How Facebook Warps Our Worlds
By FRANK BRUNI May 24, 2016
弗蘭克·布魯尼 2016年5月24日
THOSE who’ve been raising alarms about Facebook are right: Almost every minute that we spend on our smartphones and tablets and laptops, thumbing through favorite websites and scrolling through personalized feeds, we’re pointed toward foregone conclusions. We’re pressured to conform.
That's right. Keep on scrolling through your newsfeed.
Google, Retailers in Fast-Delivery Talks
Google is in talks to create a service that lets consumers pay a low fee to receive goods from online orders within a day -- a potential strike against Amazon.
Lamar McKay, the president of BP America, would not say whether the company would place funds in an escrow account to handle future claims for economic and ecological damages, as many in Congress and the administration are demanding.
Bake sale organiser Madeline Price writes for The Guardian on#cupcakegate2016 at #feministweek. WARNING: Includes screengrabs and direct quotes of some of the threats made by male students in #cupcakegate.
Google Street View does not breach privacy laws
guardian.co.uk - UK
A screengrab from Google Street View, an application that allows one to take a virtual walk along the street, with 360 degreee perspective from the point of ...
With Congressional Republicans blocking his agenda, the president has been using executive powers to enact measures: on the environment, education, drug shortages and making recess appointments.
Recession Fears Recede as Economy Grows 2.5%
The economy grew 2.5% in the third quarter, a quick enough pace to blunt fears that the U.S. is about to plunge into recession again but not fast enough to signal that the halting recovery is about to get on a roll.
U.S. to Allow G.M. to Use Federal Loans to Invest in Delphi
General Motors will use $1.7 billion in a federal escrow account to buy an interest in Delphi, the parts maker it used to own.
- 発音記号[risés, ríːses]
[名](複 〜・es)
1 [U][C]休み;休憩, 休廷, 休会, 休校;(法廷・議会などの)休会[休廷]期間;((米))(学校の)休憩時間(((英))break)
a spring recess
an hour's recess for lunch
at recess
during the noon recess
be in recess
休暇[休会, 休廷]中である
休暇[休会, 休廷]中である
take a [go into] recess
2 (海岸・山岳などの)凹(おう)部, 引っ込んでいる部分, (部屋などの)凹所, 床の間;《解剖学》空洞, 凹所
a recess under the staircase
3 ((〜es))奥深い所, 隠所;(心の)奥底;奥義
in the innermost recesses of one's heart
1 …を奥まった所に置く[隠す];…に凹所を作る, をへこませる
recess a bookshelf into the wall
2 ((米))…を休会させる, 中断させる.
━━(自)((米))休憩する, 休会[休廷, 休校]する.
[ラテン語recessus(引きさがること, ひっこんだ場所). △RECEDE]- recession
- [名]1 [U][C]((主に米))一時的不景気, 景気後退.2 [U]撤退, 後退, 退去;(宗教儀式のあとの)退場.3 (壁などの)引っ込んだ部分, 凹(おう)所, くぼみ.
- recession
- [名][U](所有権の)返還, 還付.
- recessional
- [形]1 (礼拝式後の)牧師・聖歌隊の退場の.2 (議会などの)休会(期間)の.━━[名]退去[退場]讃美歌;その曲.
- recessionary
- [形]景気後退の.
- recessionproof
- [形]不景気に強い.
- recessive
- [形]1 後退する;後退傾向の;逆行[退行]性の.2 《遺伝学》劣性の recessive gene劣性遺伝子.━━[名]《遺伝学》劣性形質.re・ces・sive・ly[副]re・ces・si...
on a roll Informal.
- Undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success: "The stock market's on a roll" (Karen Pennar).
es·crow (ĕs'krō', ĕ-skrō')

Money, property, a deed, or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified.
tr.v., -crowed, -crow·ing, -crows.
To place in escrow.
━━ n. 【法】(条件付き)第三者預託証書[金], エスクロー.

━━ vt. エスクローとして第三者に預託する.
in escrow
- In trust as an escrow.
screen grab
plural noun: screen grabs
- a frame of television or video footage that is digitized and stored as a still image for subsequent display, editing, or printing."a screen grab from Wednesday's programme"
screen capture
Transferring the current on-screen image to a graphics file or the clipboard. In Windows, pressing certain keyboard commands copies either the current window or entire screen to the clipboard, the contents of which has to be pasted into an application to view or print it (see Win Print screen). The Mac has key commands for copying a window, a selected part of the screen or the entire screen either to the clipboard or a new file on the desktop (see Mac Print screen).
There are also numerous screen capture (screen grabber) programs that offer many more sophisticated capabilities such as extracting only the text from a window. Some programs can capture the contents of scrollable windows.
es·crow (ĕs'krō', ĕ-skrō')

Money, property, a deed, or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified.
tr.v., -crowed, -crow·ing, -crows.
To place in escrow.
in escrow
- In trust as an escrow.
- A roll, as of parchment or papyrus, used especially for writing a document.
- An ancient book or volume written on such a roll.
- A list or schedule of names.
- An ornament or ornamental design that resembles a partially rolled scroll of paper, as the volute in Ionic and Corinthian capitals.
- Music. The curved head on an instrument of the violin family.
- Heraldry. A ribbon inscribed with a motto.
v., scrolled, scroll·ing, scrolls. v.tr.
- To inscribe on a scroll.
- To roll up into a scroll.
- To ornament with a scroll.
- Computer Science. To cause (displayed text or graphics) to move up, down, or across the screen so that a line of text or graphics appears at one edge of the screen for each line that moves off the opposite edge: scroll a document; scroll a page of text.
- To cause displayed text or graphics to move up, down, or across the screen: scrolled down to the end of the document.
- To appear onscreen and roll by: "The information scrolls so fast it's unreadable" (Creative Computing).
[Middle English scrowle, alteration (influenced by rolle, roll) of scrowe, from Old French escroue, escroe, strip of parchment, scroll, of Germanic origin.]