The clock, which indicates how close our planet is to complete annihilation, is now only 100 seconds away from midnight.
New York Daily News
BY Bill Hutchinson The Hotel Chin shuai lies collapsed in floodwater during typhoon Morakot in Chihpen, in southeastern Taiwan's Taitung county on Sunday. ...
- ríːk
- wreakの変化形
- wreaked (過去形) • wreaked (過去分詞) • wreaking (現在分詞) • wreaks (三人称単数現在)
[動](〜ed or wrought)(他)((文))
1 〈罰・復讐(ふくしゅう)などを〉(…に)加える, 〈怒り・不機嫌などを〉(…に)ぶちまける((on, upon ...))
2 …を引き起こす, もたらす
wreak floods
Babies wreak simplification on the pronunciation.
3 〈精力などを〉(…に)費やす, そそぐ((on, upon ...)).
[古英語wrecan. ラテン語urgēre(すすめる)と同系. △URGE]
noun [U]
confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble:
The storm wreaked (= caused) havoc in the garden, uprooting trees and blowing a fence down.
The delay played (= caused) havoc with their travel arrangements.
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Doomsday Clock |

"Armageddon is not around the corner. This is only what the people of violence want us to believe. The complexity and diversity of the world is the hope for the future." — Michael Palin
Sun Valley 2008
Reports from the center of media and tech moguldom, where Yahoo and Web 2.0 were high on everyone's mind. More»

Though many buyout and hedge fund moguls use philanthropic works to boost their social status and show a softer side, that is not Mr. Peterson's goal, The Times's Landon Thomas Jr. wrote. Mr. Peterson's foundation, worth about $100 million out of the gate and expected to grow to $1 billion, reflects his many years of warning that fiscal and trade deficits will lead to a financial Armageddon.

━━ n. 【聖】ハルマゲドン ((世界終末の際の善と悪との大決戦場)); (国際的な)大決戦, 大動乱.
- Bible. The scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil, prophesied to occur at the end of the world.
- A decisive or catastrophic conflict.
[Late Latin Armagedōn, from Greek, from Hebrew har məgiddô, the mountain region of Megiddo : har, mountain + məgiddô, Megiddo.]
For a man who has conspired with Henry Kissinger in the Nixon White House, led Lehman Brothers away from the brink of bankruptcy and been a co-founder of the world's most recognized private equity firm, this latest act is arguably his most ambitious and deeply felt.
Armageddon,世界末日 。中美共同體(Chimerica)一詞的聯合創造者Niall Ferguson近期在時報撰文稱, 一場與中國的新冷戰已經開始 。在他看來,這次冷戰不同於美蘇冷戰時期“接近世界末日的體驗”(near-Armageddon experiences),儘管沒有戰火硝煙的緊迫感,但意識形態的對抗已體現在各個方面。 Armageddon是聖經中善惡對決的最終、末日審判的地點。
Armageddon,大決戰、世界末日。 “ 末日降臨(Armageddon is here) ,”一名住在堪培拉的讀者與時報分享了她眼中澳大利亞大火肆虐的景象。她說,向窗外看去,外面的景象彷彿世界的盡頭。 Armageddon是《聖經》中世界末日善與惡之間的最後一場戰爭。 1998年,一部描述隕石撞地球的災難電影也以“Armageddon”命名。

━━ v. 共謀する, 陰謀をたくらむ ((with, together)); (いくつもの事が)重なって1つの結果を生じさせる ((to do)).
But a larger question looms. Mr. Peterson, who is 81, has scored riches from an industry that has benefited from a generous, controversial tax break. Can Mr. Peterson, who firmly supports the tax break, emerge as a credible voice in favor of broad fiscal constraint in Washington?
Go to Article from The New York Times»
noun [C]
an important person who has great wealth or power:
movie/media/industry moguls
a suffix that is affixed to any word that describes the cause of a situation of relative discomfort derived from the last 3 syllables of 'armageddon.'
As of late, the suffix "-pocalypse" has been popularized in the media, trying to make a minor event bigger than it is. Interestingly, an actual apocalypse would likely go by another name, or receive the suffix anyway. i.e. 'Armageddonopalypse.'
Related suffix: "-mageddon"
The Hyphen is not always used.
As of late, the suffix "-pocalypse" has been popularized in the media, trying to make a minor event bigger than it is. Interestingly, an actual apocalypse would likely go by another name, or receive the suffix anyway. i.e. 'Armageddonopalypse.'
Related suffix: "-mageddon"
The Hyphen is not always used.
Someone left the 'fridge open, now were having the mold-pocalypse of '11
by annoyedCitizen70 July 19, 2011