THE RACE TO 270: With 41 days left until the general election, President Obama holds a significant lead in most national polls. But as Al Gore learned the hard way, the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue don't go to the man who wins the popular vote in November. So here's a look at where things stand in the all-important Electoral College in the eyes of Real Clear Politics, which keeps running tabs on all the major polls.
Critics have long painted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as well-intentioned but weak, and incapable of keeping tabs on an industry to which it remains closely tied.
Bank Bonus Tab: $33 Billion
Nine banks that received government aid during the financial crisis paid out bonuses of nearly $33 billion last year, New York Attorney General Cuomo revealed.
IT was just after dark in this city’s desolate downtown, with the tents of the homeless rising in shadows along Maple Avenue and trash skittering across Olympic Boulevard in a light breeze. The only real sounds to be heard were the soft beep-boops of people locking car doors with remote keys.
2009年4月16日 星期四
the tab, insert
U.K. Pub Owners Face Rising Debt Tab
The big test of whether Wall Street brass got the message that high living on the corporate tab is now unacceptable is yet to come.
Go to Article from Reuters via The New York Times»
Bonuses for Watchdogs?
A new pay system might give regulators more incentive to keep tabs on Wall Street next time. More»
Hazard: Delayed ignition due to a build-up of propane gas can cause the insert�s glass cover to break, posing a laceration hazard to consumers.
The fine, which had been expected, is the largest the EU has ever imposed against a single company in an antitrust case. It is the third against Microsoft and brings the company's total tab in fines to €1.68 billion, or about $2.5 billion at current exchange rates.
How to Keep Our Bridges Safe
noun [C]
1 a small piece of paper, metal, etc. that is fixed to something larger and is used for giving information, fastening, opening, etc:
Make a file for these documents and write 'finance' on the tab.
Insert Tab A into Slot A and glue, before standing the model upright.
2 US (UK ringpull) the small piece of metal, often joined to a ring, which is pulled off or pushed into the top of a can to open it
3 NORTHERN ENGLISH a cigarette
4 (ALSO tab of acid) INFORMAL a small piece of paper containing the drug LSD
the tab noun [S] MAINLY US INFORMAL
the total money charged in a restaurant or hotel for food, drinks etc:
He kindly offered to pick up the tab (= pay).
pick up the bill/tab (US ALSO pick up the check) INFORMAL
to pay for what has been bought, especially a meal in a restaurant
As U.K. pub crawlers drink at home more often, two big pub owners are selling or closing hundreds of locations to pay the tab they rang up during a decade-long expansion.
Interactive Graphic: Adding Up the Government’s Total Bailout Tab
An overview of government support, beyond the $700 billion bailout known as TARP, given to companies from banks to car companies.
The big test of whether Wall Street brass got the message that high living on the corporate tab is now unacceptable is yet to come.
Go to Article from Reuters via The New York Times»
Bonuses for Watchdogs?
A new pay system might give regulators more incentive to keep tabs on Wall Street next time. More»
Hazard: Delayed ignition due to a build-up of propane gas can cause the insert�s glass cover to break, posing a laceration hazard to consumers.
The fine, which had been expected, is the largest the EU has ever imposed against a single company in an antitrust case. It is the third against Microsoft and brings the company's total tab in fines to €1.68 billion, or about $2.5 billion at current exchange rates.
How to Keep Our Bridges Safe
Word Count: 1,633
The tragic bridge collapse in Minneapolis is a stark reminder that too much of our transportation infrastructure is not well-maintained and requires extensive, costly investments to be fixed or even, in some cases, completely replaced.
Nearly a fifth of America 's roads are now considered in poor shape and about one-in-four bridges is rated "structurally deficient." The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that the cost to fix these problems is a staggering $460 billion. The tab grows far larger when you add in the hundreds of billions to build the new transportation infrastructure that's needed to handle the country's growth.
Part ...
noun [C]
1 a small piece of paper, metal, etc. that is fixed to something larger and is used for giving information, fastening, opening, etc:
Make a file for these documents and write 'finance' on the tab.
Insert Tab A into Slot A and glue, before standing the model upright.
2 US (UK ringpull) the small piece of metal, often joined to a ring, which is pulled off or pushed into the top of a can to open it
3 NORTHERN ENGLISH a cigarette
4 (ALSO tab of acid) INFORMAL a small piece of paper containing the drug LSD
the tab noun [S] MAINLY US INFORMAL
the total money charged in a restaurant or hotel for food, drinks etc:
He kindly offered to pick up the tab (= pay).
pick up the bill/tab (US ALSO pick up the check) INFORMAL
to pay for what has been bought, especially a meal in a restaurant
- A projection, flap, or short strip attached to an object to facilitate opening, handling, or identification.
- A small, usually decorative flap or tongue on a garment.
- A small auxiliary airfoil that is attached to a larger one and that helps stabilize an aircraft.
- A pull-tab.
To supply with a tab or tabs.
[Origin unknown.]
tab2 (tăb)

- Informal.
- A bill or check, such as one for a meal in a restaurant.
- Cost; price: The tab for upgrading the computers would be high.
- A tabulator on a typewriter.
- Computer Science.
- A key on a computer keyboard that, when pressed, inserts a special ASCII character used for formatting text, as in indenting a line or block of text.
- This special ASCII character.
To press the tab on a typewriter or computer keyboard: Tab over to the next column.
keep tabs on Informal.
- To observe carefully: Let's keep tabs on expenditures.
- 発音記号[tǽb]
1 (衣服などの)たれ(飾り), つまみ, (靴などの)ひもの金具[輪].
2 つけ札, ラベル;(車のナンバープレートの)年度表示などのラベル.
4 《コンピュータ》タブ.
5 《演劇》小型の下げ幕;引き幕(のつり輪).
6 ((米))(缶などの)あけ口の引き手, タブ(((英))ring-pull).
7 《航空》タブ:昇降舵(だ)などの後縁にある可動翼片.
8 (書類・帳簿などの索引の)耳, つまみ.
9 《英国軍》(参謀将校の)色つきえり章.
keep tabs [((時に))a tab] on ...
((略式))(1) …を帳簿につけておく, …の勘定をする;…をきちんと把握しておく.
(2) …に注意する, 監視する.
pick up the tab
(1) (…の)勘定[つけ]を払う((for ...)).(2) 問題と進んで取り組む.
━━[動](〜bed, 〜・bing)(他)
1 …につまみ[たれ]をつける.
2 …を(…と)呼ぶ((as ...));…に札をつける, レッテルをはる.
3 ((略式))…を選び出す.
early 17th century (in sense 2): from French, feminine past participle of avenir 'arrive, approach', from Latin advenire, from ad- 'towards' + venire 'come'
1 ((主に米))大通り, 本通り;((A-))((街路名として))…街.
▼米国の都市では縦横に交差する道路の一方をAvenue, 他方をStreetと呼ぶことが多い. New York市ではAvenueは南北,
Streetは東西に走る道路を指す;手紙のあて名にはしばしば省略形Ave. を使う
3 ((主に英))並木道;(大邸宅などに通じる)広い並木道.
explore every avenue/leave no avenue unexplored
[mass noun]
Definition of heave
verb (past and past participle heaved or chiefly Nautical hove /həʊv/)
[動](heaved or《海事》hove 〔hóuv〕, heaving)(他)
6 〈地層・鉱脈などを〉水平に転位させる[ずらす].
1 〈胸が〉波打つ;〈海・波が〉うねる.
2 あえぐ;((略式))吐く, あげる, 吐き気がする, むかつく((up)).
3 〈地面が〉隆起する, ふくれ上がる.
4 (綱などを)引っ張る, たぐる((at, on ...)).
heave at ...
(1) ⇒(自)4(2) …を持ち上げようとする.
heave down
[heave ... down/heave down ...]
Heave ho [away]!
heave in [into] sight [view]
heave ... out/heave out ...
〈綱などを〉投げる;《海事》〈帆を〉張る, 〈旗を〉揚げる.
heave to
[heave ... to]
1 持ち[引き]上げること;投げ(上げ)る[押す]こと.
2 ((文))強い上下動, 隆起;《地質学》水平傾斜移動.
3 ((the 〜))波のうねり;ふくれ上がること.
4 ((〜s))((単数扱い))(馬の)肺胞性肺気腫(きしゅ)(broken wind).
5 吐き気, むかつき.
6 《レスリング》ヒーブ:右手を相手の右肩に回しての投げ.verb [T]
to put something inside something else, or to add something, especially words, to something else:
Insert the key in/into the lock.
I've filled in the form, but you still need to insert (= add) your bank details and date of birth.
noun [C]
something that is made to go inside or into something else:
These magazines have too many annoying inserts (= extra loose pages) advertising various products.
noun [U]
Scientists hope that the insertion of normal genes into the diseased cells will provide a cure.
Pronunciation: /spazˈmɒdɪk /
- 1Occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts:spasmodic fighting continued
- The orchestra comes to life in spasmodic bursts.
- The band bring abrasive but melodic rock that comes complete with spasmodic on-stage performance.
- She gives a last little spasmodic lunge and then pulls away and takes a deep breath.
- 2Caused by, subject to, or in the nature of a spasm or spasms:a spasmodic cough
- Hiccups are the spasmodic, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that is caused by irritation of the nerves that supply these muscles.
- In a letter to Emily Howland, Washington described Benson as ‘whimsical, spasmodic and rather superficial.’
- The oil is topically applied to relieve spasmodic pains.
late 17th century: from modern Latin spasmodicus, from Greek spasmōdēs, from spasma (see spasm).
v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.intr.
- To move rapidly along a surface, usually with frequent light contacts or changes of direction; skip or glide quickly: lizards that skitter away when approached.
- To fish by drawing a lure or baited hook over the surface of the water with a skipping movement.
To cause to skitter.
[Probably frequentative of dialectal skite, to run rapidly, perhaps of Scandinavian origin, akin to Old Norse skjōta, to shoot. See shoot.]