Jennifer Doherty is feeling the squeeze of caring for a child and a parent. Her grandfather left an estate, but her father’s expenses have consumed more than anticipated.
“Our determination and courage to fight for freedom will still continue,” 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong said. “Hong Kongers deserve universal suffrage. We deserve to elect our own government.”

Praise Be! The Sequel to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Is Here
Almost 35 years after “The Handmaid's Tale” shocked the world, Margaret Atwood has finally given birth to “The Testaments.” This isn't just the most anticipated novel of the year; it's one of the most anticipated sequels of the ...
poster child は何か: 1. someone or something that is used to represent a particular quality: 2. a person or thing that is seen as a typical example of something: 3. a child with a particular illness or disability whose picture ...
Praise Be!
Expressing thankful happiness.Synonym: praise the Lord
- 1.
- 2.act as a forerunner or precursor of."he anticipated Bates's theories on mimicry and protective coloration"
根據韋氏辭典, handmaid意為私人女僕或女傭,是handmaiden一詞較不常見的變化型態;該詞亦可指那些基本功能為服侍或輔助的東西。以此為名的反烏托邦式電視劇《使女的故事》改編自同名小說,該劇講述了在全球生育率驟降的極端環境下,女性成為“使女”,淪為生育機器的故事。