向上させる, 十分利用する, よくなる, 好転する, 進歩する, 改良する, 活用する

SYNONYMS improve, better, help, ameliorate. These verbs mean to advance to a more desirable, valuable, or excellent state.

Improve and better, the most general terms, are often interchangeable: You can improve (or better) your mind through study; I got a haircut to improve (or better) my appearance. Help usually implies limited relief or change: Gargling helps a sore throat. (Gargling 為漱口)
To ameliorate is to improve circumstances that demand change: Volunteers were able to ameliorate conditions in the refugee camp.

v., -joyed, -joy•ing, -joys.
1. To receive pleasure or satisfaction from.
2. To have the use or benefit of: enjoys good health.
To have a pleasurable or satisfactory time.
phrasal verb:
enjoy oneself
1. To have a pleasurable or satisfactory time.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition)