Taiwan's fishermen ply their trade in troubled waters
Financial Times
Trucks laden with headless frozen tuna carcases speed down the waterfront as trading gets under way at the Donggang fish market in southern Taiwan. Less than an hour after dawn, dozens of colourfully painted small boats are unloading their holds after ...
ZURICH — Local officials have decided that this city's expanding legal sex industry needs to be better organized. Zurich municipal authorities have proposed a series of changes to existing prostitution regulations that would allow prostitutes to continue plying their trade, but only in three specific zones — including one equipped with new booths to welcome their clients.
Anger and Kudos as Florida Governor Tacks Left
Gov. Rick Scott said he did not change so much as Florida's economy and deficit changed, freeing him to spend money.
Intellectuals Who Didn’t Roar
The Arab Spring has not yielded any intellectual standard-bearers.
It Zigs, It Zags: U.S. Market Rises 4% After a Down Day
Markets continued this week's pattern of wild swings between gains and losses, as earnings and jobless data got investors hunting for bargains.《中英對照讀新聞》Indian women drive equality in India 印度女性駕御性別平等
In her canary-yellow sari and gold earrings, with a pair of thin-framed spectacles perched on her nose, Surekha Yadav could be any woman stepping down from the train at Mumbai’s main railway station.
But the 44-year-old mother-of-two stands out from the crowds on the platforms at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus(CST)as she doesn’t just travel on the trains -- she drives them.
Yadav was the first female passenger train driver on Mumbai’s Central Railways and has become a standard-bearer for women in a traditionally male-dominated industry.
Since she first jumped into the cab of Mumbai’s packed commuter trains 10 years ago -- attracting curious looks from commuters -- one other "motorwoman" now plies the same suburban route. Two are assistant drivers.
Yadav, who admitted having no interest in trains before applying for a job as an assistant goods train driver in 1989, said she has had nothing but support from her male colleagues.
Madhu Purnima Kishwar, of New Delhi’s Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, said that in the workplace gender was no bar to success -- provided women were strong. "In India, women who demonstrate that they are stronger than men usually find men falling at their feet," she said, linking it to the worship of Hindu goddesses and the importance of mothers in Indian society.
standard bearer:名詞,原指軍隊中的掌旗手、亦指某運動、政黨或組織的領袖、代表人物,如He became the standard-bearer for their cause because of his celebrity.(由於他具有高知名度,因此成為他們這項運動的代表性人物。)
ply:動詞,指定期往返於某兩地間,如High-speed trains regularly ply between Paris and Lyons.(高速鐵路火車定期往返於巴黎與里昂之間。)
at someone’s feet:片語,指為某人著迷、受到某人支配,如Her voice kept audiences at her feet for years.(她的歌喉多年來讓聽眾為之著迷。)
tr.v., plied (plīd), ply·ing, plies (plīz).
- To join together, as by molding or twisting.
- To double over (cloth, for example).
- A layer, as of doubled-over cloth or of paperboard.
- One of the sheets of wood glued together to form plywood.
- A layer of rubber-coated fabric, often of nylon or polyester cords, forming the body of an automobile tire.
- One of the strands twisted together to make yarn, rope, or thread. Often used in combination: three-ply cord.
- A bias; an inclination.
[Middle English plien, from Old French plier, alteration of pleier, from Latin plicāre, to fold.]
ply2 (plī)

v., plied (plīd), ply·ing, plies (plīz). v.tr.
- To use diligently; wield: ply a knitting needle.
- To engage in diligently; practice: plied the carpenter's trade. See synonyms at handle.
- To traverse or sail over regularly: Trading ships plied the routes between coastal ports.
- To continue offering something to; ensure that (another) is abundantly served: plied their guests with excellent food.
- To assail vigorously.
- To traverse a route or course regularly: The boat plies between the islands on a weekly schedule.
- To perform or work diligently or regularly: plied at the weaver's trade for 20 years.
- Nautical. To work against the wind by a zigzag course; tack.
[Middle English plien, from applien, to apply. See apply.]

[動](plied, 〜・ing)(他)
1 ((古または文))〈道具・才能などを〉せっせと働かせる[使う]
ply one's wit
2 ((文))〈仕事・商売を〉営む, に励む
ply one's trade
3 [ply A with B]
(1) 〈A(炉など)にB(まきなど)を〉どんどん加える.
(2) 〈A(人)にB(飲食物など)を〉しつこくすすめる
(1) 〈A(炉など)にB(まきなど)を〉どんどん加える.
(2) 〈A(人)にB(飲食物など)を〉しつこくすすめる
ply her with whiskey
(3) 〈A(人)にB(質問・懇願など)を〉しつこくする彼女にウイスキーをむりじいする.
ply a person with questions
4 ((文))〈船・バスなどが〉〈川・道などを〉定期的に行き来する.
1 (…に)精を出す((at, with ...))
ply at Shakespeare
2 ((文))〈船・バスなどが〉(…間を)定期的に往復する, 通う((between ...)).
3 ((英))〈赤帽・運転手などが〉(…で)客待ちする((at ...));(客などを)待つ((for ...)).
4 〈船が〉風に逆らって進む.mis·tress (mĭs'trĭs)
One of a series of sharp turns or reversals: The zigs and zags of foreign policy.
intr.v., zigged, zig·ging, zigs.

One of a series of sharp turns or reversals: The zigs and zags of foreign policy.
intr.v., zigged, zig·ging, zigs.
- To turn or change direction suddenly. Usually used in contrast to zag: When your opponent zigs, zag!
- To behave erratically or indecisively. Usually used with zag: The market has zigged and zagged for months.
[From ZIGZAG.]
1. (tr) to secure by a tack or series of tacks
2. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Knitting & Sewing) Brit to sew (something) with long loose temporary stitches
3. (tr) to attach or append tack this letter onto the other papers
4. (Transport / Nautical Terms) Nautical to change the heading of (a sailing vessel) to the opposite tack
5. (Transport / Nautical Terms) Nautical to steer (a sailing vessel) on alternate tacks
6. (Transport / Nautical Terms) (intr) Nautical (of a sailing vessel) to proceed on a different tack or to alternate tacks
7. (intr) to follow a zigzag route; keep changing one's course of action
[C14 tak fastening, nail; related to Middle Low German tacke pointed instrument]