2025年1月16日 星期四

mislay, visibility, high-vis, lay bare sth, damning portrayals. A damning report on overcrowded hospitals added fuel to a painful debate over the crises at the National Health Service.

Patients Are Dying in Hospital Corridors, British Nurses Say

A damning report on overcrowded hospitals added fuel to a painful debate over the crises at the National Health Service.

Two former bankers at the Reserve Bank of India bravely lay bare the failings of India's financial system

Two damning portrayals of Indian finance
They both quit their jobs early

Is the most expensive art always the best art? Why do some paintings languish at the back of studios without buyers while others sell for $90.3m, as David Hockney’s “Portrait of An Artist (Pool with Two Figures)” did this month?


“The Price of Everything” lays bare the idiosyncrasies of the art market

Artistic value and monetary value are not always aligned

The head of British Airways wore a hi-vis jacket in an office and people have questions

In Havana, Castro’s Death Lays Bare Generation Gap

In hearing about Mr. Castro’s death, many older Cubans went into mourning, but younger people were generally indifferent.

Taiwan's government said on Friday that it had lost track of $30m in foreign aid after it handed the money to two men it barely knew hoping they could help establish diplomatic ties with Papua New Guinea.

Hungary lays bare EU East-West split

CBS to Lay Bare Its Plans

The "skin" video-ad format, in which an ad appears in a graphic surrounding the window where the video plays, is getting a boost from CBS.

Bill Gross, who manages the world's biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment Management Company, said he thinks the Treasury will probably need to buy as much as $30 billion of preferred shares in both Fannie and Freddie by the end of next month, Bloomberg News wrote.

Referring to Henry Paulson, the former Goldman Sachs chief executive who is now the Treasuary secretary, he said, "Paulson can play this game for as long as he wants, but the end is becoming visible."

adjective: hi-vis
  1. short for high-visibility.

    "railway workers in high-vis jackets"

1 able to be seen:
You should wear something light-coloured when you're cycling at night so that you're more visible.
The writing on the tombstone was barely visible.
There are few visible signs of the illness that kept her in hospital for so long.
The comet should be visible to the naked eye.

2 able or tending to attract public attention and be noticed:
In a very short period of time, she has become a highly visible national leader.

in a way that can be noticed; obviously:
The Princess, visibly moved, kept her head bowed during the ceremony.

noun [U]
1 how clearly objects can be seen, or how far you can see clearly, usually because of the weather conditions:
Mist is still causing poor visibility - down to five metres in parts of the south-east.

2 the degree to which something is seen by the public:
The increasing visibility of the nation's poor and homeless has forced the government into taking action.

lay bare sth
to make something known:
It's been promoted as the biography that lays bare the truth behind the legend.
Definition of lay bare. : to reveal or uncover private information or feelings He laid bare his soul.

verb [T] mislaid, mislaid
to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have put it:
Could I borrow a pen? I seem to have mislaid mine.

  1. (of a circumstance or piece of evidence) strongly suggesting guilt or error.
    "I was innocent but the evidence was damning"
    • extremely critical.
      "a damning indictment of the government's record"
