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Hong Kong protesters keep up pressure with mass march
Tens of thousands of protesters are demonstrating on the streets of Hong Kong again, in a bid to maintain pressure on the city's government following the success of pro-democracy groups at recent elections.
(Dunnottar Castle, 那次沒帶相機,圖片取自Stonehaven官方網,謹此致謝)

unded in 1638, the coastal Connecticut city of New Haven has been home to Yale University since 1717. Learn more about the history of Yale and New Haven.
霸菱資產管理公司(Barings Asset Management)的投資組合經理田丸學(Manabu Tamaru)說,所有人都意識到了日本政府債券的風險,但我們不得不像其他人一樣繼續買入;我們已經陷入了囚徒困境。他剛剛參加過題為“G3債券是有風 險的安全港嗎?”(G3 Bonds Risky Safe Havens?)這一有關歐洲貨幣的討論。
BBC News - UK 'a tax haven for multinationals'
The W. Edwards Deming Institute® is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1993 by noted consultant Dr. W. Edwards Deming.
The aim of the Institute is to foster understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge™ to advance commerce, prosperity and peace.
» VIDEO | Globalization helped tame once-violent city of Medellin, now Colombian metropolis fights to stay prosperous.
Dell Plays Keep-Up With H-P
The pressure is on for Dell when it reports its fiscal third-quarter earnings Thursday afternoon, thanks to a recent surprise announcement of strong numbers by its biggest rival, Hewlett-Packard.
The New York Times and Washington Post lead with, and everyone else fronts, the continuing post-election violence in Kenya, where a mob set fire to a church yesterday and killed dozens of people. The number of people killed at the church in Eldoret, where hundreds were seeking refuge, vary from at least 35 to 50, and the Los Angeles Times gets word the death toll could be as high as 80. In all, more than 250 people have been killed during the last few days in mostly tribal attacks that have brought chaos to a country that had previously stood out as one of Africa's most stable and economically prosperous democracies.
Haven No More
By Daniel PolitiPosted Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2008, at 6:04 AM ET
Ziplock 收納袋,廚房收納,適合 8 英吋(約 8 公分)拉鍊袋收納收納袋,可水洗壓克力袋收納器,適用於抽屜,適用於加侖、夸脫、零食、三明治袋(乳白色)
Ziplock 收納袋,廚房收納,適合8 英吋(約8 公分)拉鍊袋收納收納
noun [C]
a safe or peaceful place: ━━ n. 港; 避難所 (refuge).
The garden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.
They wanted to provide safe havens for the haven noun [C]
a place where people pay less tax than they would pay if they lived in their own country
Pronunciation: /ˈheɪv(ə)n/
(of a person or a business) to be or become successful, especially financially:
A lot of microchip manufacturing companies prospered at that time.
prosperity [U]
the state of being successful and having a lot of money:
A country's future prosperity depends, to an extent, upon the quality of education of its people.
The war was followed by a long period of peace and prosperity.
successful, usually by earning a lot of money:
In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.
...with our appreciation
Franco expressed appreciation for Taiwan's long-term assistance to his country and said he hoped that Taiwanese businesses would invest in Paraguay because it is an investment haven with low taxes and a good electricity supply. ...
- 発音記号[əprìːʃiéiʃən]
1 [U]正しく評価[理解, 認識]すること, (人・物の)真価を知ること((of ...));[U][C]鑑賞(力), 味わうこと[力]
He has a proper appreciation of our culture.
She showed her fine appreciation of music.
2 [U][C]批評, 評価, 意見;(特に作品などに関する)好意的な批評, 論評
write a brief appreciation of a newly published book
3 [U]感謝
4 [U](資産・商品などの)値上がり, (為替レートの)増価(⇔depreciation).
by way of appreciation
in appreciation of [for] your kindness
They showed their appreciation for her kindness.
Idioms: keep up
1. Also, keep up with. Proceed at the same pace, continue alongside another, as in We try to keep up with the times. [First half of 1600s] This usage, also put as keep pace, appears in the phrase keeping up with the Joneses, which was coined in 1913 by cartoonist Arthur R. Momand for the title of a series in the New York Globe. It means "trying to match the lifestyle of one's more affluent neighbors or acquaintances." For example, Their buying a new van is just another attempt to keep up with the Joneses.
2. Support, sustain, as in They're trying to keep up their spirits while they wait for news of the crash. [Late 1600s] Also see keep one's chin up.
3. Maintain in good condition, as in Joan really kept up the property. [Mid-1500s] This usage also appears in the idiom keep up appearances, meaning "to maintain a good front, make things look good even if they're not," as in She was devastated by his bad prognosis but is trying hard to keep up appearances for their children. [Mid-1700s]
4. Persevere, carry on, prolong, as in Keep up the good work, or How long will this noise keep up? [Early 1500s] Also see keep it up.
5. Also, keep up with; keep up on. Stay in touch, remain informed. For example, Ann and I haven't seen each other since college, but we keep up through our annual Christmas letters, or We subscribe to three papers so as to keep up on current events. [c. 1900]
6. keep someone up. Cause someone to remain out of bed, as in He's keeping up the children beyond their bedtime. [Mid-1700s]