Hogging the overhead bins, failing to acknowledge the flight attendant on the way in and using the restroom barefoot. Cabin crew have a long list of problems with flyers
Polo player Santiago Tanoira explains that in Argentina, polo isn't just for high rollers, and it goes hand in hand with hundreds of years of Gaucho tradition
Unsold Foreign Cars Hogging Space at a Port
Unwelcome by dealers and buyers, thousands of cars are being warehoused on crowded port property in California, creating a vivid picture of a paralyzed auto business.
H will soon, if not already, become a force to be reckoned with for the U.S. and Japanese manufacturers because it gives the most bang for customers' money.
But trying to capture a bigger share of shrinking markets in the United States, Europe and Japan — just as they tip into recession — won’t provide China much of an economic lift. What it will do is contribute to the slowdown in the rest of the world by hogging demand. China would get much more bang for the buck if it focused on stimulating its own domestic markets for goods and services.
Traveling on the cheap isn't as hard as you think.
Summer Vacation 2014: 10 Ways to Get More Bang for Your Travel Bucks
Tops on the summer travel hot list: which dream islands have suddenly...
bang for one's (or the) buck
the best result for the smallest effort
high roller
informal, chiefly North AmericanOrigin
With reference to rolling dice.
hog (PERSON)
someone who takes much more than a fair share of something, especially by eating too much:
You've eaten it all? You hog!
verb [T] -gg- INFORMAL
take or use most or all of (something) in an unfair or selfish way.
"he never hogged the limelight"
to take or use more than your share of something:
He's always hogging the bathroom (= spending too much time in the bathroom, so that no one else can use it).
v., hogged, hog·ging, hogs. v.tr.
- Informal. To take more than one's share of: Don't hog the couch.
- To cause (the back) to arch like that of a hog.
- To cut (a horse's mane) short and bristly.
- To shred (waste wood, for example) by machine.
- hog (ANIMAL)
- hog (PERSON)
- pig (ANIMAL)
- road hog
- live high on/off the hog
- hog the road
- go the whole hog
Yes, you, too, are a Google guinea pig. We all are. The millions of searches we do help Google determine how we search.
a selfish and dangerous driver
1. Favored term to describe programs or hardware that seem to eat far more than their share of a system's resources, esp. those which noticeably degrade interactive response. Not used of programs that are simply extremely large or complex or that are merely painfully slow themselves. More often than not encountered in qualified forms, e.g., memory hog, core hog, hog the processor, hog the disk. “A controller that never gives up the I/O bus gets killed after the bus-hog timer expires.”
Takahashi: Leopard upgrade gives Apple advantage over Microsoft
Nuevo Mundo - CA,USA
In contrast to Microsoft's Windows Vista, it isn'ta memory hog. Apple says it can run just fine on an older Mac with 512 megabytes of main memory. ...
See all stories on this topic
2. Also said of people who use more than their fair share of resources (particularly disk, where it seems that 10% of the people use 90% of the disk, no matter how big the disk is or how many people use it). Of course, once disk hogs fill up one filesystem, they typically find some other new one to infect, claiming to the sysadmin that they have an important new project to complete.
a selfish and dangerous driver
[WITH OBJECT] North American
1Secure (a person or animal) by fastening the hands and feet or all four feet together:
they gagged him and hog-tied him to the front pew
More example sentences
1.1Impede or hinder greatly:
the flood of regulations that are hog-tying our businesses
More example sentences
power hog 表示某電氣設備極耗電
Computer Servers In US, Europe and Japan Are Power Hogs
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
The Asia-Pacific region -- excluding Japan -- will increase its server-related power consumption to 16% from 10% of worldwide utilization in 2000 and from ...
December 5, 2005 12:31 PM PST
Xbox 360's a power hog
If the $300 price tag for Microsoft's new Xbox 360 game console seems steep to you, just wait til you get the electric bill.
The new gaming system, which has topped holiday gift lists since its Nov. 22 retail debut, is "obscenely power hungry," according to Will Greenwald, a CNET product reviewer.
Using special testing equipment, Will and his review team found that the machine draws about 160 watts of power, more than twice as much as the original version and double rivals' systems. That puts the Xbox 360 ahead of most other home entertainment devices in terms of power consumption with the exception of big screen, high-definition TVs, which are the SUVs of the living room.
CNET reviewers estimate that spending an average of four hours a day on the machine will add as much as $35 a year to your electricity bill. But if that's not a concern, consider this: some of the units are reportedly overheating. A suit filed on Friday against Microsoft seeks class action status, claiming the product is defective.
The new gaming system, which has topped holiday gift lists since its Nov. 22 retail debut, is "obscenely power hungry," according to Will Greenwald, a CNET product reviewer.
Using special testing equipment, Will and his review team found that the machine draws about 160 watts of power, more than twice as much as the original version and double rivals' systems. That puts the Xbox 360 ahead of most other home entertainment devices in terms of power consumption with the exception of big screen, high-definition TVs, which are the SUVs of the living room.
CNET reviewers estimate that spending an average of four hours a day on the machine will add as much as $35 a year to your electricity bill. But if that's not a concern, consider this: some of the units are reportedly overheating. A suit filed on Friday against Microsoft seeks class action status, claiming the product is defective.
guinea pig (TEST) noun [C]
a person used in a scientific test, usually to discover the effect of a drug on humans:
They're asking for students to be guinea pigs in their research into the common cold.

━━ n. ギニー金貨.
guinea fowl ホロホロチョウ.
guinea hen ホロホロチョウの雌.
guinea pig テンジクネズミ; ((俗にいう)) モルモット; 実験材料になる人.
