"moonlight flits from one insalubrious dwelling to another"
When his health began to fail, he and Sophia moved into an insalubrious street in Chelsea, where neighbours thought he was a sea captain.
Some arithmetic flitted into my head.
Camera Whimsy on iPhones By DAVID POGUE
A cellphone is obviously not the best camera, but by choosing the right apps - out of about 6,500 - your photos can be improved.
also whim·sey (hwĭm'zē, wĭm'-) 
n., pl., -sies, also -seys.
- An odd or fanciful idea; a whim.
- A quaint or fanciful quality: stories full of whimsy.
[Probably from whim-wham, fanciful object.]
標點 標點符號
![]() | 圈點句讀的符號。宋史˙卷四三八˙儒林傳八˙何基傳:「凡所讀,無不加標點,義顯意明,有不待論說而自見者。」 |
![]() | 在文字中標上圈點。如:「文章如不標點,就不容易使人瞭解。」 |
- The act of inflecting or the state of being inflected.
- Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.
- Grammar.
- An alteration of the form of a word by the addition of an affix, as in English dogs from dog, or by changing the form of a base, as in English spoke from speak, that indicates grammatical features such as number, person, mood, or tense.
- An affix indicating such a grammatical feature, as the -s in the English third person singular verb form speaks.
- The paradigm of a word.
- A pattern of forming paradigms, such as noun inflection or verb inflection.
- A turning or bending away from a course or position of alignment.
inflectionally in·flec'tion·al·ly adv.
1 [U]《文法》屈折, 語形変化;[C]変化[屈折]形, 屈折語尾;形態論. ⇒DECLENSION 1, CONJUGATION 1
2 [C][U]声[音調]の変化, 抑揚.
3 [U][C]屈曲, 湾曲;屈曲点.
4 [C]《数学》変曲.

- The use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning.
- The marks so used.
- The act or an instance of punctuating.
intr.v., flit·ted, flit·ting, flits.
- To move about rapidly and nimbly.
- To move quickly from one condition or location to another.
- A fluttering or darting movement.
- Informal. An empty-headed, silly, often erratic person.
[Middle English flitten, from Old Norse flytja, to carry about, convey.]
flitter flit'ter n.
[動](〜・ted, 〜・ting)(自)〈人・物が〉すっと動く, (せわしなく)動き回る;〈雲などが〉すばやく飛ぶ;〈鳥・昆虫などが〉飛び回る((about));〈時が〉すばやく過ぎ去る((by));〈思い・表情などが〉かすめる, 去来する, よぎる
flit from one thing to another
1 軽快な動き;ひらひら[ばたばた]飛ぶこと;(思いなどが)かすめること.
2 ((英略式))夜逃げ;かけ落ち
do a (moonlight) flit
3 ((俗))男の同性愛者, ホモセクシャル.
[古ノルド語←アイスランド語flytja(運ぶ). △FLOAT, FLEET2]evanescence
After you lose a loved one, often you're gripped with a fear of evanescence, or the rapid fading from sight or memory of that person. Evanescence comes from the Latin evanescere meaning "disappear, vanish." Something that possesses qualities of evanescence, has a quality of disappearing or vanishing.
- 〔èv
nés | ì
- 〔èv
Line breaks: in|salu¦bri|ous
Pronunciation: /ˌɪnsəˈluːbrɪəs/
![]() |
Let's try it again with punctuation. Try reading this quickly: know when to pause, when to stop and what inflection should be used. It's not so easy without punctuation to guide you — and that's the point. Show your comma some respect; appreciate the semicolon, applaud the dash and try not to abuse the exclamation mark. Happy National Punctuation Day!

"I've always loved the flirtatious tango of consonants and vowels, the sturdy dependability of nouns and capricious whimsy of verbs, the strutting pageantry of the adjective and the flitting evanescence of the adverb, all kept safe and orderly by those reliable little policemen, punctuation marks. Wow! Think I got my ass kicked in high school?" — Dennis Miller