A Florida kennel that's normally packed with stray and abandoned dogs was filled instead with cheering staff and volunteers — all of the animals have found new homes
The newly appointed poet laureate of the US, Juan Felipe Herrera, talks about his upbringing as a "campesino" in California, the role of poetry in political life, and Allen Ginsberg
Pronunciation: /ˌkampəˈsiːnəʊ/
Definition of campesino in English:
noun ( plural campesinos ˌkampəˈsiːnəʊz)
1. One who is the center of attraction or interest.
2. One serving for guidance or direction.
Originally the term was applied to the constellation Ursa Minor or the North Star (Polaris) that was used in navigation. The term is derived from Latin Cynosura (Ursa Minor), from Greek kynosoura (dog's tail), ultimately from the Indo-European root kwon- (dog) that is also the source of canine, chenille (from French chenille: caterpillar, literally, little dog), cynic, kennel, canary, hound, dachshund, and corgi
"If Bipasha became the cynosure of all eyes, Payal too hogged the limelight." — Dancing Their Way to the Bank; Economic Times (New Delhi, India); Dec 31, 2006.
- [ sáinəʃùər | -sjùə]
1 ((文))(卓抜さなどで)他人の注意を引くもの, 注目[感嘆, 興味]の的.
2 道しるべ, 指針.hog
v., hogged, hog·ging, hogs. v.tr.
- Informal. To take more than one's share of: Don't hog the couch.
- To cause (the back) to arch like that of a hog.
- To cut (a horse's mane) short and bristly.
- To shred (waste wood, for example) by machine.
Nautical. To arch upward in the middle. Used of a ship's keel.
- A shelter for a dog.
- A pack of dogs, especially hounds. See synonyms at flock1.
- An establishment where dogs are bred, trained, or boarded.
- The lair of a wild animal, such as a fox.
v., -neled, or -nelled, -nel·ing, or -nel·ling, -nels, or -nels. v.tr.
To place or keep in or as if in a kennel.
To take cover or lie in or as if in a kennel.
[Middle English kenel, from Anglo-Norman *kenil, from Medieval Latin canīle, from Latin canis, dog.]
ken·nel2 (kĕn'əl)

A gutter along a street.
1 犬小屋;((しばしば〜s))((英))犬舎:犬の繁殖・飼育・訓練および委託飼育を行う.
2 動物(特にキツネ)の巣[穴, ねぐら].
3 ((米))ペット預り所.
4 みすぼらしい家, あばら屋;とばく宿.
5 (猟犬などの)群.
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing or((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)
1 〈犬を〉犬小屋に入れる[入れて飼う].
2 〈人に〉粗末な住居をあてがう.
[アングロフランス語←俗ラテン語canīle (canis犬+-īle場所を示す語尾). △仏chien(犬)]