OPINION | HUTT: What happened at The Game
Max Teirstein ‘21 describes a similarly chaotic and violent scene. When asked if the police treatment was fair, he told me that the police treatment was “not fair,” “totally out of proportion of what was going on” and “pretty disturbing.” When asked if he saw shoving or physical behavior, he responded, “I was shoved pretty hard. It was indiscriminate. It was everybody. Everywhere I looked somebody was getting shoved and thrown around by the police.” He also claimed that he heard and was the recipient of verbal threats from officers.
Max Teirstein ‘21 describes a similarly chaotic and violent scene. When asked if the police treatment was fair, he told me that the police treatment was “not fair,” “totally out of proportion of what was going on” and “pretty disturbing.” When asked if he saw shoving or physical behavior, he responded, “I was shoved pretty hard. It was indiscriminate. It was everybody. Everywhere I looked somebody was getting shoved and thrown around by the police.” He also claimed that he heard and was the recipient of verbal threats from officers.
google translate:
意見| HUTT:The Game發生了什麼
Max Teirstein ’21描述了類似的混亂暴力場面。 當被問及對警察的待遇是否公平時,他告訴我說,對警察的待遇“不公平”,“完全不符合所發生的事情的比例”和“相當令人不安”。當被問及看過推或肢體行為時,他 回應說:“我非常努力地被推。 這是不加區別的。 是每個人。 他還聲稱,他聽到了,並且是警察的口頭威脅的接受者。
Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmakers have been dragged out of the legislature chamber by security guards after heckling the city's pro-Beijing leader for a second day running, the latest outburst of political rancour in the strife-torn city.
Full story: http://u.afp.com/JDRm
WSJ Opinion: In 2016 Columbia grad students voted 1,602 to 623 for teaching and research assistants to unionize. After grad students in December demanded to collectively bargain, administrators told the union to shove off. Hmmm. Is Columbia President Lee Bollinger a closet Republican? writes The Editorial Board.

Columbia vs. United Auto Workers
Graduate assistants of the Ivy League, unite!
Paul Newman interview on playing Fast Eddie Felson in 'The Hustler' (1961)
A cartoon by Tom Cheney.
...should push come to shove, our guy (Simon) was smarter than your guy (X).
Jason Bissett hustles coins on the Ha'penny Bridge in Dublin. "If you hassle people, you should be arrested," he says. (By Mary Jordan -- The Washington Post)
Sarkozy departs Israel amid security scare
The closing ceremony of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's visit to
Israel has been interrupted by the suicide of an Israeli soldier.
The serviceman shot himself on the perimeter of the farewell
ceremony at Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion airport. Bodyguards hustled
Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy into their plane, while
other security men surrounded Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and
moved him quickly toward his car.
The Pope’s Real Message for Obama
By JOHN L. ALLEN Jr.The tendency may be to see the Vatican document on bioethics as a plan for resistance to the Obama administration. In reality, that amounts to trying to shove a square peg into the round hole of American politics.
BAGHDAD — Five American service members were killed at a counseling center on an American military base in Baghdad on Monday, gunned down by a fellow soldier who was later taken into custody, military officials said.
The association urged its members to cut off all loans to the academy and forgo any collaborations.
To the academy’s leadership, such censure was not only an indignity but also a shove for an institution on a financial precipice. The academy has been running a deficit for five years, and this year’s shortfall is estimated at around $1 million. It has a $4 million annual operating budget.
Solar energy
Seeing red
Jan 8th 2009
From The Economist print edition
From The Economist print edition
To make solar cells more efficient, sprinkle them with silver
MAKERS of solar cells face a dilemma. Purified silicon, the basic material of such cells, is expensive. The temptation, therefore, is to use less of it. As a result, the makers have developed a generation of cells whose silicon layers are only a micron or two deep, as opposed to the usual thickness of 200-300 microns. The thinner the cell, however, the less efficient it is. In particular, thin cells fail to capture much light at the red end of the spectrum. That means they produce up to 20% less electricity than standard cells of equivalent area. And that negates some of the advantage of their initial cheapness.
Idioms: see red
Become very angry, as in I saw red when I learned they had not invited Tom and his family. The precise allusion in this term is not known, but it probably refers to the longstanding association of the color red with passion and anger. [Colloquial; c. 1900]
G. Paul Burnett/The New York Times
Glamour Dims as Hecklers Hit Auto Shows
After receiving government bailout money, G.M. and Chrysler are finding somewhat hostile crowds at their exhibits. Above, Christine Alt Parry, a G.M. presenter.
I had hoped to see a serious duel, but it turned out to be more like a practice session at a dojo training hall. The combatants merely danced around each other amid constant, noisy heckling from both sides of the aisle.
Inside Europe | 12.01.2008 | 07:05
After receiving government bailout money, G.M. and Chrysler are finding somewhat hostile crowds at their exhibits. Above, Christine Alt Parry, a G.M. presenter.
Alcohol warnings in France have wine lovers seeing red
After advocating banning smoking in cafes and bars, the French government has now turned its health concerns to wine drinkers – at least pregnant ones.
A new law mandates that all wine bottles must carry a logo warning expectant mothers about the dangers of drinking alcohol. As Eleanor Beardsley reports the new health measure has many of the country’s wine lovers seeing red.
6 Historical Figures Whose Side Hustle Was Composing Music
Having a full time job is busy enough, but these notable names made daily life work while
composing on the side.
A side hustle is a way to make some extra cash that allows you flexibility to pursue what you're most interested in. It can also be your true passion – a chance to delve into fashion, travel or whatever it is you care about the most without quitting your day job.Dec 19, 2013
see red
to become very angry:
People who don't finish a job really make me see red.
verb [I or T]
to interrupt a public speech or performance with loud unfriendly statements or questions:
A few angry locals started heckling (the speaker).

━━ vt. 詰問する; (質問・野次などで)妨害する.
━━ n. 演説の妨害者.
noun [C]
The heckler was ejected from the hall by a couple of police officers.
A heckler is a person who harasses and tries to disconcert others with questions, challenges, or gibes. Wikipedia
to cause some
thing to have no effect and therefore to be useless:
The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.
A new law mandates that all wine bottles must carry a logo warning expectant mothers about the dangers of drinking alcohol. As Eleanor Beardsley reports the new health measure has many of the country’s wine lovers seeing red.
Having a full time job is busy enough, but these notable names made daily life work while
composing on the side.
A side hustle is a way to make some extra cash that allows you flexibility to pursue what you're most interested in. It can also be your true passion – a chance to delve into fashion, travel or whatever it is you care about the most without quitting your day job.Dec 19, 2013

A heckler is a person who harasses and tries to disconcert others with questions, challenges, or gibes. Wikipedia
to cause some
thing to have no effect and therefore to be useless:
verb [T]
to scatter a few bits or drops of something over a surface:
Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza./Sprinkle the pizza with a few herbs.
FIGURATIVE The speech was liberally sprinkled with (= contained many) jokes about the incident.
noun [C usually singular] (US ALSO sprinkling)
a very light fall of rain or snow which lasts only a short time
noun [C]
1 a piece of equipment for scattering water onto fires to put them out
2 a device with a lot of small holes which you put on the end of a hose in order to water plants, grass, etc.
sprinkling noun [C usually singular]
small bits or drops of something that are scattered over a surface:
Top each bowl with a generous sprinkling of fresh mint.
FIGURATIVE The audience were mainly women with a sprinkling (= a small number) of earnest-looking men.
FIGURATIVE Looking young for his forty years, he has just a sprinkling (= a small number) of grey hairs at the temples.
serviceman, service members 軍
shove (PUSH)
verb [I or T]to push someone or something forcefully:
She was jostled and shoved by an angry crowd as she left the court.
Just wait your turn - there's no need to shove.
Reporters pushed and shoved as they tried to get close to the princess.
noun [C]
when you shove someone or something:
Would you help me give the piano a shove?
a strong push.
"she gave him a hefty shove and he nearly fell"
▼通例take the ... and shove itの形で用いる. 「そんなものは自分のけつの穴にでも突っ込め」が原義
[WITH OBJECT]- 1Push (someone or something) roughly.‘they started pushing and shoving people out of the way’no object ‘kids pushed, kicked, and shoved’1.1no object, with adverbial of direction Make one's way by pushing someone or something.
- ‘Woolley shoved past him’
- 1.2with object and adverbial of place Put (something) somewhere carelessly or roughly.‘she shoved the books into her briefcase’
- 1.3shove itinformal Used to express angry dismissal of something.
- ‘I told the selectors to shove it’
shove off
phrasal verb of shove
- 1.informalgo away.
"shove off—you're bothering the customers"
synonyms: go away, depart, leave, take off, get out, get out of my sight; More
- 2.push away from the shore in a boat.
"we shoved off into the sound toward the island"
- 発音記号[ʃʌ'v]
1 [III[名]([副])/V[名][形]]〈物を〉(後ろから)押す, 押し動かす(⇒PUSH(他)1);〈物・人を〉(後ろから)乱暴に押す[突く], 乱暴に押しやる[のける]
3 ((比喩))…を押しのける, 押しつける, 押し通す.
4 〈いやな事・物を〉(他の人に)押しつける.
5 〈麻薬を〉売りさばく.
2 押し(わけて)進む((along, past, through));((略式))席をつめる((over, up, along)).
3 ((略式))(いやいや)立ち去る, 出発する.
shove a person around
shove it (up your ass)
((俗))((相手の申し出に対する強い拒絶))(そんなものは)くそくらえだ.▼通例take the ... and shove itの形で用いる. 「そんなものは自分のけつの穴にでも突っ込め」が原義
v., -tled, -tling, -tles. v.intr.
- To move or act energetically and rapidly: We hustled to get dinner ready on time.
- To push or force one's way.
- To act aggressively, especially in business dealings.
- Slang.
- To obtain something by deceitful or illicit means; practice theft or swindling.
- To solicit customers. Used of a pimp or prostitute.
- To misrepresent one's ability in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling.
- To push or convey in a hurried or rough manner: hustled the prisoner into a van.
- To cause or urge to proceed quickly; hurry: hustled the board into a quick decision.
- Slang.
- To sell or get by questionable or aggressive means: hustled stolen watches; hustling spare change.
- To pressure into buying or doing something: a barfly hustling the other customers for drinks.
- To misrepresent one's skill in (a game or activity) in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling: hustle pool.
- The act or an instance of jostling or shoving.
- Energetic activity; drive.
- Slang. An illicit or unethical way of doing business or obtaining money; a fraud or deceit: “the most dangerous and wide-open drug hustle of them all” (Newsweek).
[Dutch husselen, to shake, from Middle Dutch hustelen, frequentative of hutsen.]
hustler hus'tler n.hustle (PERSUADE)
to try to persuade someone, especially to buy something, often illegally:
to hustle for business/customers
They made a living hustling stolen goods on the streets.
1 someone who tries to deceive people into giving them money
2 a prostitute (= person who has sex for money):
The street was full of hustlers, drug addicts and pimps.
- 1.a person adept at aggressive selling or illicit dealing.
"small-time hustlers trying to sell their stuff" - 2.a prostitute.
Urban Dictionary: hustler
someone who knows how to get money from others. selling drugs,rolling dice,hus・tle
