The world's rich are increasingly investing in expensive stuff, and "freeports" are becoming their repositories of choice. Their attractions are similar to those offered by offshore financial centres: security and confidentiality, not much scrutiny, the ability for owners to hide behind nominees, and an array of tax advantages http://econ.st/1iB6UoA
For now, Mr. Kovacs has elected to make his iPhone application available through Cydia, a popular repository for thousands of unauthorized iPhone applications and modifications. “I’d rather just make it available for free, instead of just not having it available to anyone,” he said.
In 1935, DC Comics founder Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson published New Fun No. 1, the first comic book with all-new, original material—at a time when comic books were mere repositories for the castoffs of the newspaper strips. What was initially considered to be disposable media for children was well on its way to becoming the mythology of our time—the 20th century’s answer to Atlas or Zorro. More than 40,000 comic books later, in honor of the publisher’s 75th anniversary, TASCHEN has produced the single most comprehensive book on DC Comics, in an XL edition even Superman might have trouble lifting.
Managing Nuclear Waste
Scientists around the world are investigating safe and long-term solutions
to manage nuclear waste. One possible solution is to dispose of the
radioactive waste - produced by nuclear power plants - deep underground in
so-called geological repositories.
The DW-WORLD Article
Spectrum | 19.08.2008 | 04:30
Problems at Germany's Asse II Nuclear Waste Repository
Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:
A former salt mine in the German state of Lower Saxony is giving authorities and local residents cause for alarm.
In 1965 the Asse-II mine was turned into a temporary storage and research facility for nuclear waste. As the development of nuclear energy boomed, the 1000-metre-deep mine became a permanent disposal site for nuclear material. Between 1967 to 1978, hundreds of thousands of barrels of radioactive waste were disposed in the mine and remain there today. In June this year, news broke that brine, known to be leaking from the mine since 1988, is radioactive – at some eight times above safe levels. As Leah McDonnell reports, poor maintenance also means the mine is unstable and in danger of collapsing.
Google announced an online repository where consumers can store their health information -- a move that could boost the nation's fledgling efforts to adopt electronic medical records.
noun ━━ n. 容器, 倉庫, 地下納骨所; (資源・情報の)宝庫 ((of)); 腹心.
1 [C] FORMAL a place where things are stored and can be found
2 [C usually singular] a person who has, or a book that contains, a lot of information or detailed knowledge:
She's a repository of knowledge about our family history.
re·pos·i·to·ry (rĭ-pŏz'ĭ-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē)
n., pl., -ries.
A place where things may be put for safekeeping.
A warehouse.
A museum.
A burial vault; a tomb.
One that contains or is a store of something specified: "Bone marrow is also the repository for some leukemias and lymphomas" (Seth Rolbein).
One who is entrusted with secrets or confidential information.
Chinese Repository 19世紀澳門月報
re • pos • i • tor • y 発音
ripɑ'zətɔ`ːri | -pɔ'zitəri レベル
社会人必須 repositoryの変化形
repositories (複数形)
1 容器;集積所, 置き場, 貯蔵室, 収納庫;((主に英))倉庫
a repository for merchandise
2 ((形式またはおどけて))(天然資源・知識・情報の)宝庫
a repository of knowledge
3 埋葬所, 納骨堂.
4 (秘密などを)打ち明けられる人
a repository for one's sorrows
Super heroes from the Atom to Zatara: 75 years of DC Comics
One that has been discarded.
Printing. A calculation of the amount of space a manuscript will occupy when set into type.
adj. also cast-off
Discarded; rejected.
淋巴腺腫瘤 記号[limfóumə]