On Jan. 24, two provenance experts will sit down with the museum's own Provenance Specialist MacKenzie Mallon for a fascinating discussion of their unique experiences working in the field of Nazi-era provenance over the past three decades. Reserve your free ticket here: https://bit.ly/30n0sNr
This isn't a great photograph, but it is my own Picasso which I bought in the 1960s in Paris. Called the Connoisseurs. It's got some provenance tags on the back. It's fun to look at.
"“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see,” wrote Ayn Rand in her novel The Fountainhead. That there is a link, a connection, between the west’s military interventions in the Middle East and terrorist attacks against the west, that violence begets violence, is “glaringly evident” to anyone with open eyes, if not open minds."
Joan Miro. Untitled

Miro, Joan
Spanish, 1893 - 1983
Untitled c 1926
oil on canvas
100.2 x 81.5 cm
Purchase, 1981
© Estate of Joan Miro / ADAGP (Paris) / SODRAC (Montreal)
Spanish, 1893 - 1983
Untitled c 1926
oil on canvas
100.2 x 81.5 cm
Purchase, 1981
© Estate of Joan Miro / ADAGP (Paris) / SODRAC (Montreal)
Private collection, Paris ?); (by 1981 John and Paul Herring, New York); sold 1981 to AGO
Please use the guide to read Gallery provenance texts:
- Provenance is listed in chronological order, beginning with the earliest known owner.
- Dealers, auction houses or agents appear in parentheses.
- Relationships between owners and methods of transactions are indicated by punctuation: a semicolon is used to indicate that the work passed directly between two owners (including dealers, auction houses, or agents), and a period is used to separate two owners (including dealers auction houses or agents) if a direct transfer did not occur or is not known to have occurred.
- Footnotes are used to document or clarify where critical gaps in provenance exist.
And Hate Begat Hate
Pakistanis are paying the price for America’s two wars, and its failed nation building. Increasingly they ask, “Why do Americans hate us?”
'Big Bang' Pioneers Rethink Banking Overhaul
As the G-20 meets to fix the global financial system, some architects of the reforms that begat the system are questioning the ideal of unfettered capitalism on which it was built.
Money begets money. UsingMaking vast fortunes out of vaster fortunes.
4. "The Computer and the Cartouche: Begetting the Architecture of J. M. Coetzee's Slow Man," by Brian Macaskill, John Carroll Univ.
Growing older in a new Australian world, whose strategies of communication and representation are increasingly tied to younger mechanisms of a pictorially-based World-Wide-Web, the protagonist of J.M. Coetzee's Slow Man finds himself returning to a communicative memory of his (French) Childhood: "Watching scraps of paper being screwed into cartouches and shot from one department to another along pneumatic tubes." Instead of referring in this way to "the protagonist" of Coetzee's most recent novel, I should, more accurately, identify Paul Rayment as the male protagonist of a book that also puts to work a by now more familiar female protagonist, Elizabeth Costello, in its pursuit and procreation of an ongoing series of interests that have come to characterize with increasing intensity Coetzee's recent work. This paper argues that the cartouche--in French either a masculine or a feminine noun whose various meanings range all the way from ancient heraldic emblem of identity, to coffin, and to gun (and ink) cartridge--serves as a figural blueprint of Slow Man's engagement with the relationship between the temporality of words and the spatial: the worlds words build.
Pneumatic Tube System A system for sending small items or papers from one location to another in a building. The item to be sent is placed in a small cylinder that fits snugly in a tube that connects the two locations. Then, the cylinder moves rapidly through the tube to its destination as a result of a force provided by air pressure or a vacuum.
- [bigét][動](-got or((古))-gat, -got・ten or -got, 〜・ting)(他)
1 ((古))〈父親, 時に両親が〉〈子を〉もうける. ▼母親の場合はbear
Abraham begat Isaac.
アブラハム, イサクの父となれり〈《聖書》マタイ書1:2〉.
アブラハム, イサクの父となれり〈《聖書》マタイ書1:2〉.
2 ((形式))…を生じさせる;…を(結果として)招く.
━━ a. 空気の(作用による); 空気を含む[満たした]; 気学(上)の; 豊かなバスト[胸]の.
pneu・mat・i・cal・ly ━━ ad.
pneu・mat・ics ━━ n. 【物】気学.

(prŏv'ə-nəns, -näns')

- Place of origin; derivation.起源, 由来、出處
- The history of the ownership of an object, especially when documented or authenticated. Used of artworks, antiques, and books.
- The records or documents authenticating such an object or the history of its ownership.
[French, from provenant, present participle of provenir, to originate, from Old French, from Latin prōvenīre : prō-, forth; see pro–1 + venīre, to come.]
Line breaks: prov¦en|ance
Pronunciation: /ˈprɒv(ə)nəns /
1.1[ COUNT NOUN] A record of ownership of a work of art or an antique, used as a guide to authenticityor quality:the manuscript has a distinguished provenance
就是 drive-thru banking (可姑姑圖片)
汽車銀行 (像速食店般開車進行交易)
提存單放進筒內, 扣好, 放到輸入位置,
按個鈕, 咻地一聲在管子內飛到行員那兒,
手續完畢, 行員再把該給的大洋或單據放入筒內,
同樣動作也做一遍, 把東西送還在車上等候的顧客
正式稱呼是 Pneumatic Tube Systems (利用壓力傳送運件筒)"
Cartouche / Cartouchkar TOOSH
A panel or tablet, often in round or oval form, often for an inscription or coat of arms
Found in derivatives of Classical Greek and Roman architecture, including Beaux Arts Classicism, Classical Revival, Federal, Georgian Revival, Greek Revival, Neoclassicism, Renaissance Revival, Second Empire, Second Empire
The 17th Century Baroque period featured the use of cartouches
Examples from Buffalo architecture:
- Illustration above: Lafayette High School
- Forest Lawn Main Street Entrance Gate
- John W. Bush House, 6 Lincoln Pkwy
- 506 Delaware Avenue
- Williams-Pratt House
- Stephen M. Clement House/Red Cross Building
- 1035 Delaware Ave.
- Otto Building
- 674 Main Street
- Spaulding Building
- Statler Hotel
- Buffalo Athletic Club
- Genesee Building
tr.v., -got (-gŏt'), -got·ten (-gŏt'n) or -got, -get·ting, -gets.
- To father; sire.
- To cause to exist or occur; produce: Violence begets more violence.
[Middle English biyeten, bigeten, from Old English begetan.]begetter be·get'ter n.
A carabiner or karabiner is a metal loop with a sprung or screwed gate.[1] The loop part opposite the gate is referred to as the spine. It can quickly and reversibly connect components in safety-critical systems. The word comes from "Karabinerhaken", meaning "hook for a carbine" in German.[2]
The term "carabiner" was not adopted as an English word for some time. According to Fergus Fleming's book on the beginning of alpinism, Killing Dragons: The conquest of the Alps, the early British climbers derided aids like carabiners, ice axes and crampons leaving their development to Italian, French and other alpinists.[3]
Hunter Safety System Recalls Carabiners Due to Fall Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Carabiners
Units: About 16,000
Manufacturer: Hunter Safety System of Danville, Ala.
Hazard: The pins in the carabiners can detach, causing a climbing strap to break free from the safety harness. This can result in the climber falling.
Incidents/Injuries: The company is aware of two reports of the carabiner pins detaching. No falls or injuries have been reported.
Description: The 2010 Year HSS Ultra-Lite carabiners were supplied with the HSS-300 Ultra-Lite full body climbing safety harness. The carabiners are black with a pin sticking out of the gate. They have "CB20101" stamped on the side opposite the gate.
Sold at: Outdoor hunting retailers and directly from the company via telephone and the company's website at www.huntersafetysystem.com from June 2010 through September 2010 for about $100.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the carabiners and return them to the company for a free replacement.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Hunter Safety System toll-free at (877) 296-3528 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CT Monday through Friday or visit the firm's website at www.hssvest.com