Plague struck Seville in 1647, when Murillo’s career was just blossoming. It halved the population. Famines followed in the ’50s. Then bread riots. Another plague in the ’70s. In 1680, an earthquake. All the while, the Guadalquivir River, which allowed ships into Seville, began to silt up, forcing trade southward to the coastal town of Cádiz. decade-long project to digitize every 17th- and 18th- century manuscript and archive in Harvard’s collections relating to North America will be finished this semester, according to University Archivist Megan Sniffin-Marinoff.

Harvard Digitizes Colonial North America Archives | News | The Harvard Crimson
In her studies, Dr. Apgar also determined that anesthetics given to women during childbirth can have a negative impact on the newborn. This led to a rethinking of the kinds of painkillers women should receive while in the throes of labor.
The settlements were inhabited between the 4th and 1st Century BC.
The remains, preserved for thousands of years by layers of silt, are under threat as a result of climate change, harbor construction and passing ships.
"This underwater archive is in danger," Schmalzl said.
A recent review in The Archives of Dermatology concludes that three anti-aging treatments are proven clinically effective: the topical application of retinol; carbon dioxide laser resurfacing; and injection of hyaluronic acid, a moisture-retaining acid that occurs naturally in the skin. Each depends on the same mechanism, the interaction of skin cells called fibroblasts with the collagen they produce.
“This is an area where there’s a lot of hype and not much substance,” said David J. Leffell, a professor of dermatology and surgery at Yale who was not involved in the review. But, he said, this study is “good science.”
noun [U]sand or earth which is carried along by flowing water and then dropped, especially at a bend in a river or at a river's opening
archive Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 (ALSO archives) a collection of historical records relating to a place, organization or family:
archive film/footage/material
These old photographs should go in the family archives.
2 (ALSO archives) a place where historical records are kept:
I've been studying village records in the local archive.
3 a computer file used to store electronic information or documents that you no longer need to use regularly
verb [T]
1 to store historical records or documents in an archive
2 in computing, to store electronic information that you no longer need to use regularly:
This software helps firms archive and retrieve emails.
noun [C]
a person whose job is to take care of archives

━━ n. 【生化】繊維芽細胞.

- Of or belonging to a particular location or place; local.
- Currently of interest; contemporary.
- Medicine.
- Of or applied to a localized area of the body or to the surface of a body part.
- Of or relating to a drug applied topically.
- Of, arranged by, or relating to a particular topic or topics.
A topical anesthetic. 局部麻醉
[From Greek topikos, from topos, place.]
