IN NAME ONLY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
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having a particular title or name without the characteristics or duties that usually come with that title: It's an island in name only, ...
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French President Nicolas Sarkozy has withdrawn his backing for former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to become the first president of the European Union under the reform treaty, according to a media report.
The DW-WORLD Article
Claire Oesch, the trim woman in the perfectly fitted suit, is, at 93, most likely the city’s oldest and most refined barfly. It’s not easy for a woman of any age to sit alone at a bar and look comfortable, but Ms. Oesch not only looks at home, she practically is at home.
trim/trɪm/verb- 1.make (something) neat or of the required size or form by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts."trim the grass using a sharp mower"
- 2.decorate (something), typically with contrasting items or pieces of material."a pair of black leather gloves trimmed with fake fur"
The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: seismic oil dampers & fabric trim.
noun- 1.additional decoration, typically along the edges of something and in contrasting colour or material."a red blazer with gold trim"
- act of cutting something in order to neaten it."his hair needs a trim"
adjective- neat and smart in appearance; in good order."his face was freshly shaved, his clothes neat and trim"
- 1.make (something) neat or of the required size or form by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts."trim the grass using a sharp mower"
- 2.decorate (something), typically with contrasting items or pieces of material."a pair of black leather gloves trimmed with fake fur"
The stories behind hit Japanese products, plus top creations for niche markets. This time: seismic oil dampers & fabric trim.
- 1.additional decoration, typically along the edges of something and in contrasting colour or material."a red blazer with gold trim"
- act of cutting something in order to neaten it."his hair needs a trim"
- neat and smart in appearance; in good order."his face was freshly shaved, his clothes neat and trim"
trimの意味 -
trim - 音節trim
- 発音trím
- 音節trim
- 発音trím
n. Slang., pl. -flies.
One who frequents drinking establishments.
n. - 常赴酒吧的人, 酒鬼
n. - バーの常連
back (SUPPORT) Show phoneticsverb [T]
to give support to someone or something with money or words:
The management has refused to back our proposals.
The horse I backed (= risked money on so that I could win more money if it won a race) came in last.
Will you back me up (= say that I am telling the truth) if I say that I never saw him?
noun [U]
1 support, especially money, that someone gives a person or plan:
If I go ahead with the plan, can I count on your backing?
2 music or singing which is played or performed to support a song or tune, especially a popular one:
a backing track
She sang as part of an all-women backing (US USUALLY backup) group.
noun [C]
someone who gives financial support to something:
We need financial backers for the project.
government-backed contracts
US-backed intervention