Her appearance at The Hague was neither a ringing defence of the army, nor any sort of admission of guilt
She has not changed very much

Aung San Suu Kyi has gone from hero to villain
Those who get the mulligrubs thinking about great old words dying can pungle up for a subscription to the Dictionary of American Regional English
Angela Merkel said she backed proposals for a eurozone budget and a Brussels-based finance minister, in a ringing endorsement of Emmanuel Macron’s vision for far-reaching reform of the single currency area.
Read more: http://on.ft.com/2wFBDQy
Her appearance at The Hague was neither a ringing defence of the army, nor any sort of admission of guilt
She has not changed very much

Aung San Suu Kyi has gone from hero to villain
Those who get the mulligrubs thinking about great old words dying can pungle up for a subscription to the Dictionary of American Regional English
Angela Merkel said she backed proposals for a eurozone budget and a Brussels-based finance minister, in a ringing endorsement of Emmanuel Macron’s vision for far-reaching reform of the single currency area.
What’s Next for the New York Subway? Toronto Knows
Open-gangway trains were introduced in Toronto nearly five years ago, and riders have given them a ringing endorsement. Now officials in New York are embracing the design.
【日經BP社報導】美國IBM以該公司的專利被侵害為由,向美國國際貿易委員會(International Trade Commission:ITC)起訴台灣華碩電腦(ASUSTek Computer)及其北美子公司Asus Computer International(英文發佈資料)。IBM稱華碩等的電腦產品及部件侵害了IBM的3項專利,要求禁止相關產品及部件銷往美國。
IBM還表示,之前曾多次嘗試與華碩等簽訂專利授權合約。“華碩若不與IBM簽訂專利授權合約,就必須停止使用與IBM擁有的專利相關的技術”(IBM)。(記者:迦納 徵子) ■
日文原文 米IBM社が台灣ASUSTeK Computer社らを提訴,コンピュータ製品などの特許侵害を主張
IBM Files ITC Complaint against ASUSTeK
ARMONK, N.Y. - 06 Dec 2007: IBM today announced it has filed a complaint against ASUSTeK (based in Taiwan) and its North American subsidiary, ASUS Computer International, with the United States International Trade Commission.
The complaint details the infringement of IBM patents by certain ASUSTeK computer products and components, and requests an exclusion order against the importation of infringing ASUSTeK computer products and components into the United States.
IBM has made repeated attempts to reach a licensing agreement between the companies. IBM’s position has been -- and remains -- that ASUSTeK either must license or stop using IBM's patented technology.
IBM’s complaint identifies three patents that are infringed by ASUSTeK products imported into the U.S. These three patents cover important aspects of computer systems, including power supplies, computer cooling and computer clustering capabilities.
The infringing ASUSTeK computer products include notebook computers, so-called barebones computer systems, servers, routers and various computer components.
IBM annually invests billions of dollars in research and development and has extensive patents and other intellectual property in areas including personal computing, servers, networking, semiconductors and other computer components.
The specific patents asserted in the IBM complaint are:
1. U.S. Patent No. 5,008,829:
Personal computer power supply
2. U.S. Patent No. 5,249,741:
Automatic fan speed control
3. U.S. Patent No. 5,371,852:
Method and apparatus for making a cluster of computers appear as a single host on a network
The United States International Trade Commission is an independent federal agency with authority to bar the importation of products that infringe U.S. patents.
Contact(s) information
Ari Fishkind IBM Media Relations 914-945-2319 fishkind@us.ibm.com
[NO OBJECT]dialect, archaic- Complain or sulk.‘it's too late to mulligrub about it’
the mulligrubsdialect, archaic
- Feelings of melancholy, sullenness, or depression.‘another attack of the mulligrubs’‘he was down in the mulligrubs’
- 1.having or emitting a clear resonant sound.
"a ringing voice"
- 1.an act or sound of ringing.
"the ringing of fire alarms"
2. a ringing endorsement. a statement that is made with a lot of force in support of something : a ringing endorsement of the proposals.
ringing 【形】 鳴り響く 〔発言・宣言・支持などが〕高らかな、力強い、断固たる 【名】
noun [C] LEGAL
a person who makes a formal complaint in a court of law