World News
China: Japan, Allies Risk 'Long-Term Damage' Over Islands - VOA
Voice of America
Washington wants better relations with Beijing, but the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, said he has told Chinese officials that does not mean weakening ties with Japan. "Would we trade off our relationship with Japan ...
Meles Zenawi
In death as in life, the Ethiopian strongman gets better reviews than he deserved.
Saudi Women Shatter the Lingerie Ceiling
strongman, retraining
Former Indonesian strongman Suharto in critical condition
noun [C] 怪力男; 独裁者.
1 a man who is employed or famous for his great physical strength:
If she talks to the police, Joey's strongmen will be paying her a visit.
2 LITERARY a person who is very powerful and able to cause change, especially of a political type:
Haitian strongman Duvalier could feel his power slipping away.
Former Indonesian strongman Suharto in critical condition
noun [C] 怪力男; 独裁者.
1 a man who is employed or famous for his great physical strength:
If she talks to the police, Joey's strongmen will be paying her a visit.
2 LITERARY a person who is very powerful and able to cause change, especially of a political type:
Haitian strongman Duvalier could feel his power slipping away.
No longer will men be allowed to sell the bras. The jobs will go to women now.
It is being billed as the Kremlin’s soft soap battle as both Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and his strongman premier Vladimir Putin suddenly appoint glamorous women as their ’personal photographers’.
The move to boost their respective images comes as the pair have failed to announce a decision on which of them will stand for the presidency in elections next year.
Some pundits see an increasing rivalry between the ruling tandem, amid claims the appointment of the young women photographers are aimed at galvanising their appeal among Russian voters.
Most surprising to the Russian media is Putin’s choice of Yana Lapikova, a former Miss Moscow contestant whose photographic work is not widely known, but who was labelled ’a sexy brunette’ after pictures of her in lingerie poses were revealed in the media.
Meanwhile, Medvedev’s choice is the highly-rated Katya Shtukina, a former Kremlin pool photographer.
So taken is keen amateur photographer Medvedev with Katya’s talents, that as well as appointing her, he is reported to have personally presented her with a top Canon camera.
soft soap:動詞或名詞,非正式用法,為達成某種目的而說好聽的話。例句:She gets whatever she wants with soft soap.(她靠花言巧語得到所有她想要的。)
pundit:名詞,博學或權威之人、某領域事務的評論家。如:a political pundit,政治評論家。
be taken with:動詞片語,被某事或人吸引、著迷。例句:The audience were taken with the beautiful voice of the little girl.(這名小女孩的好歌喉令觀眾著迷。)
Be attracted to or charmed by, as in I was quite taken with those watercolors, or The composer seemed to be taken with the young soprano who performed his songs. [First half of 1500s]
公平與效率:你必須有所取捨 Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff 作者:亞瑟.歐肯 (Arthur M. Okun)
trade something off
exchange something of value, especially as part of a compromise:the government traded off economic advantages for political gains
trade-last Meaning #1: a compliment that I heard about you that I offer to trade for a compliment you have heard about me
A compliment that a person has heard and offers to repeat to the one complimented in exchange for a compliment made about oneself.
From trade + last.
"A voluptuous brunette in a rose-pink dress and diamonds dragged her down to the arm of her rocker. `I got a trade-last for you, Myra.'" — Fannie Hurst (1889-1968); Summer Resources (short story).
"'I have a trade-last for you, Ida,' she said. 'Mrs. Mallard is in the library, discussing our club, and I heard mother say something awfully nice about you.' 'Tell it!' demanded Lloyd. 'No, I said a trade-last.' 'Oh, fishing for a compliment!' sang Katie." — Annie Fellows Johnston (1863-1931); The Little Colonel at Boarding-School.
[名]((米略式))(あの人があなたのことをほめていたよ, とお互いに言い交わす)第三者のほめ言葉.brunette(brū-nĕt')

Having dark or brown hair.
A girl or woman with dark or brown hair.
[French, feminine of brunet. See brunet.]
- Of a dark complexion or coloring.
- Having dark brown or black hair or eyes.
A person with dark brown hair.
[French, from Old French, diminutive of brun, brown, of Germanic origin.]
- 発音記号[lɑ`ːnʒəréi | lǽndʒəriː]
[名][U]ランジェリー, 女性用肌着類, 寝巻き類.