2025年1月18日 星期六

stunning, stateside, slate, stunner, Freude. the cameraman/ lensman. hooman.This cute little hedgehog gave its hooman cuddles!


It’s too easy to forget that this is a stunning but shaky land.

Pregnant Chinese moms are flocking stateside to give birth, lured by rules that grant American citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil.
A new 13-chapter story about Wolverine will be featured in Marvel's Infinite mobile comics, with new chapters weekly.

Media Decoder
For Marvel Comics, a Renewed Digital Mission
Comic books went digital long ago, but Marvel Comics upped the ante significantly by unveiling a superhero-size slate of mobile and online initiatives.

North Texas school district is slated to build one of the most expensive high school stadiums in the United States.

Dell Studio One 19: All-in-One Stunner Takes Japan
PC World - USAIt's just a shame that Japan retailers get to play with the Studio One 19 this week while it isn't slated to appear stateside until "sometime this spring. ...

 Last Inspection: Precise Ritual of Dressing Nation's War Dead


At the Dover Port Mortuary, where the bodies of service members are brought to be prepared for funeral, no detail is too small, whether the coffin is closed or the body slated for cremation.

 BEFORE WE LOOK BACK: Let's look forward. The final presidential debate is less than a week away. The two men will square off for a third time this month at a debate on foreign policy in Boca Raton, Fla. The event is slated to follow the same format as the first debate, with the moderator focusing on facilitating a more free-wheeling back-and-forth than was on display during last night's more segmented town hall event. As you'll probably remember, the less-defined format wasn't without its flaws the first time around.

THE Japanese phrase genchi genbutsu translates as “go to the spot” — in other words, “see it for yourself.” Few executives embrace that philosophy as completely as Akio Toyoda, who is slated to become the next president of the Toyota Motor Corporation.slate (CHOOSE) Show phonetics
verb [T] US
to be expected to happen in the future or to be expected to be or do something in the future:
[+ to infinitive] Geoff is slated to be the next captain of the football team.
The election is slated for (= the chosen day is) next Thursday.

"Here was a white Frenchman who audaciously proclaimed himself the 13th “Baker,” after having attached his life to Josephine – the famous African American superstar and expatriate – in her declining years as a chargé d’affaires, and who became the stateside guardian of her legacy, collecting materials, keeping her in the public eye, writing a searching memoir of her life, and, in the end, making it possible for others to write on the same subject."
Jean-Claude Baker passed away earlier this week. The Times has reported that he killed himself at his home in the Hamptons. New Yorkers will long remember his outsized personality, his extraordinar...

slate Show phonetics
noun [C] US
the group of people who are chosen by a particular party to take part in an election:
The senator has not got a full slate of delegates in New York.

tr.v., slat·ed, slat·ing, slates.
  1. To cover (a roof, for example) with slate.
  2. To put on a list of candidates.
  3. To schedule or designate: Our professor has slated the art history lecture for Thursday afternoon; was slated to direct the studio's next film.


  • 発音記号[sléit]
1 [U]スレート, 粘板岩, 石板
a slate roof
a slate pencil
2 [U]スレート色, 濃い青灰色.
3 ((米))候補者名簿.
4 《映画》カチンコ.
a clean [a blank] slate
have a slate loose
on the slate
put ... on the slate
wipe the slate clean/wipe off the slate
過去の事を帳消しにする, 水に流す.
1 〈屋根を〉スレート(のような材料)でふく.
2 ((通例受身))((米))
(1) …を候補者名簿に載せる, (…の)候補者に立てる((for ...)).
(2) 〈事を〉(ある時に)予定する((for ...));〈人を〉(…させる)予定である, …を計画する((to do))
The meeting was slated for May.
He is slated to speak at the meeting.
3 ((英略式))…を(…の理由で)激しく批評する, きびしく罰する((for ...)).
[中フランス語esclate (esclat木端+-e女性名詞語尾)△SLAT1
The title of Schiller's poem An Freude is literally translated as "To Joy", but is normally called the "Ode to Joy". It was written in 1785 and first published the following year in the poet's own literary journal, Thalia. Beethoven had made plans to set this poem to music as far back as 1793, when he was 22 years old.

  1. Causing or capable of causing emotional shock or loss of consciousness.
  2. Of a strikingly attractive appearance.
    1. Impressive: gave a stunning performance.
    2. Surprising: The President's final decision came with stunning suddenness.
stunningly stun'ning·ly adv.

extremely beautiful or attractive:
a stunning dress
a stunning view over the bay of Saint Tropez
See also stunning at stun (SHOCK).

a stunningly beautiful/attractive woman

a person or thing which is very beautiful, especially a woman:
The new administrator in accounts is a real stunner.

slate (CHOOSE) 
verb [T] US
to be expected to happen in the future or to be expected to be or do something in the future:
[+ to infinitive] Geoff is slated to be the next captain of the football team.
The election is slated for (= the chosen day is) next Thursday.

noun [C] US
the group of people who are chosen by a particular party to take part in an election:
The senator has not got a full slate of delegates in New York. 


adj.adv. informal of, in, or toward the U.S. (used in reference to the U.S. from elsewhere or from the geographically separate states of Alaska and Hawaii): they were headed stateside.
a stateside job
Some girls dream of finding an American husband to transport them stateside (= to the United States).

Definition of slate

  • 1 [mass noun] a fine-grained grey, green, or bluish-purple metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat plates: [as modifier]:slate quarries a slate floor
  • 2a flat plate of slate used as roofing material: a loose slate falls from the roof [as modifier]:a grey slate roof
  • a flat plate of slate formerly used for writing on in schools: the teacher was demonstrating, the children copying on to slates
  • British a record of a person’s debit or credit (in pubs and shops formerly written on a slate):‘Five quid,’ said the barman. ‘Put it on my slate,’ I suggested
  • a small portable computer that accepts input directly on to its screen rather than via a keyboard or mouse; a tablet computer: after getting our hands on one this afternoon, we found that it’s a solid, well-performing slate that’s easy on the eyes
  • 3 [mass noun, usually as modifier] a bluish-grey colour:suits of slate grey
  • 4a list of candidates for election to a post or office, typically a group sharing a set of political views:candidates on the left’s slate won 74 per cent of constituency votes
  • chiefly North American a range of something on offer:the company has revealed details of a $60m slate of film productions
  • 5a board showing the identifying details of a take in a film, held in front of the camera at the beginning and end of the take: the electronic time-code system allowed us to shoot with or without conventional slates


[with object]
  • 1cover (something, especially a roof) with slates: he was working for his father slating a new roof (as adjective slated)a slated roof
  • 2British informal criticize severely:his work was slated by the critics
  • 3chiefly North American schedule; plan:London shows are slated for late June [with infinitive]:construction is slated to begin late next year
  • nominate (someone) as a candidate for an office or post:I understand that I am being slated for promotion
  • 4identify (a take in a film) using a slate: the assistant cameraman is about to slate the scene




Middle English sclate, sklate, shortening of Old French esclate, feminine synonymous with esclat 'piece broken off' (see slat)

AI Overview
Hooman Definition by 4wordsmovement | Redbubble
"Hooman" is a humorous or slang term for a human beingIt is a misspelling of the word "human" that is often used by animals to refer to their owner. For example, a dog might call its owner a "hooman". 
"Hooman" may also refer to:
  • A Persian male name that means "benevolent and good natured". It is a transliteration of the Persian name هومن (human).
  • Hooman - Wikipedia
    Hooman (هومن) is a Persian male name which means 'benevolent and good natured'. Hooman. Gender. Male. Origin. Word/name. Persian.
  • hooman - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
    (slang, humorous) A human being, especially a person who owns a dog or cat. Pronunciation spelling of human. (Can we add an exampl...

  1. a professional photographer or cameraman.
    "an exclusive, candid picture by the lensman David Graves"
