America must prepare for a world in which China’s technology is breathing down its neck
I have never yearned to stay young, but rather to stay me. #earthakitt ~ sana
mandorla, Vesica Piscis
“Transfiguration,” with a mandorla enclosing the figure of Christ; mosaic icon, early 13th century; in the Louvre, Paris
2004台北大白天,聽紐約WQXR近午夜播Schoenberg, Arnold 的《昇華之夜》( Verklarte Nacht (Transfigured Night), Op 4 )
transfigure verb [T] FORMAL
to change the appearance of a person or thing very noticeably, usually in a very positive and often spiritual way: (思果在《牛津英語同義詞詞典》翻譯成「使外表改變」,大概是原先的狹義。)
As she gazed down at the baby, her face was transfigured with tenderness.
The assassination somehow transfigured Kennedy into a modern American saint.
transfiguration noun [U] FORMAL
Verklarte Nacht (Transfigured Night)
Richard Dehmel, from "Weib und Welt"(1896)
Zwei Menschen gehn durch kahlen, kalten Hain;
Der Mond läuft mit, sie schaun hinein.
Der Mond läuft über hohe Eichen
Kein Wölkchen trübt das Himmelslicht,
In das die schwarzen Zacken reichen.
Die Stimme eines Weibes spricht:
Ich trag ein Kind, und nit von Dir
ich geh in Sünde neben Dir.
Ich hab mich schwer an mir vergangen.
Ich glaubte nicht mehr an ein Glück
Und hatte doch ein schwer Verlangen
Nach Lebensinhalt, nach Mutterglück
Und Pflicht; da hab ich mich erfrecht,
Da liess ich schaudernd mein Geschlecht
Von einem fremden Mann umfangen,
Und hab mich noch dafür gesegnet.
Nun hat das Leben sich gerächt:
Nun bin ich Dir, o Dir begegnet.
Sie geht mit ungelenkem Schritt.
Sie schaut empor, der Mond läuft mit.
Ihr dunkler Blick ertrinkt in Licht.
Die Stimme eines Mannes spricht:
Das Kind, das Du empfangen hast,
sei Deiner Seele keine Last,
O sieh, wie klar das Weltall schimmert!
Es ist ein Glanz um Alles her,
Du treibst mit mir auf kaltem Meer,
Doch eine eigne Wärme flimmert
Von Dir in mich, von mir in Dich.
Die wird das fremde Kind verklären
Du wirst es mir, von mir gebären;
Du hast den Glanz in mich gebracht,
Du hast mich selbst zum Kind gemacht.
Er fasst sie um die starken Hüften.
Ihr Atem küsst sich in den Lüften.
Zwei Menschen gehn durch hohe, helle Nacht.
Two People are walking through the bare, cold grove;
the moon accompanies them, they gaze at it. The moon courses above the
high oaks; not a cloud obscures the light of heaven, into which the black
treetops reach. A woman*s voice speaks:
I am carrying a child, and not of yours;
I walk in sin beside you.
I have deeply transgressed against myself.
I no longer believed in happiness
and yet had a great yearning
for purposeful life, for the happiness
and responsibility of motherhood; so I dared
and, shuddering, let my body
be embraced by a strange man,
and have become pregnant from it.
Now life has taken its revenge,
now that I have met you.
She walks with awkward step.
She looks up: the moon accompanies them.
Her dark glance is inundated with light.
A man's voice speaks:
Let the child you have conceived
be no burden to your soul.
see, how brightly the universe gleams!
There is a radiance on everything;
you drift with me on a cold sea,
but a special warmth flickers
from you to me, from me to you.
This will transfigure the other*s child;
you will bare it for me, from me;
you have brought radiance on me,
you have made me a child myself.
He clasps her round her strong hips.
Their breath mingles in the breeze.
Two people go through the tall, clear night.
(Translation:1992 Lionel Salter)
"Breathing down someone's neck" is an idiom that means to watch or follow someone closely, often in a way that is annoying or uncomfortable. For example, you might say "My boss is always breathing down my neck" to describe a boss who is constantly checking up on you.