As opioid epidemic grows, the company that makes a medication to block the effects of an overdose says it will give a free carton of the antidote to any U.S. high school.
Tightening the Lid on Pain Prescriptions
Experts say that
doctors, despite the dangers, often keep patients on high-strength
painkillers known as opioids for years without properly checking to see
if their conditions improve.
- 天然鴉片劑:包含在鴉片罌粟樹脂中的生物鹼,包括嗎啡和可待因。
- 半合成鴉片劑:用天然鴉片劑製造而成。比如氧可酮、氫可酮、海洛因等。
- 合成鴉片劑。比如芬太尼、哌替啶、美沙酮和右丙氧芬。
- 內源性鴉片肽:由人體天然產生。比如腦內啡和強啡肽。
E.P.A. Denies an Environmental Group's Request to Ban a Widely Used Weed Killer
The agency said
that the group, the Natural Resources Defense Council, had failed to
show that the popular herbicide was harmful as used.

Today’s tech billionaires have a lot in common with a previous generation of capitalist titans—perhaps too much for their own good…
將 "sultanate" 從英文翻譯為目標語言 -蘇丹國 Sultan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -The dynasty and lands ruled by a sultan are referred to as a sultanate (Arabic: سلطنة). ... 4 Contemporary sovereign sultanates; 5 Princely and aristocratic titles ...
not the bazooka the market was looking for, but coordinated action by
six central banks to provide cheaper access to U.S. dollar funding is a
significant response to the crisis.
At Amazon, Giving In to Demands
In a strongly worded message, Amazon said that while it disagreed with Macmillan’s stance, it would accept the publisher’s plan on e-book prices.
point of view: Definition, Synonyms from
... "When the Russians feel strongly about an issue they form a bloody
revolution — the British write a strongly-worded letter to Points of View". ...
"Actually disgusted"
Common meanings[edit]
- Sultana (grape), a white seedless grape
- Sultana (dried grape), the name given to some forms of dried grape (known generically as "raisins" elsewhere) in certain countries
- Sultana (title), a female sultan
adj., strong·er, strong·est.
- Physically powerful; capable of exerting great physical force.
- Marked by great physical power: a strong blow to the head.
- In good or sound health; robust: a strong constitution; a strong heart.
- Economically or financially sound or thriving: a strong economy.
- Having force of character, will, morality, or intelligence: a strong personality.
- Having or showing ability or achievement in a specified field: students who are strong in chemistry.
- Capable of the effective exercise of authority: a strong leader.
- Capable of withstanding force or wear; solid, tough, or firm: a strong building; a strong fabric.
- Having great binding strength: a strong adhesive.
- Not easily captured or defeated: a strong flank; a strong defense.
- Not easily upset; resistant to harmful or unpleasant influences: strong nerves; a strong stomach.
- Having force or rapidity of motion: a strong current.
- Persuasive, effective, and cogent: a strong argument.
- Forceful and pointed; emphatic: a strong statement.
- Forthright and explicit, often offensively so: strong language.
- Extreme; drastic: had to resort to strong measures.
- Having force of conviction or feeling; uncompromising: strong faith; a strong supporter.
- Intense in degree or quality: a strong emotion; strong motivation.
- Having an intense or offensive effect on the senses: strong light; strong vinegar; strong cologne.
- Clear and loud: a strong voice.
- Readily noticeable; remarkable: a strong resemblance; a strong contrast.
- Readily detected or received: a strong radio signal.
- Having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient: mixed a strong solution of bleach and water.
- Containing a considerable percentage of alcohol: strong punch.
- Powerfully effective: a strong painkiller.
- Characterized by a high degree of saturation.
- Having a specified number of units or members: a military force 100,000 strong.
- Marked by steady or rising prices: a strong market.
- Linguistics.
- Of or relating to those verbs in Germanic languages that form their past tense by a change in stem vowel, and their past participles by a change in stem vowel and sometimes by adding the suffix -(e)n, as sing, sang, sung or tear, tore, torn.
- Of or relating to the inflection of nouns or adjectives in Germanic languages with endings that historically did not contain a suffix with an n.
- Stressed or accented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.
In a strong, powerful, or vigorous manner; forcefully: a salesperson who comes on too strong.
[Middle English, from Old English strang.]
strongish strong'ish adj.strongly strong'ly adv.
1 雑草
dig (up) weeds
2 不快な物[人].
3 ((略式))やせてひょろひょろの人[動物].
4 ((the 〜))((略式))タバコ, 葉巻;[U]((古風))マリファナ.
1 〈庭などの〉雑草をとる;〈雑草を〉取る((out))
weed the lawn
2 〈好ましくないものなどを〉(…から)取り除く((out/from ...)).
━━(自)雑草を除く, 草取りをする.
1 ((〜s))((古))喪服.
2 (帽子・腕に巻く)喪章.widow's weeds
Syllabification: (kill·er)
Pronunciation: /ˈkilər/
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