South Korean President Yoon detained after standoff over martial law decree
give me a break 讓我休息一下, 得了吧!
come about
1. Also, come to pass. Happen, take place, as in How did this quarrel come about? or When did this new development come to pass? Shakespeare used the first term, first recorded in 1315, in Hamlet (5:2): "How these things came about." The variant, dating from the late 1400s, appears often in the Bible, as in, "And it came to pass ... that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus" (Luke 2:1).
2. Also, go about. In sailing, to change tack (direction), as in It's important to duck under the boom when we come about. [Mid-1500s]
True corporate responsibility, sustainability and that treasured “licence to operate” come, above all, from identifying the fundamental dangers to the business and ensuring they don't come to pass.
真正的企业责任、可持续性和那宝贵的“营业执照”,首先来自于认清企业面临的根本危 险,并确保它们不会发生。
Give me a break!, Give me a break 是非常口語的說法.在不同的場合有不同的解釋. Give me a break 可以解釋為 “你得了吧!”,或者是 “你算了吧!”,我 們來舉一個例子.下面是一個人在跟他的朋友爭論: You really think Jennifer is the prettiest girl in our class? Give me a break! There are several girls in our class who are better looking then she is. To my mind, Lisa is tops. She not only has looks; she also has brains. 這個人說:“你真的認為珍尼弗是我們班上最漂亮的女生?你算了吧!我們班上有好幾個女生都比她好看.在我的心目中, 莉莎比誰都強.她不僅漂亮,而且腦子還很聰敏。” 在這句話裡,give me a break 是表示不同意別人的意見。 下面我們再來給大家舉一個例子.在這個例句裡, give me a break 的意思又不同了,這是一個哥哥在對他的小弟弟講話: Look, kid, I'm working on a term paper that's due tomorrow. I promise to play the video game with you after dinner, OK? Come on, give me a break so I can finish this! 這個哥哥說:“喂,小鬼,我正在寫一份明天要交的學術報告.我保證吃完晚飯後就跟你一起玩電子游戲,行不行?得啦, 你別煩我啦!讓我把報告寫完吧。”