2025年1月11日 星期六

time-out, author, novelist, ‘cessation of hostilities’. As L.A. Fires Rage, Trump and Newsom’s Hostilities Resurface

As L.A. Fires Rage, Trump and Newsom’s Hostilities Resurface

United States, Russia and other countries have agreed on ‘cessation of hostilities’ in ‪#‎Syria‬’s civil war. Watch Secretary of State John F. Kerry's statement:

記者薩菲(Michael Safi)解釋,停止衝突(cessation of hostilities)意指留守於戰場的勢力範圍內,暫時停止暴力行動,有機會帶來進一步的和平發展。停火(ceasefire)則通常是一個更長遠的和平或協商進程的一部分,可能包括聯合國觀察員的監督,或進一步設置非戰區,通常也伴隨前線武力集結的禁令。目前宣布的停戰,在規模與野心上都是較為保守的,也不清楚延續時間的長短。... 

Then the inscription continues, implying rather mysteriously, and incorrectly, that D.H. Lawrence is buried here, stating:-
Also David Herbert Lawrence,
Beloved Son Of The Above,
Novelist, Poet and Painter.
Born Sept. 11th. 1885
Died at Vence, Mar. 2
nd. 1930.

D.H Lawrence, Author, Poet and Artist

Time-Out Leadership: Daily Reflections to Maximize Your Leadership Effectiveness

Donald Luce (Author)

Product Description

According to top business experts, businessmen and women need a time each day for personal meditation to focus the mind and quiet the spirit, helping them to be more productive. With inspirational quotes and affirmations to help business leaders make the most of themselves and their coworkers, this daily meditational can help readers find the success they want, both in and out of the office.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 365 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson Inc (January 1996)
  • Language: English

or time·out (tīm'out')
  1. Sports. A brief cessation of play at the request of a sports team or an official for rest, consultation, or making substitutions.
  2. A short break from work or play.
    1. A corrective measure or punishment for young children in which they are separated from others for a brief period.
    2. The place, especially a chair, used for such a measure or punishment.
