“The announcement that our administrator sent to staff last night was less a rescinding of anything than it was a clarification,” Christopher Bentley, director of communications for the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, told Scientific American.
實際的標題比他回憶中的還要刻薄,叫搞笑男帶着幾個廁所笑話歸來’[Gag Man Returns With A Few Bathroom Jokes
'That's Disgusting: Unraveling the Mysteries of Repulsion'
A Brown University psychologist looks into the revolting science of everything that makes us gag.
Silvio Berlusconi is said to be under investigation for attempting to gag
critical media
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is reportedly under investigation
for trying to axe a critical TV show. Prosecutors have allegedly tapped him
pressuring the country's media watchdog to block the show.
The DW-WORLD Article
This, of course, is the declaration of a woman who will never escape the whip hand of her intellect, who will do graduate work and teach for a while. It may have been partly in flight from her sexuality that a year later, after she had transferred to the University of Chicago, the 17-year-old Sontag became engaged to sociologist Philip Rieff, 37, whom she had met only 10 days before.
WordNet: whip hand
Meaning #1: position of advantage and control
Synonym: upper hand
v., gagged, gag·ging, gags. v.tr.
- To prevent from speaking or crying out by using a gag.
- To stop or restrain from exercising free speech: censorship laws aimed at gagging the press.
- To cause to choke, retch, or undergo a regurgitative spasm.
- To keep (the mouth) open by using a gag.
- To block off or obstruct (a pipe or valve, for example).

Definition of gag
nounverb (gags, gagging, gagged)
3 (be gagging for) informal, chiefly British be very eager to have or do (something):I’m absolutely gagging for a pint we’ll be sitting in front of the TV at five to seven next Saturday evening, gagging for the next instalment
Definition of gag
[no object]bound and gagged with hands and feet tied and something (such as a piece of cloth) put into or over the mouth The hostages were found bound and gagged.
Pronunciation: /ˈgagˌman/
Entry from US Dictionary
(also gag man)