2025年1月11日 星期六

graft, antigraft, witch-hunt, vexation, homograft ( allograft), allo-, homo- .the victim of a witch-hunt. to discredit any and all criminal and civil cases against him as nothing more than politically motivated witch hunts.

Normally it takes decades of intense investment, hard graft and astute management to become a market leader. China does not have the patience for that
These manufacturers are a ray of light at a gloomy time

China never mastered internal-combustion engines. Electric cars will be different
These manufacturers are a ray of light at a gloomy time

Merrill Execs In Taiwan For Graft Probe: Report

Merrill Lynch executives arrived in Taipei to clarify the company's role involving in the possible money laundering by family members of ex-president Chen Shui-bian, a local newspaper said on Tuesday.

The European Commission is set to issue a scathing indictment of high-level corruption, maladministration and failures in the handling of European Union funds in Bulgaria.
That's according to a draft report on the management of EU funds in the member state, which joined the bloc in January 2007. It said that as a result, Brussels has barred four Bulgarian agencies from handling EU funds, freezing nearly € 1 billion in pre-accession aid and threatening future payments.
The report is due to be adopted by the EU executive next week. Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Plugchieva, who was appointed this year to clean up the handling of EU funds, is set to hold a meeting with the EU's anti-fraud agency in Brussels this Friday.

Doubts Linger in China’s Antigraft Campaign

Two years into a far-reaching government campaign against official corruption, many ordinary Chinese remain deeply cynical about whether it can succeed.

Ex-President of Taiwan Attempts Suicide in Prison
Chen Shui-bian, serving a 20-year sentence after being convicted on graft charges in 2009, was treated quickly and did not appear to have any “significant condition.”
In Afghan Trip, Obama Presses Karzai on Graft
The visit reflected growing vexation with President Hamid Karzai as America’s military commitment to defeat the Taliban insurgency has deepened.

Ex-Taiwan President pleads not guilty on graft charge

Former Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian has pleaded not guilty to a charge of receiving bribes in a land deal. He appeared at a Taipei court for a pre-trial hearing on graft charges which he says are politically motivated. The 58-year-old Chen has admitted that his wife transferred $20 million abroad but said that she had done so without his knowledge. He has also admitted submitting bogus expense forms but said the money was used for "secret diplomatic missions". While in office, he was in favour of independence from China, which considers the island part of its territory, and Chen says he is the victim of a witch-hunt by the current pro-Beijing government. The trial is expected to start in mid-February. If proved guilty, Chen could face life in prison.

 During World War II Medawar investigated the repair of peripheral nerve injuries. In one of these investigations he devised the first biological "glue," which he used to reunite severed nerves and to fix grafts. This work stimulated his interest in the techniques for transplantation. In 1942 Medawar turned his attention to skin grafts as a result of the need to replace skin after severe burns. He demonstrated that grafts from unrelated donors (homografts) are normally destroyed as a consequence of an immunological response - the homograft reaction - on the part of the host. He was determined then to break down this homograft barrier.

[名]1 接ぎ穂[枝, 芽];接ぎ木(法).2 (皮膚・肉などの)移植;移植用組織切片.━━[動](他)1 〈接ぎ穂を〉(…に)接ぎ木する((together/on, onto, in, int...
[名][U]1 ((主に米))(特に政治関係の)不正利得, 収賄, 汚職;収賄事件;不正に得られた利得物.2 ((主に英略式))継続する(骨の折れる)仕事 get to this positio...

  1. Unscrupulous use of one's position to derive profit or advantages; extortion.
  2. Money or an advantage gained or yielded by unscrupulous means.
tr. & intr.v., graft·ed, graft·ing, grafts.
To gain by or practice unscrupulous use of one's position.

[Origin unknown.]
grafter graft'er n.

 (ăl'ə-grăft') pronunciation
A graft of tissue obtained from a donor of the same species as, but with a different genetic make-up from, the recipient, as a tissue transplant between two humans. Also called homograft.

or all-

  1. Other; different: allopatric.
  2. Isomeric: allocholesterol.
[Greek, from allos, other.]


  • 発音記号[ǽlou-, ǽlə-]


  • 発音記号[hóumou-, -mə-, hɑ'm- | hóum-, hɔ'm-]
