Bellini and Mantegna
T.J. Clark
I believe that both Mantegna and Bellini were alert to every difficult turn and rebalancing in Luke’s verses, and thought hard as they painted about how to convert such turns into touches, faces, ways of looking and holding, intervals between people, ‘drapery’, proximity, ‘expression’.
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Albrecht Durer
Study Of Drapery, 1508…/albrecht-du…/study-of-drapery-1508

Source: Charles Dickens: « Great Expectations » Chapter 26
"But I am not a fortune-teller," he said, letting his head drop into a festoon of towel, and towelling away at his two ears. "You know what I am, don't you? Good-night, Pip."
"可惜我不是個算命先生 ," 他說 ,一面把毛巾像彩飾那樣又捂住他的臉 , 還朝兩邊耳朵那兒擦去 我是幹什麼的 ,這你知道是嗎? 再見 , 皮普!
- A string or garland, as of leaves or flowers, suspended in a loop or curve between two points.
- A representation of such a string or garland, as in painting or sculpture.
- To decorate with or as if with festoons; hang festoons on.
- To form or make into festoons.
1. a. A coarse twilled cloth, usually cotton, used for jeans, overalls, and work uniforms.
b. denims Trousers or another garment made of this cloth.
2. A similar but finer fabric used in draperies and upholstery.
Embroidered draperies were festooned over the windows. 有刺繡的布幔做成花彩掛在窗戶上
1 drape sth across/on/over, etc. to put something such as cloth or a piece of clothing loosely over something:
He draped his jacket over the back of the chair and sat down to eat.
She draped the scarf loosely around her shoulders.
2 be draped in/with sth to be loosely covered with a cloth:
The coffins were all draped with the national flag.
noun [C or U]
the way in which cloth folds or hangs as it covers something:
She liked the heavy drape of velvet.
See also drapes.
draper Show phonetics
someone who, in the past, owned a shop selling cloth, curtains, etc.
noun [U]
1 cloth hanging or arranged in folds
2 UK (US dry goods) OLD-FASHIONED cloth, pins, thread, etc. used for sewing