THE CONTAINMENT: Detroit, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for Racial Justice in the North, by Michelle Adams 《遏制:底特律、最高法院與北方的種族正義之戰》,作者:米歇爾‧亞當斯
密西根州早在 1954 年最高法院通過布朗訴教育委員會案禁止公立教育中實行種族隔離之前幾十年就已禁止。米歇爾亞當斯 (Michelle Adams) 的精彩新書《遏制》講述了這一事件的發生過程、改變這一事件的失敗努力以及它對當今公共教育和公民權利的影響。
“Fate seemed to be playing a series of extraordinarily unamusing jokes.”— George Orwell
With daily new coronavirus infections a fraction of what they were just a few weeks ago, South Korea is planning a path to normalcy.
Noel Coward Plays Vegas, Witness - BBC World Service
The English singer, actor and playwright was invited to do a show in...
Alexander Payne's new film Nebraska follows in the rich tradition of the American road movie from The Grapes of Wrath to Easy Rider. This is a genre that has lent itself well to screwball comedy, social commentary, counter-cultural critique, and philosophical musing. Jordan Hoffman pays tribute to the road movie form. What's your favorite?
Slowly, Post-ISIS Tikrit Regains Normalcy A2
Liberated a year ago from Islamic State, Tikrit is being held up by the government and its backers as a success story—despite residents’ complaints about joblessness and militia abuses, Yaroslav Trofimov writes.
When "The epitome of elegant Englishness" took brash Vegas by storm - A moment in history with Noel Coward. |
Noel Coward Plays Vegas, Witness - BBC World Service
The English singer, actor and playwright was invited to do a show in...
Alexander Payne's new film Nebraska follows in the rich tradition of the American road movie from The Grapes of Wrath to Easy Rider. This is a genre that has lent itself well to screwball comedy, social commentary, counter-cultural critique, and philosophical musing. Jordan Hoffman pays tribute to the road movie form. What's your favorite?
Hollande promises to be a "normal" president, signaling a dramatic change of tone both at home and abroad for the French president after five years in which Sarkozy ruffled feathers with his aggressive, brash personality.
Sarkozy tried to turn this claim against Hollande, saying his "normality" was insufficient to take on the broad economic, political and social challenges facing France.
Jill Radford, 61, who lives in Sheepsetting Lane, said: "I think there used to be a couple living there until they separated. The house went up for sale sometime before Christmas.
"I think there were some young children living there. I could see there were often toys in the front garden."
Ms Radford said she did not know the family and did not think other neighbours were close to them.
Ch Insp Julia Pope said: "This is a very tragic incident, but I would like to reassure people that it is fully contained and there is no threat to anyone in the area.
"We will move to restore normality and access to Mill Close as quickly as possible."
“She always says she dislikes the abnormal, it is so obvious. She says the normal is so much more simply complicated and interesting.”
― from "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas" by Gertrude Stein
"At some point we want to get to some degree of normalcy, but that remains to be seen," Mr. Tretton said, adding that seeing all the people camped out and lined up for the console "kind of makes all the effort worth it."
The permanent collection is arranged in chronological order, allowing visitors to follow the evolution of styles from the pre-Angkor art of the 6th century, on through the many phases of Angkor, which flourished from the early 9th to the mid-15th centuries.
And when the 140 Angkor statues leave for Bonn, 140 almost equally precious pieces will be taken up for display from the storeroom, another reflection of the museum's return to normalcy.
Normalcy is returning to parts of the market after recent turmoil, a Bank for International Settlements report says.
ordinary or usual; the same as would be expected:
a normal working day
Lively behaviour is normal for a four-year-old child.
It's normal for couples to argue now and then.
They were selling the goods at half the normal cost.
The temperature was above/below normal for the time of year.
Things are back to normal now that we've paid off all our debts.
as per usual/normal
as usual:
Carlo turned up without any money, as per usual.
as usual:
Carlo turned up without any money, as per usual.
noun [U] (US ALSO normalcy)
the state of being normal:
Now that the civil war is over, relative normality has returned to the south of the country.The difficulties of getting started on the road, one of the largest
infrastructure projects in Indonesia, reflects the weariness among
tsunami survivors with the long return to normality.
In many applications, it is used in place of the two sample t-test when the normality assumption is questionable.
(Assumption of normality 常態性假設/ normality test 常態性檢定)
━━ a. 正常の; 普通の; 標準の, 典型的な; 【数】垂直な, 直角をなす ((to)); 【医・生理】(実験動物が)常態の, 未処置[未免疫]の; 【化】(濃度が)規定の.
━━ n. 常態; 標準; 【数】垂線, 法線; 【物】平均量[値].

Abnormality 變態性,異常,畸型

nor・mal・i・za・tion n. 正常化; 【コンピュータ】正規化.
nor・mal・iz・ing n. 【冶】焼ならし.
normalized device coordinates 【コンピュータ】正規化装置座標.

- adenoid
- [名]((通例〜s))アデノイド, 腺(せん)様増殖(症) He's got adenoids.((略式))アデノイドにかかっている.━━[形](またàd・e・nói・dal)1 《解剖学》腺様...
(anatomy) A mass of lymphoid tissue. Lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx. Also known as pharyngeal tonsil.
- adenoidectomy
- [名](複 -mies)[U][C]《外科》アデノイド切除(術).

- Of or relating to the adenoids.
- Suggestive of the vocal sound caused by abnormally enlarged adenoids: a singer with an adenoidal voice.
- self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way."he was brash, cocky, and arrogant"
- having an ostentatious or tasteless appearance."the cafe was a brash new building"
Pronunciation: /ˈmjuːzɪŋ/
tr.v., -tained, -tain·ing, -tains.
- To have within; hold.
- To be capable of holding.
- To have as component parts; include or comprise: The album contains many memorable songs.
- To hold or keep within limits; restrain: I could hardly contain my curiosity.
- To halt the spread or development of; check: Science sought an effective method of containing the disease.
- To check the expansion or influence of (a hostile power or ideology) by containment.
- Mathematics. To be exactly divisible by.
[Middle English conteinen, from Old French contenir, from Latin continēre : com-, com- + tenēre, to hold.]
containable con·tain'a·ble adj.
SYNONYMS contain, hold, accommodate. These verbs mean to have within or have a capacity. Contain means to have within or have as a part or constituent: The book contains some amusing passages. Hold stresses capacity for containing: The pitcher holds two pints but contains only one. Accommodate refers to capacity for holding comfortably: The restaurant accommodates 50 customers.
但在繁體中文世界中,將containment翻譯成「圍堵」的習慣性通譯,卻是一種有問題的翻譯;反觀簡體中文世界裡,將containment翻譯為「遏制」,其實是一個較貼近英文原意的翻譯方式。因為,若是詳細考察containment一詞初次在相關文本〈蘇聯行為的根源〉(The Sources of Soviet Conduct)中出現時的前後語脈,以及該文本執筆者肯楠(George Kennan)所面對的二戰剛結束歷史情境時,我們可以知道,用「圍堵」來對應containment,不僅是語意不同,其中更有將中文世界戰略思想,搬來硬套至西方世界語彙的問題。
〈蘇聯行為的根源〉本為肯楠供職於美國駐蘇聯大使館時,向華盛頓所拍出的一封〈長電報〉(The Long Telegram)。目的在對美國官方二戰後的對蘇政策,提出作為外交官的第一線觀察與建議。後因相關人士希望讓更多人支持美國的強硬對蘇政策,因此在官方的許可下,肯楠將原為機密文件的〈長電報〉,改寫為〈蘇聯行為的根源〉一文,並發表於1947年的《外交事務》雜誌(Foreign Affairs)。
- 発音記号[nɔ'ːrməlsi][名][U]((米))正常なこと, 常態.