Body-shamers try to tear her down, but Mirna is strong and can run for miles. 🏃♀️💪

Humankind Stories
“Fat” runner redefines fitness
Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?
People are getting killed because of their beliefs. Jews have a duty to speak up.
Wikipedia article "Charites".
The Obamas hate him, he says, because they don't want to fight the industry. "They've got a lot of enemies. I'm not mad at them. I actually kind of like them." On paper, Lustig is absolutely livid. "In America we have this thing, it's called the Declaration of Independence. We are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It doesn't say a damned fucking thing about the pursuit of pleasure." But he has seen how it worked with tobacco. It took a long time, he says, but industries can't poison people en masse for ever.
"We have to do something about it, or there will be no healthcare. In fact, there will be no society. Are you ready for that? That's what's gonna happen. It's just not OK. There will be no money left for anything else."
His predictions for world health are apocalyptically pessimistic. Yet in his bearing, he has the deep-rooted optimism of a person who knows the fight is worthwhile, and believes that, in the end, he'll win it.
Fat Chance is published by Fourth Estate at £8.99. To order a copy for £7.19 with free P&P, visit or call 0330 333 6846
Graces, in Greek mythology, personifications of beauty, charm, and grace; daughters of Zeus and the oceanid Eurynome. Also known as the Charites, they were usually three in number and were called Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne. The Graces were associated with Aphrodite and those gods associated with the arts, such as the Muses. In Rome they were called Gratiae.
"fat tax";《吸煙賽神仙》《胖之歌》 Richard Klein
body-shame definition: to criticize someone based on the shape, size, or appearance of their body:
n. Three beautiful goddesses, Aglaia, Thalia and Euphrosyne, who attended upon Venus, serving without salary. They were at no expense for board and clothing, for they ate nothing to speak of and dressed according to the weather, wearing whatever breeze happened to be blowing.
Greek and Roman goddesses of loveliness and charm. According to most stories, there were three of them. They were supposed to be invited to every banquet.
speak up
1 暗黙の〈了解など〉
tacit agreement [support]
2 無言の;しんとした
a tacit prayer
[ラテン語tacitus (tacēre黙る)]
Line breaks: fat
Pronunciation: /fat /
2Chemistry Any of a group of natural esters of glycerol and various fatty acids, which are solid at room temperature and are the main constituents of animal and vegetable fat:some 40 per cent of our daily calories are derived from dietary fatsCompare with oil.
ADJECTIVE ( fatter, fattest)
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VERB ( fats, fatting, fatted)
ARCHAICBack to top Origin
Old English fǣtt 'well fed, plump', also 'fatty, oily', of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vet and Germanfeist.