With the unveiling of the next-generation iPhone scheduled for the week of Sept. 9, analysts are beginning to hazard guesses as to how many of them Apple might conceivably sell. Not surprisingly, the consensus is "lots."
吳炳鍾教授抱怨翻譯,譬如說 ,VENTURE和 ENTERPRISE 的翻譯都沒有考慮其原意中有的風險 RISK因素。
Accessory Makers Hope to Profit Off iPad
A month before Apple's iPad tablet computer is due to ship, accessory makers are lining up cases, batteries and other products in the hopes of profiting off the device.
From Davos, Mr Wen took his ebullient message to London where he spoke of “light at the end of the tunnel”. In China the government issued a document which ventured that 2009 would be “possibly the toughest year” so far this decade for the economy (annual growth has not dipped below 8% in this period and has mostly been in double digits).

- An undertaking that is dangerous, daring, or of uncertain outcome.
- A business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain.
- Something, such as money or cargo, at hazard in a risky enterprise.
v., -tured, -tur·ing, -tures. v.tr.
- To expose to danger or risk: ventured her entire fortune.
- To brave the dangers of: ventured the high seas in a small boat.
- To express at the risk of denial, criticism, or censure: "I would venture to guess that Anon., who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman" (Virginia Woolf).
- To take a risk; dare.
- To proceed despite possible danger or risk: ventured into the wilderness.
at a venture
- By mere chance or fortune; at random.
[Middle English, chance, short for aventure, adventure. See adventure.]
venturer ven'tur·er n.verb [I usually + adverb or preposition; T] FORMAL
to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk saying something that might be criticized:
She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries at the corner shop.
As we set off into the forest, we felt as though we were venturing (forth) into the unknown.
She tentatively ventured the opinion that the project would be too expensive to complete, but the boss ignored her.
━━ n. 冒険(的事業); 投機; かけた物[金].
at a venture 冒険的に; でたらめに.
━━ v. 危険にさらす, かける ((on)); 思い切ってする[述べる]; 大胆にも…する; 危険を冒してやって見る ((on, upon)); 思い切って行く[来る,進む].
venture business ベンチャービジネス[企業].
venture capital ハイ・リスクの資本, べンチャー(・ビジネス投下)資本.
venture capitalist べンチャー・ビジネスへの投資家.

━━ n. 冒険者; 投機家.
venture scout 〔英〕 ヴェンチャースカウト ((ボーイスカウトの年長団員)).
ven・ture・some ━━ a. 冒険的な, 大胆な; 危険な.
ven・ture・some・ly ad.
ven・ture・some・ness n.

━━ a. =venturesome.

━━ v. 危険にさらす, かける ((on)); 思い切ってする[述べる]; 大胆にも…する; 危険を冒してやって見る ((on, upon)); 思い切って行く[来る,進む].

venture capitalist べンチャー・ビジネスへの投資家.

ven・ture・some・ly ad.
ven・ture・some・ness n.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. SAYING
You have to take a risk in order to obtain something advantageous.
- An advantageous gain or return; benefit.
- The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.
- The return received on an investment after all charges have been paid. Often used in the plural.
- The rate of increase in the net worth of a business enterprise in a given accounting period.
- Income received from investments or property.
- The amount received for a commodity or service in excess of the original cost.
v., -it·ed, -it·ing, -its. v.intr.
- To make a gain or profit.
- To derive advantage; benefit: profiting from the other team's mistakes. See synonyms at benefit.
To be beneficial to.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin prōfectus, from past participle of prōficere, make progress, to profit : prō-, forward; see pro-1 + facere, to make.]
profitless prof'it·less adj.enterprise[en・ter・prise]
- 発音記号[éntərpràiz] [名]
1 (重要なまたは困難な)事業;仕事の企画, 事業計画
embark on a new enterprise
2 [U](事業・企てへの)参加, 従事;(目的を持った)活動;冒険心, 進取の気性, 活力, 精力
a man of enterprise
企業心に富む人, 進取的な人.
企業心に富む人, 進取的な人.
3 企業, 会社, 商事会社, 商会;[U]事業経営のやり方
[中フランス語←ラテン語interprēnsus (inter-間に+prehendereつかむ+-tus=間で心がつかまれること→企業心). △PRIZE3, SURPRISE]
a private [a government] enterprise
medium and small-sized enterprises

- An undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk.
- A business organization.
- Industrious, systematic activity, especially when directed toward profit: Private enterprise is basic to capitalism.
- Willingness to undertake new ventures; initiative: "Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling, and spending their lives like serfs" (Henry David Thoreau).
[Middle English, from Old French entreprise, from past participle of entreprendre, to undertake : entre-, between (from Latin inter-; see inter-) + prendre, to take (from Latin prehendere, prēndere).]
enterpriser en'ter·pris'er n.hazard[haz・ard]
- 発音記号[hǽzərd][名]
4 《ゴルフ》ハザード:コース内の川・池・バンカーなどのプレー上の障害物.
5 [U]ハザード:昔の英国のサイコロ賭博(とばく).
6 《コートテニス》(ボールを打ち込むと得点になる)コート側壁の穴.
7 (英国式ビリヤードで)ハザード.
(1) 指定した突き玉をポケットに入れるゲーム.
(2) 別の玉に当てたあとに手玉をポケットに入れるゲーム.
(1) 指定した突き玉をポケットに入れるゲーム.
(2) 別の玉に当てたあとに手玉をポケットに入れるゲーム.
[古フランス語. もとはスペイン語で「不幸なサイコロ」. アラビア語al zahr (al定冠詞+zahrサイコロ)にさかのぼる]