Governments oblige manufacturers to take back used goods for disposal
FOR seasoned shoppers, "buyer's remorse" is a familiar feeling. "Seller's remorse" may also become common soon, as ever more governments order manufacturers to assume the cost of disposing of their products after consumers are done with them. Until recently, most laws on "extended producer responsibility" (EPR) or "product stewardship" applied only to specific types of goods, such as car tyres or electronics. But in late March Maine, following the lead of several Canadian provinces, became the first American state to enact a blanket EPR law, which could in principle cover any product.
FOR seasoned shoppers, "buyer's remorse" is a familiar feeling. "Seller's remorse" may also become common soon, as ever more governments order manufacturers to assume the cost of disposing of their products after consumers are done with them. Until recently, most laws on "extended producer responsibility" (EPR) or "product stewardship" applied only to specific types of goods, such as car tyres or electronics. But in late March Maine, following the lead of several Canadian provinces, became the first American state to enact a blanket EPR law, which could in principle cover any product.
One estimate suggests 2.5m coastal properties in America could be at risk of flooding every fortnight by 2100. Our briefing from August
"Deaths of despair" started to rise again around 2010. Was austerity a factor?
The 19-year-old suspect in the Florida high school shooting has confessed to killing 17 people and is “sad” and “remorseful".
But he and my mother were in despair at my antics. I needed discipline, so he came up with the idea of providing me with a job for six weeks in summer.
Madoff Goes to Jail After Guilty Pleas to All Charges
Bernard L. Madoff was sent to jail to await sentencing on Thursday after expressing remorse for running a Ponzi scheme.
smile to tears 笑出眼淚
simulate remorse
noun [U] FORMAL
a strong feeling of guilt and regret about something you have done:
He felt no remorse for the murders he had committed.
After the argument, she was filled with remorse.
adjective FORMAL
feeling regret and guilt
adverb FORMAL
adjective FORMAL
1 severe and showing no regret or guilt:
remorseless cruelty/violence
a remorseless judge
2 never stopping or impossible to stop:
the hurricane's remorseless approach
remorseless pressure to succeed
悔者 夙已為而今寧願不為: remorse[re・morse]
- 発音記号[rimɔ'ːrs] [名][U](…への)深い後悔, 悔恨, 良心のとがめ, 自責の念((for, at, of, about ...))
without remorse
無慈悲にも, 容赦なく
無慈悲にも, 容赦なく
tear (CRY)
noun [C usually plural]
a drop of salty liquid which flows from the eye, as a result of strong emotion, especially unhappiness, or pain:
tears of remorse/regret/happiness/joy/laughter
Did you notice the tears in his eyes when he talked about Diane?
Why do arguments with you always reduce me to tears (= make me cry)?
I won't shed (any) tears (= I will not be unhappy) when he goes, I can tell you!tearful
After a tearful farewell at the station, we went our separate ways.
Katy's always a bit tearful (= She tends to cry) when it's time to go back to school.
━━ n. (普通pl.) 涙; しずく; (pl.) 悲しみ.
in tears 泣いて.
with tears 涙ながらに.
tear bomb 催涙弾.
tear・drop 涙のしずく(状のもの).
━━ a. 涙ぐんだ; 悲しい.
tear・ful・ly ad.
tear・ful・ness n.
tear gas 催涙ガス.
tear・jerker 〔話〕 お涙ちょうだい物 ((映画・劇・物語など)).
tear・less ━━ a.
tear・less・ly ad.
tear・stained ━━ a. 涙にぬれ

tear・ful・ly ad.
tear・ful・ness n.

tear・less・ly ad.

noun [U]
the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or troubling situation:
a mood/sense of despair
They're in (the depths of) despair over/about the money they've lost.
To her teacher's despair, Nicole never does the work that she's told to do.
Their fourth year without rain drove many farmers to (= caused them to feel) despair.
verb [I]
to feel despair about something or someone:
Don't despair! We'll find a way out!
I despair at/over the policies of this government.
They began to despair of ever being rescued.
a despairing glance/cry
He rubbed his hand despairingly over his face.antics
plural noun
amusing, silly or strange behaviour:
But the rock-star whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars is older and wiser now.
The crowds were once again entertained by the number one tennis player's antics on and off the court.