It’s a new dawn for affordable, accessible solar power. 🌅
Costs are falling. Demand is rising. Generation is increasing. Over 24 countries can now generate a gigawatt or more. Solar is becoming a mainstream source of electricity.
Free to read: Boris Johnson is no stranger to mendacity. But lying to Her Majesty? Such is the dark morass into which the UK government has fallen in pursuit of the Brexit deadline, Philip Stephens writes.
Victor Mair said,
Good question, Greg.
My immediate response is that kam-á 柑仔 ("tangerine") is overtly marked as Taiwanese, which the vendor might have felt would be off-putting to Mandarin speakers. Add to that the cuteness of the pun, and writing it as gānmā 乾媽 ("godmother") must have been nearly irresistible.
See also my next post on the Golden Monkey, especially the last line. Seeks to Boost Financial Ties With Asean Amid China Row
Japan said it will boost financial cooperation with Southeast Asian nations, support their bond markets and make it easier for Japanese companies to raise funds in local currencies. Asia's second-largest economy will also consider reviving emergency ...
"Amazing, and slightly off putting, to see what a Boeing 777 aircraft can do when not on autopilot and flying/circling low over the ocean."
A right royal row over solar energy in Bavaria
The continuing boom has been helped along by a law that offers incentives to solar manufacturers and to people putting up solar panels on their roofs. Now one of Germany's wealthiest families wants to get in on the renewable energy game. Prince Albert of Thurn und Taxis wants to build a giant solar park on family land in Bavaria. But residents in a town next to the site are saying...hey, not in my backyard. Kyle James reports on this solar standoff between the nobles and some everyday folk.
Holly: Then please stop staring at me, it's very off putting. 霍莉:那請別再盯著我,很討厭 ...
(2) His arrogance is very off-putting(他很傲慢,令人反感)。
When Nike recently introduced a shoe designed specifically for American Indians, the company said it was to promote a healthy lifestyle on reservations.
But along with its trademark swoosh, the Nike Air Native N7 features feathers and arrowheads, which bloggers have found off-putting.
Bentham cared little for his formal education, insisting that "mendacity and insincerity … are the only sure effects of an English university education," and he cared even less about succeeding as a practicing lawyer. He preferred to read and write papers on legal reform and to study physical science, especially chemistry. His father, who had amassed a considerable fortune in real estate speculations, died in 1792, and from that time on Bentham retired from public life and devoted himself to writing. In 1814 he purchased a mansion, and his home became a center of English intellectual life.
Seeing is believing, at least when it comes to a new magazine advertising campaign by Armstrong World Industries.
Promoting the “Grand Illusions” line of premium laminate flooring, which reproduces different exotic woods, the campaign features models who uncannily resemble four celebrities who shot to fame in the 1950’s, Lucille Ball, Marlon Brando, James Dean and Dean Martin.

consisting of several thin layers of wood, plastic, glass, etc. stuck together, or (of surfaces) covered with a thin protective layer of plastic:
The recipe cards are laminated so they can be wiped clean.
noun [C or U]
any material which is made by sticking several layers of the same material together:
a laminate finish
adjective [after verb]
slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you are discouraged from getting involved in any way:
He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find a bit off-putting when they first meet him.
What I found off-putting was the amount of work that you were expected to do.
━━ a. 感じの悪い, 当惑させる.
(2) His arrogance is very off-putting(他很傲慢,令人反感)。
Nike Adds Indian Artifacts to Its Swoosh
When Nike recently introduced a shoe designed specifically for American Indians, the company said it was to promote a healthy lifestyle on reservations.
Skip to next paragraph
But along with its trademark swoosh, the Nike Air Native N7 features feathers and arrowheads, which bloggers have found off-putting.
Bentham cared little for his formal education, insisting that "mendacity and insincerity … are the only sure effects of an English university education," and he cared even less about succeeding as a practicing lawyer. He preferred to read and write papers on legal reform and to study physical science, especially chemistry. His father, who had amassed a considerable fortune in real estate speculations, died in 1792, and from that time on Bentham retired from public life and devoted himself to writing. In 1814 he purchased a mansion, and his home became a center of English intellectual life.
Keep the ball rolling
Keep the ball rolling轉載
Maintain a level of activity in and enthusiasm for a project.
The American expression 'keep the ball rolling' was preceded by the similar, now archaic, British phrase 'keep the ball up'. They had much the same meaning, the earlier one alludes to keeping a ball in the air, i.e. conveying the notion of keeping an activity going. This was used figuratively by the radical social philosopher Jeremy Bentham, in a letter to George Wilson in 1781, referring to his efforts to keep a conversation going:
"I put a word in now and then to keep the ball up."Bentham may be long dead but continues to be radical. He didn't opt for the traditional coffin, buried six feet under, but willed that his body be stuffed, mounted and put on display. It is exhibited in a cabinet at University College, London (although the severed head has now been removed). As a student at the University in the 1960s I was one of many who took the opportunity to open the cabinet doors to see Bentham peering back through the waxy glass - quite disconcerting.
This has got to be the explanation for Stone as well. Those years of doing favors for the K.G.B. do suggest that Stone, too, was, in his own fashion, willy-nilly a totalitarian — at least, sometimes. He wrote journalism he knew to be untrue. That was why, in a rueful moment, he spoke about "the morass into which one wanders when one begins to withhold the truth."
But Stone was also not a totalitarian. He was a lover of freedom. A part of him always rebelled against the culture of mendacity he helped to foster in his own corner of the American left. He was a paradox. He did not add up. In our own hair-raising era today, a good many people naturally want to rummage through the past in a search for heroes, and some people will keenly hope that in I. F. Stone they have found their man. His charming and humorous prose style, his amiable personality on the page, his incontestable bravery, the quality in him that, in spite of everything, was never petty or contemptible — all this is hugely attractive, or would be, if only you could separate out the other aspects. "All governments lie," Stone's maxim, ought to be plastered across every journalist's desk. But the lesson Stone can offer us today is, I would say, mostly a reminder that we will have to rise to our own occasion, and not expect heroes from the past to guide our faltering steps. A useful reminder, unfortunately. In any case, a truth.
Seeing is believing, at least when it comes to a new magazine advertising campaign by Armstrong World Industries.
Promoting the “Grand Illusions” line of premium laminate flooring, which reproduces different exotic woods, the campaign features models who uncannily resemble four celebrities who shot to fame in the 1950’s, Lucille Ball, Marlon Brando, James Dean and Dean Martin.
The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly. Of the objects that orbit the Sun directly, the largest are the eight planets, with the remainder being smaller objects, the ...
- area of muddy or boggy ground.
"in midwinter the track beneath this bridge became a muddy morass"
- 2.a complicated or confused situation.
"she would become lost in a morass of lies and explanations"
- untruthfulness.
"people publicly castigated for past mendacity"

━━ n. 虚偽, うそつき癖.
consisting of several thin layers of wood, plastic, glass, etc. stuck together, or (of surfaces) covered with a thin protective layer of plastic:
The recipe cards are laminated so they can be wiped clean.
noun [C or U]
any material which is made by sticking several layers of the same material together:
a laminate finish
adjective [after verb]
slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you are discouraged from getting involved in any way:
He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find a bit off-putting when they first meet him.
What I found off-putting was the amount of work that you were expected to do.
━━ a. 感じの悪い, 当惑させる.
- óff-pùtting
Definition of off-putting
n.- A series of objects placed next to each other, usually in a straight line.
- A succession without a break or gap in time: won the title for three years in a row.
- A line of adjacent seats, as in a theater, auditorium, or classroom.
- A continuous line of buildings along a street.
To place in a row.
a tough row to hoe Informal.
- A difficult situation to endure.
[Middle English, from Old English rāw.]
row2 (rō)

v., rowed, row·ing, rows. v.intr. Nautical
To propel a boat with or as if with oars.
- Nautical.
- To propel (a boat) with or as if with oars.
- To carry in or on a boat propelled by oars.
- To use (a specified number of oars or people deploying them).
- To propel or convey in a manner resembling rowing of a boat.
- Sports.
- To pull (an oar) as part of a racing crew.
- To race against by rowing.
- The act or an instance of rowing.
- A shift at the oars of a boat.
- A trip or an excursion in a rowboat.
[Middle English rowen, from Old English rōwan.]
rower row'er n.row3 (rou)

- A boisterous disturbance or quarrel; a brawl. See synonyms at brawl.
- An uproar; a great noise.
To take part in a quarrel, brawl, or uproar.

━━ n. 騒ぎ; (家庭内などの)けんか; 〔英〕 しかられること (get into a 〜 しかられる); (政治的・社会的)論議.

━━ vt. 〔英〕 ののしる.
━━ vi. 騒ぐ; 大げんかする ((with; about, over)).