Iran attacks two Iraqi bases housing US forces in revenge for Soleimani's death
Many migrants are drawn to Beijing. Residence rules make life tough even for white-collar onesThe discriminatory hukou system plagues white-collar workers, too
In Beijing, two worlds of creativity and control increasingly collide
Some Coca-Cola with your merlot? 5 Chinese wine myths debunked
"The greatest deliberative body in human history is not living up to its billing."
Rome was his main place of residenceshe took up residence in Paris
要了解這 house 的許多意義必須追述過去千年的歷史
noun [C] plural houses
any of a small number of groups which the children in a school are put in for sports and other competitions:
an inter-house football match這牽涉到他們寄宿學校的組成( 譬如說 house master的權威地位以及(風紀)學長們prefects的作為等等)和嚴厲的"家規".....
HOUSE was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
- house (HOME)
- house (BUSINESS)
- house (SCHOOL GROUP)
- house (FAMILY)
- house (POLITICS)
- house (THEATRE)
- playhouse (TOY HOUSE)
- pub
- art-house
- boarding house
- charnel (house)
- clearing house
- coffee house
- council house/flat
- country house
- crack house
- doll's house
- fire station
- free house
- front-of-house
- full house (AUDIENCE)
- full house (CARD GAME)
- fun house
- halfway house
- house arrest
- house call
- House Committee
- house-hunting
- house husband
- house journal
- house lights
- house martin
- house (music)
- the House of Commons
- house of correction
- house of God
- the House of Lords
- the House of Representatives
- house-room
- house-sit
- house sparrow
- house-to-house
- house-trained
- in-house
- lodging house
- lower house
- manor (house)
- meeting house
- open day
- open house
- opera house
- public house
- publishing house
- ranch house
- rooming house
- row house
- safe house
- show home/house
- software house
- station house
- steak house
- tea-house
- tied cottage
- tied house
- town house
- tract house
- tree house
- upper house
- Wendy house
- the White House
- There wasn't a dry eye in the house.
- eat sb out of house and home
- get/put your own house in order
- house of cards
- on the house
- move house
n., pl. hous·es (hou'zĭz, -sĭz).- A structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family.
- A household or family.
- Something, such as a burrow or shell, that serves as a shelter or habitation for a wild animal.

- The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.
- Obsolete. Astronomy.
[Middle English astrologie, from Old French, from Latin astrologia, from Greek astrologiā : astro-, astro- + -logiā, -logy.]
astrologer as·trol'o·ger n.astrological as'tro·log'i·cal (ăs'trə-lŏj'ĭ-kəl) or as'tro·log'ic adj.
astrologically as'tro·log'i·cal·ly adv.
The burrow dug by into the ground of abandoned property on the veld by J.M. Coetzee’s Michael K, as well as the hole dug by Kafka’s burrower in “The Burrow,” are curiously opposite dwellings.
[ MASS NOUN] The fact of living in a particular place:
J.M. Coetzee 筆下的 Michael K 在草原上的廢棄土地上挖的洞穴,以及卡夫卡在《陋居》中的挖洞者挖的洞,都是奇怪的對面住宅。
[大眾名詞] 住在特定地方的事實:
Set in the mid-19th century, the book’s breezy narrative recalls William Goldman’s “The Princess Bride,” but burrows into rural English folklore.
這本書以 19 世紀中葉為背景,輕鬆的敘述讓人想起威廉·戈德曼的《公主新娘》,但又深入英國鄉村民間傳說。

━━ n. (ウサギなどの)穴, 隠れ穴.
━━ v. 穴を掘る[に住む]; 隠れる; さがす; 探究する.
━━ v. 穴を掘る[に住む]; 隠れる; さがす; 探究する.
- A dwelling for a group of people, such as students or members of a religious community, who live together as a unit: a sorority house.
- A building that functions as the primary shelter or location of something: a carriage house; the lion house at the zoo.
- A facility, such as a theater or restaurant, that provides entertainment or food for the public: a movie house; the specialty of the house.
- The audience or patrons of such an establishment: a full house.
- A commercial firm: a brokerage house.
- A publishing company: a house that specializes in cookbooks.
- A gambling casino.
- Slang. A house of prostitution.
- A residential college within a university.
- often House A legislative or deliberative assembly.
- The hall or chamber in which such an assembly meets.
- A quorum of such an assembly.
- often House A family line including ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble family: the House of Orange.
- One of the 12 parts into which the heavens are divided in astrology.
- The sign of the zodiac indicating the seat or station of a planet in the heavens. Also called mansion.
- House music.
v., housed, hous·ing, hous·es. (houz)
- To provide living quarters for; lodge: The cottage housed ten students.
- To shelter, keep, or store in or as if in a house: a library housing rare books.
- To contain; harbor.
- To fit into a socket or mortise.
- Nautical. To secure or stow safely.
- To reside; dwell.
- To take shelter.
like a house on fire (or afire) Informal.
- In an extremely speedy manner: ran away like a house on fire; tickets that sold like a house afire.
- At the expense of the establishment; free: food and drinks on the house.
- To organize one's affairs in a sensible, logical way.
[Middle English hous, from Old English hūs.]
中文(繁體) (Chinese (Traditional))n. - 房產, 議院, 房屋
adj. - 房屋的, 家養的, 在家中出沒為害的, 住院的, 供單位內閱讀的
v. tr. - 給...房子住, 覆蓋, 收藏
v. intr. - 住, 躲藏
- get on like a house on fire 進展迅速, 動作迅速
- get one's house in order 把屋子收拾好, 把自己的事情處理好, 進行必要的改革
- house arrest 軟禁
- house guest 過夜的客人
- house husband 家庭主夫
- house lights 觀眾席照明燈
- house magazine 商行內部報刊, 單位出版刊物
- House of Commons 下院
- house of God 教堂, 禮拜堂
- House of Lords 上院
- House of Representatives 眾議院
- house owner 屋主
- house party 在家中為住宿客人舉行的宴會
- house plant 室內盆栽植物
- house room 房屋中的房間
- Houses of Parliament 英國的國會兩院
- keep house 當家
- on the house 本店奉送, 由店家出錢, 免費
- opera house 歌劇院, 劇場
- show house 劇院, 劇場, 樣品屋
- subsidized house 住宅補貼
- tea house 茶室, 茶葉部, 茶館
- temporary house 臨時住處, 臨時的家
- terraced house 排屋中的一棟房屋, 聯立房屋
- tied house 特約酒店