Mafia Boss Arrested in Italy After Eluding Capture for 30 Years
Matteo Messina Denaro, who was sentenced in absentia for the 1992 murder of two prosecutors and other crimes, was apprehended in a Sicilian hospital.
Japan is wary of the possibility that U.S. President Donald Trump's administration will adopt a hard line in bilateral trade talks following its tariff hike on Chinese products Friday. The hike ...
For almost a decade, the Japanese TV show "Why Did You Come to Japan?" has operated on the premise of finding foreign tourists and asking them the titular question. It might seem like an innocent query at first, but in fact this show and ...
Thailand’s Junta Targets Scholars for Detentions
The junta ordered two dozen professors and writers to turn themselves over to authorities, broadening a sweep of detentions.
It is a sequel to the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes, based on the titular character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Some Missiles in Syria Eluded Israeli Strike, Officials Say
American officials said that further Israeli strikes on Russian-made
antiship cruise missiles were likely, after an attack in July failed to
destroy all of them.
Apps for Mobile Moonlighting
Two free apps let users earn some money on the side with small jobs.
Gamal Abdel Nasser (Gamal Abd El-Nasser) led Egypt to secular independence in the 1950s and held the office of president from 1956 until his death in 1970. Nasser was an army officer who led the military Junta that deposed Egypt's King Farouk in 1952. By the end of 1954 Nasser had replaced titular leader General Mohammed Neguib as president.
Vickers suggests replacing the goal-setting and goal-seeking with feedback models in which personal, institutional or cultural activity consists in maintaining desired relationships and eluding undesired ones.
Out of Power but Newly Popular,
France's Chirac Issues Memoir
Former French President Chirac has achieved something that eluded him while in office: popularity. The publication of his memoirs could cement a newly found status as the nation's grandfather.
Worrisome Infection Eludes a Leading Children’s Vaccine
Serotype 19A has become a common cause of meningitis, pneumonia and other life-threatening conditions in young childrenA New Generation of Activists Arises in Burma
RANGOON -- They operate in the shadows, slipping by moonlight from safe house to safe house, changing their cellphones to hide their tracks and meeting under cover of monasteries or clinics to plot changes that have eluded their country for 46 years.
(The Washington Post)
Mr. Ogilvy was chief executive of his agency until 1975, when he stepped down and moved to France. He remained active on several boards and as titular head of some Ogilvy operations until recently. In retirement, he worked tirelessly on his gardens; for his 80th birthday the agency presented him with a hybrid rose named David Ogilvy.
In a 1986 interview, when asked what had eluded him in his life, Mr. Ogilvy replied: ''Knighthood. A big family. Ten children.''
從雷根粉墨登場開始積極減富人的稅。及至小布希沐猴而冠,非法上台(維達爾稱之為Cheney-Bush Junta,因為他們得票較少,是最高法院以五比四「任命」的),到猖獗地更加緊為富豪減稅(小布希稱之為「tax relief」──富豪需要「救濟」!)。
moonlight (WORK) verb [I] moonlighted, moonlighted
to work at an additional job, especially without telling your main employer:
A qualified teacher, he moonlighted as a cabbie in the evenings to pay the rent.
(cabbie, cabby noun [C] INFORMAL
a driver of a taxi (= car that you pay to travel in))
moonlighting noun [U]
You’ll get sacked if the boss finds out you’ve been moonlighting.
「……今 天 不 少 人 指 出 的 「 貪 污 」 是 另 一 種 , 其 中 最 常 見 的 很 難 說 是 不 是 貪 污 。 後 者 有 時 稱 「 好 處 」 , 有 時 稱 「 私 了 」 , 國 外 也 有 , 稱 「 外 快 」 , 美 國 稱 moonlighting 。 問 題 是 這 種 外 快 出 現 在 國 營 機 構 中 , 多 而 普 及 , 招 來 非 議 。
首 先 要 說 的 , 是 今 天 國 內 不 少 賺 外 快 的 行 為 , 我 們 不 容 易 反 對 : 國 營 員 工 的 薪 酬 那 麼 低 , 不 賺 取 外 快 難 以 餬 口 。 好 比 音 樂 學 院 中 協 助 伴 奏 的 鋼 琴 手 , 伴 奏 每 小 時 七 元 , 但 外 出 私 下 教 琴 , 每 小 時 二 百 。 下 班 後 賺 外 快 , 明 顯 地 合 理 。 問 題 是 上 班 時 的 空 餘 時 間 跑 出 去 教 一 個 小 時 , 應 該 嗎 ? 美 國 的 公 立 大 學 , 教 授 在 辦 公 時 間 作 外 間 顧 問 , 校 方 明 知 有 問 題 也 容 許 , 只 是 做 得 太 多 稱 daylighting 。……」(張五常)
in broad daylight
If a crime is committed in broad daylight, it happens during the day, when it could have been seen and prevented:
Thieves had broken into the car in broad daylight and stolen the stereo.
The story centers on the life and death of Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin (Акакий Акакиевич Башмачкин), an impoverished government clerk and copyist in the Russian capital of St. Petersburg. Akaky is dedicated to his job as a titular councillor, taking special relish in the hand-copying of documents, though little recognized in his department for his hard work. Instead, the younger clerks tease him and attempt to distract him whenever they can. His threadbare overcoat is often the butt of their jokes. Akaky decides it is necessary to have the coat repaired, so he takes it to his tailor, Petrovich, who declares the coat irreparable, telling Akaky he must buy a new overcoat.
The Church of S. Maria degli Angeli was designated a titular church for a Cardinal Priest on 15 May 1565 by Pope Pius IV.[5] Since 1687,[6] the following prelates have served as cardinal protector of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri:
titular bishop :名義主教;榮譽主教:享用古老而今已不存在的(某地)主教之榮銜,只是名義上的領袖而已。如某位主教為某地之名義主教,實際上對該地並無實權。與有實權的教區主教相對照。
prelate : (1) 教長;高級神長:依教會法有治理權者,包括主教、代牧、監牧、男隱修院長、直屬宗座男修會高級上司等。同 prelatus ( L. )。 (2) 監督:詳見 prelature, territorial 。 (3) 蒙席:對有功于教會聖職人員的榮銜。
prelate, domestic :蒙席:原指供職教宗宮廷的聖職人員,現為有功於教會的聖職人員的一個榮銜。
A━━ a. 名ばかりの; 肩書のある; 表題[題名]の.
having the title of a position but not the responsibilities, duties or power; in name only:
It is already agreed that Mr Alfonso Escamez will be the titular head of the new bank.
late 16th century (in the sense 'existing only in name'): from French titulaire or modern Latin titularis, from titulus (see title)adjective
- (of cloth, clothing, or soft furnishings) becoming thin and tattered with age."tatty rooms with threadbare carpets"
- (of a person, building, or room) poor or shabby in appearance."we huddle round a cassette deck in a threadbare rehearsal room"
- (of an argument, excuse, idea, etc.) used so often that it is no longer effective."the song was a tissue of threadbare clichés"
If something that you want eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it:
The gold medal continues to elude her.
They had minor breakthroughs but real success eluded them.elude (NOT BE CAUGHT)verb [T]
to not be caught by someone:
They eluded the police by fleeing.
If a piece of information eludes you, you cannot remember it:
I know who you mean but her name eludes me.
━━ vt. (身をかわして)避ける; のがれる; …に理解[想起, 認知]できない.

- 音節
- jun • ta
- 発音
- húntə | dʒʌ'n-
- juntaの変化形
- juntas (複数形)
1 ((単数・複数扱い))((けなして))(クーデター直後の)軍事政府.
2 評議会;(スペイン・中南米の)議会.
3 =junto.junta
Line breaks: junta
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒʌntə, ˈhʊ-/
1 則留言:
A New White-Collar Juggle
Furloughs, pay cuts and layoffs have driven many white-collar workers to find a second job. But moonlighting can take its toll on the primary job, as well as home life.