Politicians sense a continent-wide disenchantment with markets in the aftermath of the financial crisis—and thus more tolerance for political intervention
Who wants to talk about the workaday irritation of a tension headache?
Look for images of "glamour" on Google and you'll be bombarded with fashion photography, old Hollywood pin-ups and a vast number of heavily staged female celebrity portraits. Yet, as Virginia Postrel, a sociologist and columnist, argues in her recently published book, glamour should be seen as extending far beyond notions of luxury and high fashion http://econ.st/1agg8QZ
本書は、一人のウェーバー研究者が、専門の砦から敵地を窺(うかが)いつつ、「現実」の戦場で使える武器を再点検したものだといってよい。「合理性」「脱 魔術化」「官僚制」「カリスマ」といったウェーバー社会学の主要概念がここでは、グローバルな市場経済の成立や排他的な原理主義の台頭に特徴づけられる、 冷戦終焉後の世界を分析すべき武器としてとりあげられ、整備される。
The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture Under Communism

The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture Under Communism
Isaiah Berlin, Henry Hardy, Strobe Talbott - 2004 - 296 pages
Page Three (or Page 3) is a feature found in the Sun tabloid newspaper in the United Kingdom, consisting of a large photograph of a topless female glamour model usually published on the newspaper's third page.
You may have already written about this commercial, because it is so striking. It's the "Life takes Visa" spot with a young lady who starts off looking mousy and is led through the streets by a Broadway-style chorus singing "Downtown." She gets a makeover and is turned into a glamorous sophisticate, then shows her heartfelt appreciation for her credit card.
full of glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, especially in a mysterious or magical way.
full of excitement, adventure, and unusual activity:
the glamorous job of a foreign correspondent.
also adj., -i·er, -i·est.
- Resembling a mouse, especially:
- Having a drab, pale brown color: mousy hair.
- Having small sharp features: a mousy face.
- Quiet; timid; shy.
- Infested with mice.
Pronunciation: /ɡlam/informal
Definition of glam in English:
verb ( glams, glamming, glammed)
(glam up or glam someone up)Back to top
1930s: abbreviation.
Glamour photography is a genre of photography whereby the subjects, usually female, are portrayed in a romantic or sexually alluring way. The subjects may be fully clothed or semi-nude, but glamour photography stops short of deliberately arousing the viewer and being pornographic photography.
glam·our glam·or (glăm'ər)

also glamour
- An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
- Archaic. A magic spell; enchantment.
[Scots, magic spell, alteration of GRAMMAR (from the association of learning with magic).]
USAGE NOTE Many words, such as honor, vapor, and labor, are usually spelled with an -or ending in American English but with an -our ending in British English. The preferred spelling of glamour, however, is -our, making it an exception to the usual American practice. The adjective is more often spelled glamorous in both American and British usage.
- 発音記号[intʃǽntmənt | -tʃɑ'ːnt-]
1 うっとりさせるもの, 魅力
enchantments of a jungle
2 [U][C]((形式))魔法にかけること;魅せられた状態, 歓喜;魔法
lay an enchantment on a maiden
おとめ に魔法をかける.
全文網址: 人文書評/日本像更明晰 | 聯副‧創作 | 閱讀藝文 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/READING/X5/7364058.shtml#ixzz26WrXIqVh
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[Pref. dis- + enchantment: cf. F. désenchantement.]
The act of disenchanting, or state of being disenchanted. Shelton.
おとめ に魔法をかける.
全文網址: 人文書評/日本像更明晰 | 聯副‧創作 | 閱讀藝文 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/READING/X5/7364058.shtml#ixzz26WrXIqVh
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[Pref. dis- + enchantment: cf. F. désenchantement.]
The act of disenchanting, or state of being disenchanted. Shelton.