DeSantis Plows Ahead With Whirlwind of Friendly Interviews and a TourTrying to regroup after a bumpy Twitter rollout, Ron DeSantis sought to make new headlines, suggesting that he might consider pardoning Donald Trump if he faced federal charges. Chinese Regulator Plans to Prune Waiting List for IPOs B1
China’s securities regulator is looking to cull the nearly 900-strong backlog of companies seeking to list on domestic stock exchanges.
Benjamin Norman for The New York Times
Obstacles at Every Turn for Plow Crew
For a three-truck team, plowing 80 short blocks was made nearly impossible by vehicles stuck in the way.
British pigs have greater fertility, with the average sow producing twice as many piglets a year – up to 32 – as her Chinese cousin. That explains the next export agenda: pig semen.
As the Samsung-Apple legal battle heads back to courts in South Korea and Australia, it appears that Samsung is trying to sow confusion among courts world-wide over different types of patents.
Thousands of NatWest accounts are still affected
by computer problems, leading the bank to take the unusual step of
opening on Sunday for customers.
While it says the underlying computer failure has been resolved, there is still a massive backlog to deal with.However, the inconvenience to customers is likely to continue as staff try to clear the backlog.
also plough (plou)
n. A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing. An implement of similar function, such as a snowplow.
v., plowed, also ploughed, plow·ing, plough·ing, plows, ploughs. To break and turn over (earth) with a plow. To form (a furrow, for example) with a plow. To form furrows in with or as if with a plow: plow a field. To make or form with driving force: I plowed my way through the crowd. To cut through (water): plow the high seas. v.intr. To break and turn up earth with a plow. To admit of plowing: Rocky earth plows poorly. To move or progress with driving force: The attackers formed a wedge and plowed through the enemy line. To proceed laboriously; plod: plowed through the backlog of work.

v., sowed, sown (sōn), or sowed, sow·ing, sows.
- To scatter (seed) over the ground for growing.
- To spread (land, for example) with seed.
- To strew something around or over (an area); distribute something over.
- To propagate; disseminate: sow rumors.
To scatter seed for growing.
sow (one's) oats (or wild oats)
- To indulge in dissolute or licentious behavior, especially to be sexually promiscuous, when young. Usually used of men.
[Middle English sowen, from Old English sāwan.]
sower sow'er n.
[動](〜ed, sown 〔sóun〕 or 〜ed)(他)
1 [III[名]([副])]〈種子を〉まく;〈作物を〉(…に)植えつける((in ...));〈畑などに〉(…の)種子をまく((with ...))
sow a crop
sow a pasture with clover
One must reap what one has sown.
((ことわざ)) まいた種は刈らねばならぬ;自業自得.
((ことわざ)) まいた種は刈らねばならぬ;自業自得.
2 〈うわさ・争いなどの〉種をまく, …を広める, ばらまく
sow suspicion
3 ((主に受身))…に(…を)ちりばめる((with ...)).
[古英語sāwan. ラテン語sēvī (I have sown)と同系. △SEED, SEASON]
noun [C usually singular]
a large amount of things that you should have done before and must do now:
I've got a huge backlog of work to do.
(băk'lŏg', -lôg')

- A reserve supply or source.
- An accumulation, especially of unfinished work or unfilled orders.
- A large log at the back of a fire in a fireplace.
v., -logged, -log·ging, -logs.
To acquire (something) as a backlog.
To become a backlog; accumulate.