"Geodesic" Portrait of Gala, 1936
Translating Alfred Hitchcock from Russian, John D’Agata’s new anthology, don’t use Kafkaesque, the cult of Brontë, and other news.
China’s problem has become the world’s problem. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides spewed by China’s coal-fired power plants fall as acid rain on Seoul, South Korea, and Tokyo. Much of the particulate pollution over Los Angeles originates in China, according to the Journal of Geophysical Research.
U.S. Shoots for the Moon, This Time to Stay
By Jeffrey Kluger
NASA's ambitious new spacecraft, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, will map the moon's surface, looking for suitable future landing sites and a spot to build a lunar base
Geophysical Research引發我們進一步了解 "geophysical地球物理的"相關的用語
Geophysical Investigation 地球物理調查
Geophysical prospecting 地球物理探勘(採礦;探查法)
Geophysical Testing地球物理試驗
Geophysical survey 地球物理測勘
Geophysical reconnaissance 地球物理初勘
International Geodetic and Geophysical Union 國際大地測量及地球物理學協會 ; Geophysical astronomy 地球物理天文學;Geophysical observatory 地球物理觀測站;international Geophysical year 國際地球物理年;Geophysical tomography 地球物理層析成像其中
prospect 為 The act of surveying or examining.Prospecting
Exploration for mineral deposits. The result of prospecting is the discovery of potentially economic mineralization, that is, the prospect. Mineral exploration continues beyond prospecting to include the delineation and evaluation of the prospect to determine its minability as an orebody or economic mineral deposit. A successful prospect is developed into a mine. See also Mining.
Late 17th century: from Greek geōdaitēs 'land surveyor', from geōdaisia (see geodesy).
Late 16th century: from modern Latin geodaesia, from Greek geōdaisia, from gē 'earth' +daiein 'divide'.

IN BRIEF: A survey to gain information; an exploratory military survey of enemy territory.

shoot for/at sth phrasal verb US
to try to do something:
It's worth taking chances when you're shooting at a chance of fame and wealth.