I’m a Chronic Overpacker. This Trick Helps Me Squeeze More Into My Luggage.
Maximize your packing space.
Johnson Agrees to Step Down After Wholesale Rebellion of His Cabinet
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain stepped aside after a wave of government resignations prompted by scandals.
Michael Moore Has Been Making A Secret Trump Film This Whole Time
Welcome to "TrumpLand."
It's going head-to-head with Apple.

Google Unveils the Pixel, Its First Real Threat to the iPhone
Google is embarking on a wholesale revamp of its mobile phone strategy, debuting a pair of slick and powerful handsets.
For thousands of years, Indians have survived in the Amazon much more effectively and gracefully than any outsider could hope to. Unfortunately, since the 16th century, their survival has depended largely on avoiding not poisonous snakes or razor-toothed fish, but white men.
In “Tree of Rivers,” Hemming charts the near wholesale destruction of Amazonian Indians by men who saw no value in the rain forest beyond rubber and slaves — and stopped at nothing to acquire them.
球隊有 Packer 應該是姓氏 不是一般義:
whole time
all this time (dc slang) ...
- One that packs: a packer of boxes in a warehouse.
- One whose occupation is the processing and packing of wholesale goods, usually meat products: meat packers.
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 荷造りする人, 梱包機械, 荷造り業者, 缶詰め業者, 包装機
wholesale (COMPLETE)
adjective, adverb OFTEN DISAPPROVING
(especially of something bad or too extreme) complete or affecting a lot of things, people, places, etc:
wholesale changes
the wholesale destruction of towns and villages