The shifts in policy cover three main areas: family travel, remittances and telecommunications.
But by December 2019, the engineers had hit a milestone called “tape-in.” That’s when electronic files containing a completed design move to a factory to make sample chips.
Two months after Britain left the single market, complaints are multiplying. Some are teething problems, but most are here to stay
Red tape surrounding trade as a result of Brexit is here to stay
With planes grounded, banknotes are piling up in remittance shops around the rich world

eWeek - New York, NY
Garret Rogers over at ZDNet is thinking that there will be several mobile devices running Google's Android mobile operating system. I know, I know. ...
Vodafone and Western Union will offer international money transfers via cellphones, as the wireless carrier seeks to tap into the flow of cross-border remittances.
Fewer Latino Immigrants Sending Money Home
More than three million Latin American immigrants in the U.S. have stopped sending remittances, a survey said.
red tape は何か: 1. official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results: 2. official rules and….
【意味】(煩雑でややこしい)お役所風,官僚的形式主義... 【例文】There's too much red tape in this office..
noun [C] plural Latinos MAINLY US
someone who lives in the US and who comes from or whose family comes from Latin America
remit (SEND)
verb [T] -tt- FORMAL
1 to send money to someone:
He worked as a builder in Chicago and remitted half his monthly wage to his family in the Philippines.
2 to refer a matter to someone in authority to deal with:
She remitted the case to a new tribunal for reconsideration.
1 [C] a sum of money which you send to someone:
She sends a small remittance home to her parents each month.
2 [U] when you send payment to someone:
remittance advice/information
tap (OBTAIN)
verb [T] -pp-
to obtain or make use of something:
For more than a century, Eastern cities have expanded their water supplies by tapping ever more remote sources.
There is a rich vein of literary talent here just waiting to be tapped (into) by publishers.
tap (HIT)
verb [I or T] -pp-
to hit something gently, and often repeatedly, especially making short sharp noises:
The branches tapped against the window.
I could hear him tapping his fingers on the desk.
I was tapping my feet (= hitting the floor gently with my feet) to the music.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder.
on tap
1 describes beer which is served from a barrel through a tap
2 available for use at any time:
Working in a library as I do, I have all this information on tap.
