A US Navy hospital ship currently docked in New York City harbor is treating only 22 patients as of Friday afternoon ... The USNS Comfort was deployed to New York City, the epicenter of the virus outbreak in the United States, ...
安慰號醫療船(USNS Comfort T-AH-20)服役於1987年,是美國第三艘被命名為「安慰」的美國海軍艦艇,是一艘醫療船,由油輪改裝而來
コンフォート (USNS Comfort, T-AH-20) は、アメリカ海軍の病院船。マーシー級病院船の2番艦。その名を持つ艦としては3隻目である。
★如果你尋求真理,你最後會找到安慰;如果你尋找安慰,你既得不到安慰也得不著真理,卻只啟開了諂媚之詞及如意算盤,到終了,只有絕望。--C.S. Lewis (translated by Catherine Yen)
If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.
C. S. Lewis
音節com・fort 発音記号・読み方/kˈʌmfɚt|‐fət/発音を聞く
動詞 他動詞
comfort food noun [C or U]
the type of food which people eat when they are sad or anxious, often sweet food or food that people ate as children
Food that is simply prepared and associated with a sense of home or contentment.
"......直到現在,肉鬆拌稀飯仍是我的「療癒食物」(comfort food),我只要身體有恙,就只想吃這一味。....." (以粥養生 韓良憶 (人間副刊.20070911)
Comfort food is an increasingly prominent concept in the twenty-first century. Indeed, as a consequence of the term's increased use in the English language (likely a response to increasingly stressful living conditions), the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary added "comfort food" to its list of 1997 entries, defining it as "food that comforts or affords solace; hence any food (frequently with a high sugar or carbohydrate content) that is associated with childhood or with home cooking." That same year Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary added "comfort food" to the tenth edition, defining it as "food prepared in a traditional style having a usually nostalgic or sentimental appeal." Comfort food may be best thought of as any food consumed by individuals, often during periods of stress, that evokes positive emotions and is associated with significant social relationships.
(Soul Food) ソウルフードとは、一般的にその国の国民にとって、日常の食生活において欠かすことのできない食材・あるいは食物を指す言葉である。
