DeSantis Plows Ahead With Whirlwind of Friendly Interviews and a Tour
Trying to regroup after a bumpy Twitter rollout, Ron DeSantis sought to make new headlines, suggesting that he might consider pardoning Donald Trump if he faced federal charges.
How Russia is refocusing for a pivotal struggle in eastern Ukraine
NATO said that Russian forces appeared to be regrouping, not withdrawing, around Kyiv.
Market Positioning - Creating an Effective Positioning Strategy › Resources
Market Positioning refers to the ability to influence consumer perception regarding a brand or product relative to competitors. The objective of market.
US warns Russia 'repositioning' forces in Ukraine for possible ... › americas › us-warns-russia-rep...
6 hours ago — The US suggested Tuesday that Russia is merely setting the stage for a more targeted military offensive in Ukraine after it said it would scale ...
Russia "Repositioning" Forces Near Ukraine Capital, Not Withdrawing: US
俄烏和談新進展 白宮發言人: 俄軍僅重新部署、並非撤離不過俄羅斯首席談判代表梅丁思基警告,是緩和戰爭局勢,不是停火。對於俄方減少戰事的決定,美國總統拜登說拭目以待、英國首相強生表示要從俄方的行動判斷而不是看聲明就相信。
Live: Russia regrouping forces from Kyiv to focus on 'key fronts and Donbas'
common dandelion Taraxacum officinale
(Elizabeth Morales)
拓片注音ㄊㄚˋ ㄆ|ㄢˋ
解釋: 將碑刻﹑金石文物等上面的字畫﹑圖案拓印下來,成為單頁的紙片,稱為拓片。如:甲骨拓片。
A representation of a raised or indented surface made by placing paper over the surface and rubbing the paper gently with a marking agent such as charcoal or chalk.
n. - 摩擦, 按摩, 研磨, 拓印
• rubbing alcohol 外用酒精
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - こすること, 摩擦, マッサージ, 石刷り, 拓本, 磨くこと
• rubbing alcohol 消毒用アルコール
- A Eurasian plant (Taraxacum officinale) of the composite family having many-rayed yellow flower heads and deeply notched basal leaves. Widely naturalized as a weed in North America, it is used in salads and to make wine.
- Any of several similar or related plants.
- A brilliant to vivid yellow.
[Middle English dent-de-lioun, from Old French dentdelion, from Medieval Latin dēns leōnis, lion's tooth (from its sharply indented leaves) : Latin dēns, dent-, tooth + Latin leōnis, genitive of leō, lion; see lion.]
WORD HISTORY Dent-de-lioun, the Middle English form of dandelion, makes it easy to see that our word is a borrowing of Old French dentdelion, literally, “tooth of the lion,” referring to the sharply indented leaves of the plant. Modern French dent-de-lion, unlike Modern English dandelion, reveals to anyone who knows French what the components of the word are. The English spelling reflects the pronunciation of the Old French word at the time it was borrowed into English. The t in dentdelion probably disappeared early in Old French, having been absorbed into the related sound of the d. The earliest recorded instance of the word occurs in an herbal written in 1373, but we find an instance of dandelion used in a proper name (Willelmus Dawndelyon) in a document dated 1363.