2013年7月30日 星期二

a skeleton crew/staff, family skeleton

 Two skeletons found in Montana by commercial fossil hunters are to be auctioned in New York, where they could bring an estimated $7 million to $9 million.

family skeleton 家醜不可外揚
skeleton in (one's) closet
  1. A source of shame or disgrace, as in a family, that is kept secret.

Mr. Takeuchi and others in the online media point to a number of reasons the sites have failed, beginning with advertising revenues that are too low to support even a skeleton newsroom staff.

MF Global Lays Off Vast Majority of Broker-Dealer Employees The court-appointed trustee overseeing the liquidation of MF Global's broker-dealer unit laid off 1,066 employees on Friday, keeping only a skeleton staff to assist in the dissolution of the business.

在西方,以「頭顱骨」(skull,他們從中世紀才有這樣死神代表物說法。17世紀的墓葬雕塑,有時用骷髏skeleton代之) 的冥想「無常」為主,譬如說,耶蘇會的神修。代表老年。肖像畫中的它表示虔敬……。四種氣質中代表「憂鬱」。http://hccart.blogspot.tw/2013/07/dictionary-of-subjects-and-symbols-in.html
    1. The internal structure composed of bone and cartilage that protects and supports the soft organs, tissues, and other parts of a vertebrate organism; endoskeleton.
    2. The hard external supporting and protecting structure in many invertebrates, such as mollusks and crustaceans, and certain vertebrates, such as turtles; exoskeleton.
  1. A supporting structure or framework, as of a building.
  2. An outline or sketch.
  3. Something reduced to its basic or minimal parts.
  4. One that is very thin or emaciated.
  1. Of, relating to, or resembling a skeleton.
  2. Reduced to the basic or minimal parts or members: a skeleton crew.

2013年7月29日 星期一

fatigues, turbans, mitre, mitral

Diagram of the human heart (cropped).svg Anterior (frontal) view of the opened heart. White arrows indicate normal blood flow. (Mitral valve labeled at center right.)

Aneel Samra, 18, at his Montreal home, said he did not bother registering this year “because they told me I couldn’t play.”
Ryan Remiorz/CP, via Associated Press

Canadian Soccer Rift Grows Over Turbans

The Quebec Soccer Federation refused to comply with a national directive permitting players to wear turbans. Aneel Samra, above, says he won’t play this year.

It is very characteristic for this pope that he refused to cover his head with the golden miter after his election. He said: “Carnival is over, I don't want this.”

mitre :禮帽;主教帽;牧冠;法冠;制帽:教會高級聖職人士行聖儀時所戴用的禮冠。拉丁文稱作 mitra
The mitre (play /ˈmtər/; Greek: μίτρα, "headband" or "turban"), also spelled miter, is a type of headwear now known as the traditional, ceremonial head-dress of bishops and certain abbots in the Roman Catholic Church, as well as in the Anglican Communion, some Lutheran churches, and also bishops and certain other clergy in the Eastern Orthodox churches, Eastern Catholic Churches and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.

An unembellished Western mitre with gold lappets.

Bishops of the Armenian Catholic Church in Jerusalem wearing mitres.
mitre :禮帽;主教帽;牧冠;法冠;制帽:教會高級聖職人士行聖儀時所戴用的禮冠。拉丁文稱作 mitra

Over two days, more than a hundred people — Christians, Jews, housewives, naval officers, professors; people outfitted in everything from business suits to military fatigues to turbans to baseball caps — streamed through the halls of the William B. Travis Building in Austin, Tex., waiting for a chance to stand before the semicircle of 15 high-backed chairs whose occupants made up the Texas State Board of Education. Each petitioner had three minutes to say his or her piece.

Yemenite Jew in the early 20th century wearing keffiyeh wrapped like a turban.

━━ n. 疲労; 労役; 【機】金属疲労 (metal fatigue); 【軍】雑役(えき)fatigue duty); 【軍】(pl.) 作業衣 (fatigue uniform).
━━ vt. 疲れさせる.
━━ vi. 疲れる.
fatigue allowance 疲労許容時間率 ((疲労による作業遅滞の時間幅)).
fatigue party 【軍】雑役班.

nigh, well-nigh, apocalyptic, term of office

Despite calling Brown's term as prime minister a "disaster," Blair said preventing Brown's ascension to the office was "well-nigh impossible."

On March 31, 1968, President Johnson stunned the country by announcing he would not run for another term of office.

a well-nigh apocalyptic vision,
after all nigh

 Google Driverless Toyota Prius Hits the Road in Nevada
Google's driverless car has been approved for a license, the first of its kind issued, to be tested on the roads of Nevada. Terminator fans rejoice: The machines are winning, and Judgment Day draws nigh. Maybe not quite yet, but Nevada took the nation ...


Pronunciation: /əpɒkəˈlɪptɪk/
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  • describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world:the apocalyptic visions of ecologists
  • momentous or catastrophic:the struggle between the two countries is assuming apocalyptic proportions
  • of or resembling the biblical Apocalypse:apocalyptic imagery





early 17th century (as a noun denoting the writer of the Apocalypse, St John): from Greek apokaluptikos, from apokaluptein 'uncover' (see apocalypse)


Pronunciation: /nʌɪ/

adverb , preposition , & adjective

  • 1 archaic or literary near: [as adjective]:the end is nigh [as adverb]:they drew nigh unto the city
  • 2almost: [as adverb]:a car weighing nigh on two tons


Old English nēh, nēah, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch na, German nah. Compare with near

Nearly; almost.

(of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; `near' is sometimes used informally for `nearly' and `most' is sometimes used informally for `almost'
Synonyms: about, just about, almost, most, all but, nearly, near, nigh, virtually

2013年7月28日 星期日

exceptions, grantor, take exception, mandate, usurp


"There's not an action that I take that you don't have some folks in Congress who say that I'm usurping my authority. Some of those folks think I usurp my authority by having the gall to win the presidency."
PRESIDENT OBAMA, in an interview with The New York Times.

The name of Burma's then capital, Rangoon, also became Myanmar's center of power, Yanyon - later usurped by a new capital, Naypyidaw, built at the behest of the generals.
However, Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy has taken exception to the renaming, saying that the regime had no mandate to make such a change.

Something that otherwise ought to be included in the category from which it is eliminated. 157 F. 2d 661, 665. "Exceptions" arise in numerous contexts. statutory exceptions are intended to restrain the enacting clause or to exclude something which would otherwise be within it, or to modify it in some manner. 102 P. 2d 251, 256.
An "exception" to a court's ruling is an objection to such ruling or the calling of an error to the attention of the court in some manner. 168 N.E. 2d 285, 287.
"Exception" is also generally used as a term meaning to withhold from a conveyance of land an estate or interest which has previously been severed and which is usually not owned by the grantor. 506 P. 2d 1236, 1238.


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[with object]
  • take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force:Richard usurped the throne
  • take the place of (someone in a position of power) illegally; supplant:the Hanoverian dynasty had usurped the Stuarts
  • [no object] (usurp on/upon) archaic encroach or infringe upon (someone’s rights):the Church had usurped upon the domain of the state







Middle English (in the sense 'appropriate a right wrongfully'): from Old French usurper, from Latin usurpare 'seize for use'

1 例外, 除外(exclusion)
with the exception of ...
… を除いて
without exception
例 外なく.
2 [C](…の)除外例, 例外, 特例((to ...))
an exception to a rule
規 則の例外
make an exception of [for] ...
make no exception(s) of [for] ...
…を例外としない, 特別扱いしない
The exception proves the rule.
((ことわざ)) 例外のあるのは規則のある証拠.
3 異議, 反対, 不服, 苦情;《法律》異議(申し立て), 異議留保
a statement liable to exception

take exception
(1) (…に)異議を申し立てる, 苦情を言う((to, against ...))
He took exception to my ideas on politics.
(2) (…に)腹を立てる, 怒る((to, at ...)).
 Disagree with, object to, as in I take exception to that remark about unfair practices. This idiom, first recorded in 1542, uses exception in the sense of "objection," a meaning obsolete except in a few phrases.

  • rǽntr | rnt



  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[mǽndeit]
1 (選挙によって議員・行政府に与えられる)(…する)為政権((to do)).
2 (権力者・上級裁判所[官吏]からの)指令(書), 命令(書), 勅令.
3 [U][C](国際連盟による)委任統治(領, 植民地).
4 《カトリック》(教皇の)聖職叙任権, 命令権.
1 〈領土・植民地などの〉統治を委任する.
2 ((主に米))((しばしば受身))…するよう(公式に)命じる((to do));〈権能を〉負託する.
[ラテン語mandātum (manus手+dare与える+-tum=手の中に与えること). △MANUAL, DATE1

2013年7月27日 星期六

self'-support, faint talent, recollect, to the best of my recollection

Again, the newspapers last year printed proposals to 
construct a Wagner Opera House, to cost, if I recollect 
rightly, ; 100,000 about as much as a hundred labourers 
may earn by fifteen or twenty years hard work.

a faint talent for painting...
....by the time she was self-supporting she had nearly forgotten her father, and her mother was dying

(sĕlf'sə-pôrt', -pōrt')
The act of or capacity for supporting oneself, especially financially, without the help of others.

self-supported self'-sup·port'ed or self'-sup·port'ing adj.

adj., faint·er, faint·est.
  1. Lacking strength or vigor; feeble.
  2. Lacking conviction, boldness, or courage; timid.
    1. Lacking brightness: a faint light in the gloom.
    2. Lacking clarity or distinctness: a faint recollection.
  3. Likely to fall into a faint; dizzy and weak: felt faint for a moment.
1 〈色・音・光が〉ぼんやりした, ほのかな;〈考えなどが〉はっきりしない;弱い
a faint odor of gas
faint lines
2 〈息などが〉弱々しい, わずかな, かすかな;気の乗らない, 心のこもらない, 熱意のない
a faint effort
with faint hope
3 ((叙述))〈人が〉(…で)気を失いそうな, ふらふらして, 疲れきって((with ...))
feel faint with hunger
He felt suddenly faint.
4 ((文))気の弱い
Faint heart never won fair lady.
((ことわざ)) 弱気が美人を得たためしはない.
1 (一時的に)気が遠くなる, 気絶する((away))
faint with [from] hunger
2 ((古))弱る, 気がくじける.
3 ((古))〈音などが〉かすかになる.
━━[名]((通例a 〜))気絶, 失神
in a dead faint
気絶して, 気を失って
fall (down) [go off] in a faint

recollect 1

Pronunciation: /ˌrɛkəˈlɛkt/


[with object]
  • remember (something); call to mind:he could not quite recollect the reason ‘Can you recollect how he reacted?’


early 16th century (in the sense 'gather'): from Latin recollect- 'gathered back', from the verb recolligere, from re- 'back' + colligere 'collect'



[mass noun]
  • the action or faculty of remembering or recollecting something:to the best of my recollection no one ever had a bad word to say about him
  • [count noun] a thing recollected; a memory:a biography based on his wife’s recollections





late 16th century (denoting the action of gathering things together again): from French or medieval Latin recollectio(n-), from the verb recolligere 'gather again' (see recollect1)

2013年7月26日 星期五

sacrum, sacral, sanctum, curve, take a curve

 Benson was warmly welcomed into The Beatles’ inner sanctum, resulting in some of the most intimate photographs ever taken of the band, then on the cusp of world domination.

Spanish Train Inquiry Looks at Driver After 80 Die

Rescuers were picking through debris after a train, which some reports said was traveling at excessive speed, tumbled while taking a curve.


  • 発音記号[sǽŋktəm]
[名](複 〜s, -ta 〔-t〕)
1 神聖な場所, 聖所.
2 (だれの干渉も受けない)私室, 書斎.
1. adj. - 宗教典儀或活動的
2. adj. - 祭典的, 薦骨的, 聖禮的
日本語 (Japanese) adj. - 仙骨の, 聖礼の, 聖式の, 神聖なn. - 仙椎, 仙骨神経

Bone: Sacrum

Sacrum, pelvic surface

Image of pelvis. Sacrum is in center.
os sacrum
subject #24 106
In vertebrate anatomy the sacrum is a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine and at the upper and back part of the pelvic cavity, where it is inserted like a wedge between the two hip bones. Its upper part connects with the last lumbar vertebra, and bottom part with the coccyx (tailbone). In children, it consists of usually five unfused vertebrae which begin to fuse between ages 16–18 and are usually completely fused into a single bone by age 26.
It is curved upon itself and placed obliquely (that is, tilted forward). It is kyphotic — that is, concave facing forwards. The base projects forward as the sacral promontory internally, and articulates with the last lumbar vertebra to form the prominent sacrovertebral angle. The central part is curved outward towards the posterior, allowing greater room for the pelvic cavity.
Contents [hide]
1 Etymology
2 Parts
3 Articulations
4 Sexual dimorphism
5 Variations
6 Additional images
7 See also
8 External links
9 References
The name is derived from the Latin sacer, "sacred", a translation of the Greek hieron (osteon), meaning sacred or strong bone.[1] Since the sacrum is the seat of the organs of procreation, animal sacrums were offered in sacrifices. In Slavic languages and in German this bone is called the "cross bone".[2]


Pronunciation: /kəːv/
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  • a line or outline which gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of its length:the parapet wall sweeps down in a bold curve
  • North American a place where a road deviates from a straight path:the vehicle rounded a curve
  • (curves) a curving contour of a woman’s figure: her dress twisted tightly round her generous curves
  • a line on a graph (whether straight or curved) showing how one quantity varies with respect to another:the population curve
  • Baseballanother term for curveball.he relies on a couple of curves and a modest fastball


  • form or cause to form a curve: [no object]:her mouth curved in a smile [with object]:starting with arms outstretched, curve the body sideways


ahead of (or behind) the curve

(especially of a business or politician) ahead of (or lagging behind) current thinking or trends:we are continually looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve and provide added value to our consumers

throw someone a curve

North American informalanother way of saying throw someone a curveball.just when you think you have this parenting thing down pat, they throw you a curve


late Middle English: from Latin curvare 'to bend', from curvus 'bent'. The noun dates from the late 17th century


  1.  建物の屋上、テラスのへり、橋梁の両側などに設け、人の落下を防ぐ手すり・勾欄 (こうらん) 。
  1.  城郭などに設けた防御用胸壁 (きょうへき) 。

2013年7月24日 星期三

set up, charity, muddle along, hubristic, insanity

Pentagon Lays Out Options for U.S. Military Effort in Syria
“To consider this intervention as the moral high ground is the height of hubris or insanity,” writes Grant.

But those hoping for an invite from Obama or the chance to swap recipes with the First Lady might be setting themselves up for disappointment.
Despite vowing to come home to Chicago as often as possible, the Obamas spend most of their time in Washington and have chosen Camp David and Martha’s Vineyard for recent vacations.

In the end, there is a deep contradiction in Hayek’s thought. His great insight is that individual human beings muddle along, making progress by planning, experimenting, trying, failing and trying again. They never have as much clarity about the future as they think they do. But Hayek somehow knows with great certainty that when governments, as opposed to individuals, engage in a similar process of innovation and discovery, they will fail. He insists that the dividing line between state and society must be drawn according to a strict abstract principle rather than through empirical adaptation. In so doing, he proves himself to be far more of a hubristic Cartesian than a true Hayekian.


  • 発音記号[hjúːbris | hjúː-]


Pronunciation: /ˈhjuːbrɪs/


[mass noun]
  • excessive pride or self-confidence: the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s
  • (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride towards or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.



Pronunciation: /-ˈbrɪstɪk/

(chăr'ĭ-tē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ties.
  1. Provision of help or relief to the poor; almsgiving.
  2. Something given to help the needy; alms.
  3. An institution, organization, or fund established to help the needy.
  4. Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity.
  5. Indulgence or forbearance in judging others. See synonyms at mercy.
  6. often Charity Christianity. The theological virtue defined as love directed first toward God but also toward oneself and one's neighbors as objects of God's love.
[Middle English charite, from Old French, Christian love, from Latin cāritās, affection, from cārus, dear.]
1 [U][C]慈善, 施し, 救恤(きゅうじゅつ);公の救済[扶養, 援助]
charity for the poor
be (as) cold as charity
live on charity
2 施し物, 救助金[品];慈善基金[団体, 施設];慈善的援助を受ける人;((通例-ties))慈善行為[事業];((複合語))慈善…
a charity concert
give the orphans charity
perform many charities
ask for charity
3 [U]慈善(の)心, 思いやり
out of charity
with charity
4 [U]キリスト教的愛, 同胞[隣人, 人間]愛
Charity begins at home.
((ことわざ)) 愛は家庭に始まる;愛はまず身近な所から.
[古フランス語←ラテン語cāritās (cārus親愛なる+-ITY). △CHERISH


1. Place in an upright position, as in I keep setting up this lamp but it won't stay up. [c. 1200]
2. Elevate, raise; also, put in a position of authority or power, as in They set him up as their leader. [Late 1300s]
3. Put oneself forward, claim to be, as in He set himself up as an authority on the banking system. [Mid-1800s]
4. Assemble, erect, make ready for use, as in They set up the sound system last night. [c. 1200]
5. Establish, found, as in They set up a new charity for the homeless. [Early 1400s]
6. Establish in business by providing capital or other backing, as in His father set her up in a new dental practice. [First half of 1500s]
7. Treat someone to drinks, pay for drinks, as in Please let us set you up tonight. [Colloquial; late 1800s]
8. Stimulate or exhilarate, as in That victory really set up our team. [c. 1600]
9. Lay plans for, as in I think they set up the kidnapping months ago. [First half of 1900s]
10. Prepare someone for a deception or trickery or joke, as in They set up their victim for the usual real estate scam, or Her friends set her up so that she was the only person in costume. [Mid-1900s]
11. Cause, bring about, as in The new taxes set up howls of protest. [Mid-1800s]

digress, divagate, get down to, pernicious and desultory regulators

Destroyed by pernicious and desultory regulators. That's one epitaph for consumer-lending giant Takefuji, which Tuesday filed for bankruptcy.

 I try not to digress too much during my lectures, but I am not always successful at avoiding tangential topics.

In Colorado, Getting Down to Business of Marijuana

Six weeks after voters made Colorado one of two states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, a task force started to determine how the state will regulate its use.

Finally, a Motel for Tail-Wagging Romance
Teresa Cristina Carvalho and her Shih Tzu, Mel, saw a room at Animalle Mundo Pet. “We’ll return when Mel is in heat,” she said.
Brazil’s newest short-stay pleasure palace stands apart from the crowd in one crucial aspect. It is for dogs.

I, too, wrote a column at that time about the derivation of keister - a borrowing, through Yiddish, of the German Kiste, "chest" - with its original meaning of "satchel, handbag" and its current meaning of "fanny, rump, bottom, tush, can, buttocks, backside" as well as the British "bum" and the French "derrière." (The bureaucratic cognoscenti prefer "posterior," as in the initialese slogan C.Y.A., meaning "cover your posterior." The "a" stands for a synonym not permitted in The Times, as an admiring salute to a diktat by the former executive editor, A.M. Rosenthal, who thought it was in bad taste and boldly asserted his stylistic prerogative. But I divagate.)

get down to bedrock

get down to business

get [come] down to business

Finally, a Motel for Tail-Wagging Romance
Teresa Cristina Carvalho and her Shih Tzu, Mel, saw a room at Animalle Mundo Pet. “We’ll return when Mel is in heat,” she said.
Brazil’s newest short-stay pleasure palace stands apart from the crowd in one crucial aspect. It is for dogs.

apart from ...[apart from ...]

[動](自)さまよう;〈話が〉わき道にそれる, 脱線する.

intr.v., -gat·ed, -gat·ing, -gates.
  1. To wander or drift about.
  2. To ramble; digress.
[Late Latin dīvagārī, dīvagāt- : Latin dī-, dis-, apart; see dis- + Latin vagārī, to wander (from vagus, wandering).]
divagation di'va·ga'tion n.

真相をきわめる;((米俗))底をつく, 一文無しになる.
get down to business
come down to cases
((米))(1) 要点にはいる.(2) 真剣に事を考える.
get down to the nitty-gritty


Pronunciation: /dʌɪˈgrɛs/
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[no object]
  • leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing:I have digressed a little from my original plan





early 16th century: from Latin digress- 'stepped away', from the verb digredi, from di- 'aside' + gradi 'to walk'

des·ul·to·ry (dĕs'əl-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē, dĕz'-) pronunciation
  1. Having no set plan; haphazard or random. See synonyms at chance.
  2. Moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected: a desultory speech.
[Latin dēsultōrius, leaping, from dēsultor, a leaper, from dēsultus, past participle of dēsilīre, to leap down : dē-, de- + salīre, to jump.]
desultorily des'ul·to'ri·ly adv.
desultoriness des'ul·to'ri·ness n.

1. Marked by absence of a plan; disconnected; jumping from one thing to another.
2. Digressing from the main subject; random.

From Latin desultorius (leaping, pertaining to a circus rider who jumps from one horse to another), from desilire (to leap down), from salire (to jump). Other words derived from the same Latin root, salire, are sally, somersault, insult, result, saute, salient, and saltant. Earliest documented use: 1581.

"Anyway, here we are with our little burgers and cokes, making the sort of desultory conversation that those who have been married 30 years make -- when this newly married couple walk in." — Bikram Vohra; Love is the Last Bite; Khaleej Times (Dubai, United Arab Emirates); Apr 16, 2011.

per·ni·cious (pər-nĭsh'əs) pronunciation
    1. Tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly: a pernicious virus.
    2. Causing great harm; destructive: pernicious rumors.
  1. Archaic. Evil; wicked.
[Middle English, from Old French pernicios, from Latin perniciōsus, from perniciēs, destruction : per-, per- + nex, nec-, violent death.]
perniciously per·ni'cious·ly adv.
perniciousness per·ni'cious·ness n.

motto, concordance/ Concord, scholasticism

1.《李賀詩引得(A concordance to the poems of Li Ho)》,艾文博(Robert L. Irick),蕭繼宗譯,台北:美國亞洲協會中文研究資料中心,1967年;台北:成文出版社,1967年。
Concordia passengers, experts dissect cruise ship disaster
CBC.ca‎ - 47 minutes ago
The dangerous manoeuvre that caused the Costa Concordia cruise ship to crash into rocks off the shore of the Italian island of Giglio last month was likely ...已廢的英法共同開發的飛機協和號Concord
協和號火車(中國) harmony

  • [kɑnkɔ'ːrdns | kən-]
(kən-kôr'dns) pronunciation
  1. Agreement; concord.
  2. An alphabetical index of all the words in a text or corpus of texts, showing every contextual occurrence of a word: a concordance of Shakespeare's works.
  3. Genetics. The presence of a given trait in both members of a pair of twins.

1 [U]一致;和合, 調和
in concordance with ...
2 (本・作品などの)用語索引, コンコーダンス((to ...))
concordance to the Bible
3 [U]《遺伝学》一致:特定の特質が双生児の両方に現れていること.

Quote: "The truth in its proper use."
The Wall Street Journal's founding motto
The Latin motto of the Royal Society, Nullius in verba, translates as "On the words of no one", or "take nobody's word for it". The full quotation from Horace is Nullius addictus judicare in verba magistri which means "Not compelled to swear to any master's words". This is interpreted by the Society as "an expression of the determination of the Fellows to withstand the domination of authority (such as in Scholasticism) and to verify all statements by an appeal to facts determined by experiment".[5] At its foundation, the philosophical basis of the Royal Society differed from previous philosophies such as Scholasticism, which established scientific truth based on deductive logic, concordance with divine providence and the citation of such ancient authorities as Aristotle. In fact, it represented the final triumph of the vision of the thirteenth-century friar Roger Bacon, who had fought scholastic authorities in an attempt to establish such a repository of learning.
"Non Sibi Sed Patriae (Not for self, but for country)"US Navy motto, inscribed over the chapel doors at the US Naval Academy



[mass noun]
  • the system of theology and philosophy taught in medieval European universities, based on Aristotelian logic and the writings of the early Christian Fathers and emphasizing tradition and dogma.
  • narrow-minded insistence on traditional doctrine: an absorption in the past without a hint of scholasticism
n., pl. -toes or -tos.
  1. A brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal. See synonyms at saying.
  2. A sentence, phrase, or word of appropriate character inscribed on or attached to an object.
  3. A maxim adopted as a guide to one's conduct.
[Italian, word, motto, probably from Vulgar Latin *mōttum, word. See mot.]
━━ n.pl. 〜(e)s) (盾などに刻んだ)銘, 金言; 標語, モットー; (論文などの初めに引用した)題句; 【楽】反復楽句; 〔英〕 (包装などに記された)金言, 格言.

2013年7月22日 星期一

japanning box, "black boxes", japan,

Road Safety Agency Is Urged to Add Expertise in Electronics Systems

In its study, a branch of the National Academy of Sciences called on the N.H.T.S.A. to refine its investigative techniques and push for "black boxes" that record data in car crashes.

Michael Merolli, center, an accident reconstructionist, removed the air bag control module from a car at a training session for New York State Police investigators.
A Black Box for Car Crashes


Black boxes in cars can be used to identify safety problems and as evidence in traffic accidents and criminal cases, but also raise privacy concerns.

black box

Translate black box | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • a flight recorder in an aircraft.
  • informal a complex system or device whose internal workings are hidden or not readily understood.

(jə-păn') pronunciation

  1. A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish.
  2. An object decorated with this substance.
tr.v., -panned, -pan·ning, -pans.
  1. To decorate with a black enamel or lacquer.
  2. To coat with a glossy finish.

[名][U]漆;[C]漆器(japan ware).
━━[動](〜ned, 〜・ning)(他)…に漆を塗る. ⇒CHINA
[After JAPAN.]