Trump Arrives in Washington and Hosts Event at Virginia Club
Trump Arrives in Washington and Hosts Event at Virginia Club
WikiLeaks Working to Get Asylum for Snowden
WikiLeaks and Edward J. Snowden’s legal team have been brokering his asylum in Iceland, Julian Assange said.
Japan PM to meet powerbroker Ozawa at 0800 GMT-Jiji
TOKYO Aug 31 (Reuters) - Japanese powerbroker Ichiro Ozawa will meet Prime Minister Naoto Kan at 5 pm (0800 GMT) on Tuesday, Jiji news agency reported, ...
Major Drug Kingpin Arrested in Mexico
Edgar Valdez Villareal's arrest, the result of a year-long intelligence operation, was a big win for President Felipe Calderson, who recently redoubled efforts to win the drug war.
When Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. flew to New York Friday evening, he brought only one change of clothes. And he planned to send a simple message to the powerbrokers of the financial world: No government bailouts would be offered to Wall Street.
(By David Cho and Neil Irwin, The Washington Post)
one change of clothes 每天都穿同一套衣服 。比喻 政策只同一條 不用納稅人的錢介入
power broker
(pou'ər-brō'kər)or pow·er·brok·er n.
A person who exerts strong political or economic influence, especially by virtue of the individuals and votes he or she controls.
power broker
/ˈpaʊə ˌbrəʊkə/
- a person who deliberately affects the distribution of political or economic power by exerting influence or by intrigue."its parliament and prime minister are fronts for the real power brokers, a coterie of elite bureaucrats"
Definition of broker
- a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others: the centralized lenders operate through brokersCompare with broker-dealer.
[with object]kingpin
- kíng • pìn
- kingpinの変化形
- kingpins (複数形)
1 ((略式))中心人物, 親分;中枢.
2 =kingbolt.
3 《ボウリング》1番ピン(headpin);5番ピン.king
1 ((時にK-))王, 国王, 君主, 帝王. ▼女性形はqueen. ⇒EMPEROR
2 (同一種類の中で)最良[最大]の人[動物, 物];(一集団・範疇(はんちゅう)の中で)もっとも代表的な人物((of ...));大立て者, …王;((俗))(事業での)やり手
3 《トランプ》キング;《チェス》キング;《チェッカー》キング, 成駒(なりごま).
(1) ((K-))神(God);キリスト(the King of Kings)
(2) 皇帝:昔, 東方諸国の王が用いた称号.
(1) ((K-))神(God);キリスト(the King of Kings)
(2) 皇帝:昔, 東方諸国の王が用いた称号.
5 (生殖能力のある)雄シロアリ.
6 ((〜s))((米略式))キングサイズの巻きタバコ1箱.
7 ((the K-))エルビス・プレスリー(Elvis Presley).
be king
━━[動](他)…を王位につかせる, 国王[君主]にする.
━━(自)[king it]王として君臨する;(…に)いばりちらす((over ...)).
[古英語cyning→cyng. △ドイツ語König]