《果籽》預告 // 04
組成Gadget Guy為介紹科技潮物帶出玩味 -
A new book suggests that parents should pay interest on money children choose to save and institute 'tax incentives' to encourage them. But shouldn't we be teaching them that not worrying about money too much is a better attitude than thinking about it all the time?
Why I try to teach my children that life isn’t all about money
Being too concerned about cash is a kind of sickness
Nokia Discerns Hope in New Phone
In the first test of Nokia Chief Executive Stephen Elop's turnaround plan, the handset maker said sales of its first Windows smartphones were off to a good start even as its overall shipments continued to slide.
is to show extraordinary discernment of all time
v., -cerned, -cern·ing, -cerns. v.tr.
- To have to do with or relate to: an article that concerns the plight of homeless people.
- To be of interest or importance to: This problem concerns all of us.
- To engage the attention of; involve: We concerned ourselves with accomplishing the task at hand.
- To cause anxiety or uneasiness in: The firm's weak financial posture is starting to concern its stockholders.
To be of importance.
- A matter that relates to or affects one. See synonyms at affair.
- Regard for or interest in someone or something.
- A troubled or anxious state of mind arising from solicitude or interest. See synonyms at anxiety.
- A business establishment or enterprise; a firm.
- A contrivance; a gadget.
[Middle English concernen, from Old French concerner, from Medieval Latin concernere, from Late Latin, to mingle together : Latin com-, com- + Latin cernere, to sift.]
Definition of concerned in English:
Spirit, Holy :聖神;聖靈;天主第三位:聖父、聖子、聖神是三位一體的天主,而聖神是三位一體天主的第三位。同 Holy Ghost 。
spiritism :通靈術(論);降神術;招魂術:與相識的死者溝通,如臺灣之乩童,使亡魂附體而與活人交談。魔鬼有此能耐。
spirits, discernment of :辨別神類:清楚指出一些善神(天主或天使)與惡神(魔鬼)的行動特徵,是靈修術語。聖羅耀拉.納爵對此很有經驗。其心理過程是:由外在經驗、感受去瞭解事物,透過反省、審斷就採取行動。
v., -cerned, -cern·ing, -cerns. v.tr.
- To perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect.
- To recognize or comprehend mentally.
- To perceive or recognize as being different or distinct; distinguish. See synonyms at see1.
To perceive differences.
[Middle English discernen, from Old French discerner, from Latin discernere, to separate : dis-, apart; see dis- + cernere, to perceive.]
discerner dis·cern'er n.Gadget(găj'ĭt)

A small specialized mechanical or electronic device; a contrivance.
[Origin unknown.]
gadgety gadg'et·y adj.C.F. DURABLE GOODS