Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear." ~ Albert Camus
Albert Camus (1963). “Carnets: 1935-1942”
December 15–21 See More Cartoons of the Week
Thuggish Victory? China Debates Apple's $60m 'iPad' Payout
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The China-based unit of Hong Kong computer monitor maker Proview has found itself $60 million richer after concluding settlement negotiations with Apple over use of the iPad name in China. Proview isn't faring nearly so well in the court of public ...
Neutral Tones
We stood by a pond that winter day,
And the sun was white, as though chidden of God,
And a few leaves lay on the starving sod;
– They had fallen from an ash, and were gray.
Your eyes on me were as eyes that rove
Over tedious riddles of years ago;
And some words played between us to and fro
On which lost the more by our love.
The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing
Alive enough to have strength to die;
And a grin of bitterness swept thereby
Like an ominous bird a-wing….
Since then, keen lessons that love deceives,
And wrings with wrong, have shaped to me
Your face, and the God curst sun, and a tree,
And a pond edged with grayish leaves.
Thomas W. Payzant, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Carnegie Board member, writes for the Huffington Post, citing the work of Carnegie President Anthony Bryk: American school superintendents have it tough these days. High turnover rates in urban school districts are just one indication of the often impossible-to-satisfy demands coming at them from all sides. Misguided approaches to school accountability are a key culprit. High-stakes evaluations based on student test scores put excessive stress on students, set unrealistic expectations for their parents, drive teachers to cut curriculum corners, game the system, or even cheat, and suck the satisfaction out of teaching in and leading schools.
France's Sarkozy in China to repair ties, push gently on Iran
Alene Wright One of the most despicable examples of corporate thugs I've ever seen. I'm from WA state and have watched aghast at what he has brazenly gotten away with. His behaviors demonstrate with perfect clarity that business and Wall Street as usual will if not reformed, destroy the US.
- 1. 卑鄙
- 2. 卑劣
In a gentle manner.
My mistress gently chides the fault I made.Dryden.

adj., tough·er, tough·est.
- Able to withstand great strain without tearing or breaking; strong and resilient: a tough all-weather fabric.
- Hard to cut or chew: tough meat.
- Physically hardy; rugged: tough mountaineers; a tough cop.
- Severe; harsh: a tough winter.
- Aggressive; pugnacious.
- Inclined to violent or disruptive behavior; rowdy or rough: a tough street group.
- Demanding or troubling; difficult: skipping the toughest questions.
- Strong-minded; resolute: a tough negotiator.
- Slang. Unfortunate; too bad: a tough break.
- Slang. Fine; great.
A violent or rowdy person; a hoodlum or thug.
tough it out Slang.
- To get through despite hardship; endure: "It helps if one was raised to tough it out" (Gail Sheehy).
[Middle English, from Old English tōh.]
toughly tough'ly adv.toughness tough'ness n.
Syllabification: (chide)
Pronunciation: /CHīd/
verb (past chided or archaicchid /CHid/; past participle chided or archaicchidden /ˈCHidn/)
Old English cīdan, of unknown origin
每日一詞 :Thug |當世界被“惡棍”統治
在時報一篇專欄中,作者寫道,恐嚇、行賄、用各種不當手段擺平麻煩,特朗普前私人律師邁克爾·科恩的公開證詞把自己描繪成一個“惡棍的惡棍”(thug's thug)。 Thug一詞還出現在時報本週的觀點文章《什麼讓澳大利亞成了世界誹謗之都》裡,作者描述了自己在中國報導新聞時所遇見的“便衣暴徒”(plainclothes thugs)。
根據牛津詞典, thug的意思是“施暴之人、罪犯”。該詞最早出現於19世紀早期,來源於印度語thag(小偷、騙子),其根源可追溯到古老的梵文。歷史上,thug是一個曾在印度橫行作惡的劫匪和刺客組織,常以宗教之名劫殺路人並擄走財物。直到19世紀30年代,這一組織才被完全根除。
- 発音記号[θʌ'g]
1 残忍な悪漢, 暴漢, 殺し屋.
2 ((時にT-))タグ:もとインドの狂信的暗殺教団の一員.
