Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
2010年9月29日 星期三
short order, in short order
in short order
Quickly, without delay, as in The children got ready in short order to go to the mall. [First half of 1800s]
short order
An order of food prepared and served quickly, as in a diner.
short-order short'-or'der (shôrt'ôr'dər) adj.
part with, Part Ways With
The United States is hoping to shed its majority stake in the insurance giant it rescued in 2008.
part with
- To give up or let go of; relinquish.
not bad, centimeter, millimeter
漫畫來源: Ted Goff
The researchers found a large variation in lip thickness among women over 60. The pink part of the thinnest lips measured just 3 mm from the top of the upper lip to the bottom of the lower lip, while the fullest lips among the over-sixties measured 2.2 cm.
━━ n. センチ(メートル) ((略 cm)).millimeter, 〔米〕millimetre
〔英〕 n. ミリメートル ((略 mm)). 毫米
not bad
Also, not half bad; not so or too bad; not too shabby. Fairly good, as in Not bad, said the conductor, but we need to play the scherzo again, or The movie wasn't half bad, but Jerry wanted to go home, or Our garden's not too bad this year, or How are things going?--Not too shabby. All of the terms involving bad, which imply that something is less bad than it might be, date from the mid-1700s. The last variant, using shabby in the sense of "inferior," is slang of the late 1900s.
2010年9月28日 星期二
Sirius, Amazing Grace
Canis Major |
至晚十時,維城夏季遲降的夜幕逐漸低垂,在柴可夫斯基《1812序曲》壯麗歡快的樂聲中砲聲隆隆,璀璨的煙火從海中升起,沉黯的夜空中忽然爆出各色燦爛的 火花,數萬觀眾歡聲雷動,接著樂團與觀眾在蘇格蘭風笛的導引下齊唱聖曲〈(上帝的)奇異恩典〉(Amazing Grace),為一年一度的盛會畫下句點。
巧合的是,慧遠的英文名字正好叫Grace,在學校中同學和老師就常常叫她作Amazing Grace。
Amazing Grace
A popular hymn.
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
We have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.
Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be forever mine.
2010年9月27日 星期一
shipper, logistics companies
ABC News
AP By JOE McDONALD AP Business Writer China has stepped up customs inspections of goods shipped to and from Japan, slowing trade, logistics companies said ...
'fangnu', 'shanzai', cardigan, cardigown
房奴'fangnu',山寨 'shanzai'
cardigown (a long cardigan, belted like a dressing gown | |||
日本語 (Japanese) 採音譯
n. - カーディガン
A cardigan is a type of sweater (or jumper) that ties, buttons or zips down the front; by contrast, a pullover does not open in front but must be "pulled over" the head to be worn. The cardigan was named after James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan, a British military commander, following his service in the Crimean War.[1] It is usually machine- or hand-knitted from wool or cotton although cheaper ones may be partially acrylic. Cardigans are available for both genders.
Plain cardigans are often worn over shirts and inside suit jackets as a kind of less formal waistcoat or vest that restrains the necktie when the jacket has been removed.
2010年9月24日 星期五
premeditation, framer, regularly summon the ghosts
The Founding Fathers Versus the Tea Party By RON CHERNOW Movements that regularly summon the ghosts of the framers end up promoting an uncomfortably one-sided reading of history. framer, The noun has 2 meanings: Meaning #1: someone who makes frames (as for pictures) Meaning #2: someone who writes a new law or plan n.
premeditation ![]() | (noun) Planning or plotting in advance of acting. |
Synonyms: | forethought |
Usage: | In reply, and quite without premeditation, his hand went out to hers, covering it as it lay on the railing. |
2010年9月22日 星期三
urinary cortisol , ascertained
《中英對照讀新聞》Stress hormone heart death link 壓力荷爾蒙與心臟病死亡相關 ◎國際新聞中心High levels of the stress hormone cortisol are closely linked to death from cardiovascular disease, a Dutch study suggests.荷蘭研究顯示,壓力荷爾蒙可體松數值的高升,與因心血管疾病死亡密切相關。
In a six-year study of 860 over-65s, those with the highest levels of cortisol had a five-fold risk of death from cardiovascular disease. No link was found between high cortisol levels and other causes of death.一份針對860名65歲以上民眾的6年研究顯示,可體松高的人,心臟病死亡風險高5倍。可體松數值高與其他死亡原因之間,並未發現關聯。
Cortisol is produced in order to help the body recover from stress and regain its physiological stability. But very high levels have been linked to risk factors for cardiovascualr disease.可體松是為了幫助身體從壓力中恢復,重拾身體穩定度而產生。但是可體松數值爆表,可能是心血管疾病的危險因子。
In this study, researchers measured urinary cortisol levels in each participant. During the six years covered by the study, 183 people died. Cause of death was ascertained from death certificates.在這份研究中,研究人員評估每位參與者尿中的可體松數值,研究涵蓋的6年期間,有183人喪生,死亡證書確定死亡原因。
The third of the subjects with the highest urinary cortisol had a five-fold increased risk of dying of cardiovascular disease.尿中可體松含量最高的3分之1受試者,因心血管疾病死亡的風險增加5倍。新聞辭典urinary:形容詞,尿的,泌尿系統的。如:urinary tract infections 泌尿道感染。-fold: 字尾,……倍。例句:In the last 50 years, there has been a 33-fold increase in the amount of pesticide used in farming.(過去50年間,農耕使用殺蟲劑的量增加了33倍。)
ascertain:動詞,確定。例句:The police have so far been unable to ascertain the cause of the explosion.(警方目前還不能確定爆炸原因。)
tr.v., -tained, -tain·ing, -tains.
- To discover with certainty, as through examination or experimentation. See synonyms at discover.
- Archaic. To make certain, definite, and precise.
[Middle English acertainen, to inform, from Old French acertener, ascertain- : a-, to (from Latin ad-; see ad-) + certain, certain; see certain.]
ascertainable as'cer·tain'a·ble adj.ascertainableness as'cer·tain'a·ble·ness n.
ascertainably as'cer·tain'a·bly adv.
ascertainment as'cer·tain'ment n.
2010年9月18日 星期六
"Trocks", drag ballet corps
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo is an all-male drag ballet corps which parodies the conventions and clichés of romantic and classical ballet. It was co-founded by Peter Anastos, Natch Taylor and Antony Bassae in the United States in 1974, as a group producing small, late-night shows, in off-off Broadway lofts. Their first show as on September 9, 1974, at a second story loft on 14th street, in the heart of the meat-packing district.[1]
After receiving a favorable critical review in The New Yorker by Arlene Croce, it was discovered by a wider audience. The "Trocks" toured the world, with prolonged engagements in many major cities. In 2008 they performed at the Royal Variety Performance, in front of Prince Charles.[2]
The dancers portray both male and female roles in a humorous style that combines parodies of ballet, posing and physical comedy with "straighter" pieces intended to show off the performers' technical skills. Much of the humor is in seeing male dancers en travesti; performing roles usually reserved to females, wearing tutus and dancing en pointe.
- The clothing characteristic of one sex when worn by a member of the opposite sex: an actor in drag.
2010年9月11日 星期六
the third half of your brain
SERGEY BRIN, Google’s co-founder, on a new Internet search product.
right to down tools
In France trade unions and opposition leaders are calling on President
Sarkozy to shelve his plan to raise the minimum retirement age from 60 to
2010年9月10日 星期五
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the area with the greatest number of chimpanzees, the primates are relied on for food more than ever, according to a new study.
bushmeat 野味
Meat from wild animals, especially nongame animals.
In an uncharacteristic about-face,transactions on the online-payment system
PayPal Confident About China
2010年9月9日 星期四
self-serving, self-serving hypothesis
1. Serving one's own interests, especially without concern for the needs or interests of others.
2. Exhibiting concern solely for one's own interests: a speech full of self-serving comments.
self-servingly self'-serv'ing·ly adv.
self-serving hypothesis
A hypothesis based on the observation that people sometimes make illogical attributions to enhance or protect their egos.
2010年9月8日 星期三
nothing but
「補教人生」連續劇的主角高國華說了一句「菜英文」:You have nothing but beautiful.連簡單的文法都弄錯。這個錯誤讓媒體大肆嘲弄,但我卻覺得他至少有一個優點──他就是敢講。
You are nothing but beautiful or you are nothing but beauty ...
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]nothing but
Only, as in She thinks of nothing but money. This term was first recorded about 1380.
2010年9月6日 星期一
- A child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one.
- A child of a career military person.
[Possibly from brat, coarse garment, from Middle English, from Old English bratt, of Celtic origin.]
brattish brat'tish adj.brattishness brat'tish·ness n.
brat2 (brăt)