Carlos Ghosn comes forward
The former Nissan executive spoke out publicly for the first time since his escape from Japan, where he faces an arrest warrant, portraying himself as the victim of a rigged justice system and a corporate coup by disloyal underlings.
The goal is to offer affordable internet service to parts of the United States by mid-2020, and eventually to beam cheap high-speed broadband across the globe
2008年9月9日 星期二
affordable,ubiquitous access to landlocked or isolated
"Only when emerging markets achieve affordable and ubiquitous access to the rest of the world will we observe locally generated content, widespread e-learning, telemedicine and (much) more," said Wyler in a statement. "O3b Network will bring multi-gigabit Internet speeds directly to emerging markets, whether landlocked in Africa or isolated by water in the Pacific Islands.""O3b Networks' model empowers local entrepreneurs and companies to deliver Internet and mobile services to those in currently underserved or remote locations at speeds necessary to power rich web-based applications," said Larry Alder, Google's Alternative Access Team product manager, in a statement.
comes forward
kick-off , kick off, kick (sth) off , tribute
Google Earth tribute to Iraq and Afghanistan dead
PC Pro - London,UK
A Google developer has created a virtual memorial to more than 5700 servicemen and women who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. ...
Democrats Try to Heal Bruises as Convention Kicks Off
Democrats gaveled their convention to order, awaiting an opening night speech by Michelle Obama and a tribute to Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
Tribute to Charles J. Hitch
By Alain C. Enthoven
Editor's note: Charles J. Hitch, a past president of ORSA and one of the founders of modern management science, died in San Leandro, Calif., on Sept. 11, 1995. He was 85. At the request of Hugh Miser on behalf of OR/MS Today, Alain C. Enthoven wrote the following essay commemorating his longtime colleague and lifelong friend.
noun [C]
something that you say, write or give which shows your respect and admiration for someone, especially on a formal occasion:
Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.
For wedding bouquets, floral tributes (= flowers sent to someone's funeral) and all your flower needs, call Mandy's Florists.
kick off (FOOTBALL) phrasal verb
If a game of football kicks off, it starts:
What time does the match kick off?
See also kick-off.kick-off Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
1 UK (US kickoff) the time when a game of football starts, or when it begins again after it has stopped because of a goal, etc.
See also kick off.
2 INFORMAL the time when an activity starts
kick (sth) off (ACTIVITY) phrasal verb [M]
If you kick off a discussion or an activity, you start it:
I'd like to kick off the discussion with a few statistics.
Right, any suggestions? Jim, you kick off.
If you kick off a discussion or an activity, you start it:
I'd like to kick off the discussion with a few statistics.
Right, any suggestions? Jim, you kick off.
━━ n. みつぎ[ささげ]物(をする義務); 贈り物; 感謝のことば[しるし], 賛辞; 表れ ((to)).
pay (a) tribute 賛辞[敬意]を表する ((to)).

━━ a., n. みつぎ物を納める; 従属する ((to)); 補助の; 納貢者 ((to)); 属国 ((to)); 支流(の).
我請教梁永安先生才知道香港用 "波" 表 英文"ball" (球)
Kick Off(開波)