Obamacare Is Everywhere in the Unlikeliest of Places: Miami
A decade after the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplace was created, its outsize — and improbable — popularity in South Florida persists.
Robert Schumann
Arabesque in C Major, Op. 18
Soon it will be mandatory to wear face coverings in England's shops. Read about the semiotics of masks in @1843mag's article from May
Your choice of face mask reveals much about you
Face mask off
Stieglitz's The Steerage
- not likely to be true or to happen."this account of events was seen by the jury as most improbable"
- unexpected and apparently inauthentic."the characters have improbable names"
- 1.HISTORICALthe part of a ship providing the cheapest accommodation for passengers.
"poor emigrants in steerage" - 2.ARCHAIC•LITERARYthe action of steering a boat.
"he lowers his sails and enters softly, with gentle steerage"
Researchers have found that presenting statements using nouns rather than verbs can reduce feelings of anger
Eco's Echoes
In the early 1980s, Umberto Eco enjoyed a remarkable streak of beginner’s luck with his first novel, The Name of the Rose. An improbable international best seller, it was a pastiche of detective fiction filled with nods and winks at Eco’s own field of semiotics as well as his longstanding interest in medieval theology. Most of the intertextuality was removed when the novel was adapted for the screen in 1986, March 18, 2015
ByScott McLemee
semioticsの意味 - 小学館 プログレッシブ英和中辞典
音節se • mi • ot • ics
発音sìːmiátiks | -ɔ́t-
Semiotics (also called semiotic studies) is the study of sign process (semiosis), which is any form of activity, conduct, or any process that involves signs, including the production of meaning. A sign is anything that communicates a meaning, that is not the sign itself, to the interpreter of the sign. The meaning can be intentional such as a word uttered with a specific meaning, or unintentional, such as a symptom being a sign of a particular medical condition. Signs can communicate through any of the senses, visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory.
符號學(英語:Semiotics在當前最慣見的譯名,曾經被譯為「記號學」,但兩者都不是此一學問最恰切的譯名)廣義上是研究徵象(sign)、意義發生(signification)、符號(symbol)、傳播(communication)的人文科學,當中涵蓋所有涉及徵象、兆頭、徽號、文字符、訊號符、密碼、古文明記號、手語的科學。由於含蓋的範圍過於廣闊,在西方世界的人文科學中並未得到重視,直至結構主義在二十世紀下半期興起,以《Tel Quel》雜誌為號召的哲學家,為了反對讓-保羅·薩特的存在主義,則大量引用俄羅斯在共產革命前的一系列,有關符號在文化上的再現過程的研究,故此,正式出現當今所指的符號學,要算到一九六零年代(李維史陀)。符號學即是一門分析徵象(sign)系統如何運作的科學,探索意義如何透過符碼、記號,在人類的溝通過程中被生產與傳遞;符號學者們認為溝通的基礎是在傳播者間對於這記號符碼系統背後的規則與結構有共同的理解。現代符號學另一個強大的源頭是上世紀初瑞士語言學泰斗索緒爾的教學講稿《普通語言學教程》(1916年),索緒爾將符號分成能指(Signifier)和所指(Signified)兩個互為表裡的聯結之後,真正確立了符號學的基本理論,影響了後來李維史陀和羅蘭·巴特等法國結構主義的學者,被譽為現代符號學之父。但在此之外,美國哲學家C. S. 普爾士(C. S. Peirce)對於種種徵象、符號(總稱signs)的研究已發展出最廣義的徵象之學,在當代的意義科學研究中的重要性已躍居索緒爾、李維史陀、羅蘭・巴特之上,是國際學界共奉的頭號始祖。
徐志摩譯:〈蜿蜒:一隻小鼠〉 (Arabesque: the mouse by A. E. Coppard )
徐志摩譯:〈蜿蜒:一隻小鼠〉 (Arabesque: the mouse by A. E. Coppard…
Hanching Chung https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabesque

Arabesque - Wikipedia
- 1 アラビア風の装飾模様。文字・蔓草 (つるくさ) ・幾何学図形などを図案化したもの。唐草模様。
- 2 装飾的、幻想的な内容の楽曲。
- 3 クラシックバレエの基本体勢の一。右手を斜め上に、左手を斜め下に、右足で体重を支え、左足は斜め後方に上げる。
'Grande Arabesque', Edgar Degas, c.1885–90, posthumous ...
Artwork page for 'Grande Arabesque', Edgar Degas, c.1885–90, posthumous cast As with other similar bronzes displayed here, Degas has chosen to depict this dancer in a pose which implies movement. He had a sound knowledge of ...