A Clerk of Oxford
"For he would rather have at his bedside twenty books of Aristotle, bound in black or red leather, than any amount of rich clothes or expensive musical instruments."— Geoffrey Chaucer in THE CANTERBURY TALES, which he first read aloud on this day in 1397.
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Yale Daily NewsUNIVERSITY | "Now that one fifth of the federal judiciary has been appointed by the Trump administration, many progressive law students have expressed reluctance to apply for clerkships with Trump appointees, who trend conservative.
Earlier this month, the Boston Globe reported that Harvard Law School reached out to students urging them to pursue clerkships with Trump appointed judges, as some appointees had not received any applications from Harvard. Several Yale Law School students interviewed by the News said that many liberal students are often reluctant to clerk for conservative Trump appointees. Because judges also hire clerks at their discretion — often selecting those with similar political beliefs — conservative law students have had an easier time obtaining highly competitive clerkships, they said."
John Besche reports.
| Progressive law students speak about clerking for Trump appointees John Besche Progressive law students speak about clerking for Trump appointees John Besche Staff Reporter Now that one fifth of the federal judiciary has been appointed by the Trump administration, many progressive law stude...

Progressive law students speak about clerking for Trump appointees
醫學院去實習的u 1/2年: clerkship
In medical education, a clerkship, or rotation, refers to the practice of medicine by medical students during their latter years of study. Usually, the first half of medical school trains students in the classroom setting, and the second half takes place in a teaching hospital. Clerkships give students experiences in all parts of the hospital setting, including the operating room, emergency department, and various other departments that allow learning by viewing and doing.
During this training, students are required to rotate through different medical specialties and treat patients under the supervision of physicians. Students elicit patient histories, complete physical examinations, write progress notes, and assist in surgeries and medical procedures. The work hours are that of a full-time job, generally similar to that of residents. Students may also be required work on weekends and to be on call.
United States
It would be a grave mistake to imagine that the paramilitary troops, the Rajnandgaon air base, the Bilaspur brigade headquarters, the unlawful activities act, the Chhattisgarh special public security act and Operation Green Hunt are all being put in place just to flush out a few thousand Maoists from the forests. In all the talk of Operation Green Hunt, whether or not Chidambaram goes ahead and "presses the button", I detect the kernel of a coming state of emergency. (Here's a maths question: If it takes 600,000 soldiers to hold down the tiny valley of Kashmir, how many will it take to contain the mounting rage of hundreds of millions of people?)
Instead of narco-analysing Kobad Ghandy, the recently arrested Maoist leader, it might be a better idea to talk to him.
In the meanwhile, will someone who's going to the climate change conference in Copenhagen later this year please ask the only question worth asking: Can we leave the bauxite in the mountain?
Alcoa is among the world's top producers of alumina (aluminum's principal ingredient, processed from bauxite) and aluminum. Its vertically integrated operations include bauxite mining, alumina refining, and aluminum smelting; primary products include alumina and its chemicals, automotive components, and sheet aluminum for beverage cans.
alum, alumnus
ALUM | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionary
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › alum
short for alumnus : someone who worked for a particular organization, was involved in a particular TV show, etc., earlier in their working life:.
noun [U] (US aluminum)
a light metallic element which is silver in colour and used especially for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts:
an aluminium saucepan
Cover the fish with aluminium foil and cook over a low heat for 4 to 5 minutes.
We take all our aluminium cans for recycling.


━━ n. 【化】アルミン酸塩.

━━ n. 【鉱】ボーキサイト.
((女性形))clerkess[clerk, ((女性形))clerk・ess]
- 発音記号[klə'ːrk | klɑ'ːk]
1 (会社の)事務員
a bank clerk
2 ((米古風))店員, 販売員(salesclerk, ((英))shop assistant);((米))(部屋の割り当てなどをするホテルの)事務員(room clerk).
3 (裁判所・議会などの)書記, 事務員, 吏員;教会書記[事務員].
4 ((古))聖職者, 牧師.
5 ((古))読み書きできる人;学者.
a clerk of (the) works
━━[動](自)((米略式))事務員[書記, 店員]として働く.
[教会ラテン語clēricus(聖職者). 教会用語がその後一般化した. △CLERIC, CLERGY]