A new tool from Columbia Public Health researchers maps healthcare capacity in counties across the U.S. with populations particularly vulnerable to severe COVID-19 infection.
the game is up
Also, the jig is up. The trick or deception has been exposed. For example, When they took inventory they realized what was missing, and the game was up for the department head. This expression dates from the mid-1800s and uses up in the sense of "over" or "lost." The variant employs jig in the sense of "trickery," a usage dating from about 1600.
China's playing down the severity of a nationwide pandemic — bringing back uncomfortable memories of SARS.
Deepening Cycle of Job Loss Seen Lasting Into ’09
Experts say the troubles dogging the economy will be stubborn, leaving in place a combination of tight credit and scant job opportunities perhaps well into next year.
Obama Blueprint Deepens Federal Role in Markets
Plan to Overhaul Financial Regulation Focuses on Consumer Protection, Risk
(By Binyamin Appelbaum and David Cho, The Washington Post)
Human trafficking, a form of slavery, is one of the most severe violations of human rights.
The freezing up of the financial markets will, if it goes on much longer, lead to a severe reduction in overall lending, causing business investment to go the way of home construction — and that will mean a recession, possibly a nasty one.
In particular, under the prevailing severe fiscal circumstances of the medical insurance system, we must lose no time in reforming our medical care system into a sustainable one.
The Fed Weighs In
Rate cuts alone are unlikely to provide a powerful enough fix, especially given the severe problems in the housing market. Patients' agitation and hallucinations often drive relatives and nursing homes to resort to additional, powerful drugs approved for other diseases like schizophrenia , drugs that can deepen the oblivion and cause severe side effects like diabetes, stroke and movement disorders.
verb [T] -gg-
to cause difficulties:
Technical problems dogged our trip from the outset.
showing or needing serious thought; not easy to understand:
His films are generally a bit deep for me.
See also depth (SERIOUSNESS).
verb [I or T]
It certainly helped to deepen (= make more serious) my understanding of the situation.
厳しい ((on, with)); 激しい; 辛らつな; (病気が)重い; 困難な; 厳粛な;
severe (VERY SERIOUS) Show phonetics
1 causing very great pain, difficulty, anxiety, damage, etc.; very serious:
a severe chest infection/a severe leg injury/severe toothache
This is a school for children with severe learning difficulties.
In parts of Africa there is a severe food/water shortage.
There is expected to be a severe frost tonight.
Severe cutbacks in public spending have been announced.

2 extreme or very difficult:
This will be a severe test of our strength.
Their daughter was severely injured in a car accident.
severely disabled/handicapped
Job opportunities are severely limited/restricted at the moment.
noun [U]
Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries.
I don't think you quite understand the severity of our financial problems.
severe (NOT KIND)
not kind or sympathetic; not willing to accept other people's mistakes or failures:
The headteacher spoke in a severe voice.
The government is currently facing severe criticism.
There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your income to the tax authorities.
I was severely reprimanded by my boss.
"I will not allow that kind of behaviour in my class, " the teacher said severely.
noun [U]
He spoke with great severity.
The severity of the punishment should match the seriousness of the crime.
severe (PLAIN)
adjective OFTEN DISAPPROVING (文体が)引きしまった, (芸術作品など)渋い, 簡素な.
completely plain and without decoration:
She wore a severe black dress, and plain black shoes.
I don't like these severe modern buildings.
She dresses very severely.
noun [U]