The ideas and legacy of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu 《區分:判斷力的社會批判》Distinction:A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
Unlike Chinese scholarship based on Western liberal-democratic models, which was and remains prone to censorship, Chinese aficionados of Schmitt’s ‘friend-enemy’ distinction and his critique of parliamentary democracy were unimpeded in their pursuits.
Start spreading the news: NYU hosted a record-breaking 19,600 international students last school year. And in 2017-18, we sent 4,793 students to study away. That's more than any other American college or university—a distinction we've held for 17 consecutive years. 🌎
Guru remanded over 'sex assault'
The two companies are vying to become the primary gateway to the Internet. Google has long served as a destination to find websites and information; Facebook, to share gossip and photos with friends. But those distinctions are increasingly blurring, and billions in advertising dollars are at stake.這兩家公司目前正在相互競爭﹐都希望成為通往互聯網的首要門戶。長期以來﹐谷歌一直是人們尋找網站和信息的選擇﹐而Facebook則是與朋友聊八卦和分享圖片的地方。但這些差別現在越來越模糊﹐而這關係著數十億美元的廣告業務。
It is this jaundice about the limits of public trust that transfigures this MTDC poster's audience from being Rousseau's heirs, "forced to be free," to being Foucault's modernist heroes, who make a "voluntary choice" to invent themselves in contradistinction to the many Narayan Ekenaths who still populate their world.
Wide Access to Morning-After Pill Is Rejected by Health Chief
In a first, the health secretary overruled a Food and Drug Administration decision that emergency contraceptives be sold over the counter, including to those younger than 17.

Capable of preventing conception.
A device, drug, or chemical agent that prevents conception.
(jôn'dĭs, jän'-)

- Yellowish discoloration of the whites of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes caused by deposition of bile salts in these tissues. It occurs as a symptom of various diseases, such as hepatitis, that affect the processing of bile. Also called icterus.
- A state or feeling of negativity or bitterness arising especially from envy or world-weariness.
- To affect with the discoloration of jaundice.
- To affect with the negativity or bitterness of jaundice. See synonyms at bias.
[Middle English jaundis, jaunis, from Old French jaunice, yellowness, jaundice, from jaune, jalne, yellow, from Latin galbinus, yellowish.]
- 音節
- dis • tinc • tion
- 発音
- distíŋkʃən
- distinctionの変化形
- distinctions (複数形)
3 相違(点);差異, 食い違い.
4 [U][C]特徴, 特質;(人・建物などの)目立つ外観[容貌(ようぼう)];(文体などの)風格
5 [U][C]優遇;名誉, 優秀な成績;栄誉の印, 勲章
7 [U](テレビの)鮮明度.contradistiction

Distinction by contrasting or opposing qualities.
contradistinctive con'tra·dis·tinc'tive adj.
contradistinctively con'tra·dis·tinc'tive·ly adv.
今天為大家介紹 countermand ,它源自古法語 contremander ,今天的法文部分就是介紹這個古法語字彙。至於對應的當代法語字彙,可使用 contrordre, annuler 。今日字彙由表示「相反(方向或目的等)、反對」之義的字首 counter-, contre- 與表示「命令」之 mand, mander 組成。由 counter- 組成的複合字通常不加連字符號( - ),但是法文由 contre- 組成的複合字加不加連字符號,似乎不相上下,甚至字典之間常有出入,其中之規則我不了解。因為字首 counter-, contre- 源自拉丁字首 contr(a)- ,所以表示「相反、反對」之義的字彙,有些是保留了拉丁字首的形式,例如 contraceptive, contradistinction, contrabassoon, contrarotatif, contravis 。今日字彙的其他相關資料請參考《我的英漢辭典》和《我的法漢辭典》。
Pronunciation: /rɪˈmɑːnd/
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